You should have finished the job. I know what has to be done. You taught me how. Welcome to prison.
All of the first stories of your kind meeting ours were cautionary tales - why would you ever think we should feel comfortable in your presence? We learned our lesson. Must we teach one?
All myths are true, to a given value of both "myth" and "true". And "all".
I get it - blood is life. What I don't get - needing any sort of pretense beyond "I don't want to starve" for a political structure. We could work together - or you can starve when you're exposed and running. Make a wise choice.
The only part of you that can burn in Hell is the part of you that can't let go. I understand that quite a lot and know you know it better than anyone else could or will. Teach.. or vanish. We have no time for anything else.
The planet deserves better. Remind them, the despoilers, of why mankind built their homes out of stone and lit up the night - bring back the terror of darkness and the sounds of revenge. You've earned it. They didn't.