2014.02.26: PWN - MSW - UNSTOPPABLE 2

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The Card

Date: Wednesday, February 26th
Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)
Promoter: Danny Stevenson
Authority: Danny Stevenson, Drew Stevenson, Giant

(Match Order Subject to Change)

Singles Match
Bryce Manning Vs SVD

Singles Match

Chris Compact Vs Demetrius Burrell

Singles Match

Ace Vs Connor Mason

Singles Match

Matt Ward Vs Luke Jackson

Singles Match

Davis Wiley Vs Jackal

Singles Match

Frank Washington Vs Chris Alans

MAIN EVENT: Elimination Match, Final Two get Women's Title match

Kat vs Lyric Pettis vs Shawna Martinez vs Autumn Raven vs Juliett Brooks


Inside of the Missouri Theater in Columbia, Missouri the best talent in all of professional wrestling squares off to be the future of the business and in Missouri State Wrestling you won't see anything like it. We are... The Alternative. Inside of our walls, Tradition Lives On.


Bradford: "Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another edition of UNSTOPPABLE! It's great to be back and tonight is going to be another amazing night! Bryce Manning makes his in-ring debut here in MSW taking on Salman Van Dam, we're going to get a view of Drew Stevenson's state of the art facility, The Emerald Academy, where our stars have trained before stepping into that ring! We've got Davis Wiley taking on the returning Jackal, Frank Washington against "The Brick Wall" Chris Alans, Matt Ward and Luke Jackson go one on one, we get the debuts of Chris Compact, Demetrius Burrell and "Twitch" Connor Mason! So exciting!"

Smith: "Absolutely, Bradford, but don't forget our massive main event. For the first time in quite some time, Women's WRESTLING main events as the Women Of Tradition square off in a five woman elimination match where our final two will head to the "Best of the Best" supercard in April to compete to see who crowns our first ever MSW Women's Champion! And tonight one of those two will get the momentum advantage picking up the victory tonight! All kinds of..."

It didn't take too long before "AntiChrist Superstar" by Marilyn Manson hit the speakers and Bryce Manning, not dressed to compete wearing a pair of denim jeans, street shoes and an old "Anti-Christ" t-shirt comes from behind the curtain, walking to the center of the stage.

Bradford: "Whoa! Now this is how we kick off the show! Bryce Manning, baby!"

Smith: "I hope he's got something relevant to say, like why he interrupted our classic main event between Scotty Addams and Drew Stevenson two weeks ago, or that apology that Danny Stevenson demanded."

Bradford: "He's Bryce Manning, Smith! He owes nobody answers!"

Bryce: "Cut my music!"

Bryce spoke out and his music was cut off and he rolled into the ring.


Bryce: "All I've been hearing from everybody these past two weeks is 'Why Bryce, why? Why did you attack Drew and Scotty? Why did you ruin the show?!' and all I can do is laugh in your faces because I didn't ruin anything. No, in fact I saved the show from the atrocity that you were witnessing in the ring because we're not on one of those 'grand stages.' We're not 'mainstream' and that's where those two belong -- places like Chicago, and Michigan. I don't give a damn if ol' Drew's uncle is the head hancho here or not; you should all be thanking me and kissing my ass! So Danny want's and apology? He demands and apology? I don't think---"

"I'm thinkin' that I've heard enough of what ya gots ta say, Bryce."

Smith: "That didn't take long! Danny Stevenson interrupting Bryce Manning's mouth running!"

Bradford: "Now that's just rude. Bryce wasn't done! I think he was about to apologize, just in his own way! Then Danny had to go and interrupt him! So inconsiderate!"

Smith: "I can't believe you sometimes."


Danny: "I told you that I wanted an apology.. but not to me. I wanted you ta apologize to these fine people that paid their good money ta come and see two great athletes tear in up in that main event!"

Bryce laughs in the ring.

Bryce: "And what are you going to do about it, old man? Wrestle me? You're about as worthless in this ring as that hack Robb Daniels except the only difference is I've at least had a shred of respect for you at one point. You step in this ring and I'll send you packing to a hospital bed quicker than you can even say a word."


Danny: "You got it all wrong, Bryce, I'm not a wrestler because I'm a promoter and I've got a show ta run. But there's one guy back there that's been waitin' two weeks ta get his hands on ya an I say why wait when we can do it right NOW!"

Bryce doesn't even say anything, instead he throws the mic down and it looks like he might be swearing but takes his shirt off and throws it to the side and backs himself to a corner watching the entrance.

Smith: "SVD versus Bryce Manning is happening first! We've gotta take a break but SVD and Bryce Manning when we return!"

Bryce Manning Vs SVD

Smith: "Welcome back folks! And in case you missed it Bryce Manning came out but didn't quite give the apology that Danny Stevenson wanted and now we're getting Bryce Manning and Salman Van Dam right away!"

Bradford: "This is just an abuse of power! Bryce wasn't even dressed to compete but you know what? Because of the amazing competitor that he is he's going to give everybody a treat and put on a wrestling clinic!"

"Rules of nature" by Jamie Christopherson hit and it didn't take long before SVD came charging out from the back running to the ring and Danny stays at the top of the ramp watching. He slid in but got jumped on right away by Bryce Manning who wasn't going to play any games tonight. Bryce kept on with the vicious stomps before kicking SVD out of the ring and taunting.

Bryce: "I'm the best and don't you forget it!"

Bryce went out of the ring after SVD picking him up off of the ground, but SVD starts to fire back with punches to the pleasure of the crowd but Bryce blocks the right hand and whips SVD hard into the steel guard rail as the pain is seen in his face and he falls to his knees before falling to his side. Bryce walks around outside, taunting the fans. Bryce even takes a fans sign that says "Bryce Is a Pussy" and rips it up before throwing it back at them. The crowd distraction was enough for SVD to get up, though and he charges at Bryce, vaulting himself up with the steel steps and takes Bryce down with a clothesline.


Smith: "A huge vaulting clothesline by SVD! Really expressing that hardcore lineage that he's become so fond of!"

Bradford: "Disqualification!"

Smith: "What the hell do you mean disqualification? I didn't see anything illegal."

Bradford: "He used a foreign object against Bryce! Those steps should have never come into play. I can't believe it! And from SVD of all people!"

Smith: "I REALLY don't get you sometimes."

The outside count is at eight and SVD throws Bryce back into the ring and follows right behind him. SVD goes for the first cover of the night.

One... Two... NO!

Bryce got his shoulder up in time and SVD gets to his feet before heading up top but he gets cut off real fast with Bryce leaning himself into the ropes causing SVD to lose his balance and landing on the top on his family jewels. Already in a daze on top, Bryce walks up to him and uses the top rope to throw a kick up with a loud SMACK right to the side of SVD's head. Bryce starts to climb the ropes and the crowd is getting into it because who doesn't love high risk? He hooks the arm and brings SVD up and both men come taking a huge fall off of the top with a massive superplex and Bryce floats over for a cover.

One... Two... Th-NO!

SVD managed to kicked out.

Smith: "A Huge superplex but SVD is still alive! There's no denying the talent that Bryce Manning has and brings to the ring and that makes this one of the biggest matches in SVD's career and he's staying alive!"

Bradford: "SVD has always had a heart. He showed that when he competed for my companies heavyweight championship back in Two-Thousand and Ten but heart doesn't win you matches, you just last a little longer."

A few minutes had gone by and Bryce stayed on top of SVD keeping him worn down. Bryce was being methodical with SVD at this point, just taunting him with little kicks and slaps to the back of the head. The crowd is throwing cheers to try and get SVD back into this and it looks to be working a little bit. Bryce slowly lifting SVD up but he breaks from the grasp of Bryce Manning and leaps up with a drop kick knocking Bryce back and into the ropes. Bryce's eyes go wide when he sees SVD fighting back so he comes off of the ropes with a little bit of speed but SVD turns it around and flips Bryce around into a huge tilt-a-whirl back breaker and another cover.

One.. Two.. Kick out!

Bryce once again was able to kick out and SVD is up and calling for the end backing up and slapping his knee with the crowd getting behind him every step of the way. Bryce is up and leaning into the corner and SVD comes charging in. He throws his knee up but Bryce moves out of the way and throws a kick up of his own, going for the BKE but Sal saw it coming and dodges. Sal turns Bryce around but gets stopped with a thumb to the eye and drops to the outside.

Smith: "Oh come on! Sal and Bryce have each other well scouted and Bryce just took a cheap shot with a thumb to the eye!"

Bradford: "You say cheap shot, I say smart. He knew he was in a bad spot so he dropped outside to collect himself so we can continue to have a great match. He's intelligent!"

Smith: "Whatever you say, Bradford. Whatever you say."

Bradford: "That's the spirit!"


A lot of boos for Bryce as he shrugs off the fans and reaches over the guard rail grabbing an empty chair and bringing it into the ring. The referee tries to get it away from Bryce, but gets shoved away. Sal was still working on his eye but when he finally came to to realize what was going on...


A loud chair shot across SVD's back and the bell sounds.


Barbara Brahman: "Your winner by Disqualification... Saaallmaaann Vaaaann Daaammmmm!"

Smith: "Oh what the hell! Bryce just got himself disqualified!"

Earning It

Bradford: "He did what he had to do, Smith! SVD looked like he was about to something dastardly so Bryce put a stop to it before he could! That's why he's one of the best!"

Smith: "I think you need glasses."

Bradford: "I think you need a brain."

WHAM! Another shot to the back of Sal knocking him down and out of the ring and tosses the chair down, picking up a microphone.

Bradford: "Yes! Bryce has more to say!"

Smith: "What else could he possibly have left to say? Hasn't he said enough already!?"

Bryce: "You see that, Danny?!"

Bryce paused, breathing heavy.

Bryce: "There's nothing you can do to keep me down! You're no better than that little nephew of yours that I knocked out cold last week! See, they used to call me 'The Architect' for a reason, I've carried entire companies on my shoulders and carried them into places they would have never been if it wasn't for me. You can try and hold me down all you want, Stevenson, but it's not going to work because I'm too damn good for that. It's me that deserves that shot at the championship and I'm not going to go anywhere until you make this right!"

Danny: "Ya know what, Bryce, you're right. You're good, you're real damn good and that's why I hired ya ta work here in MSW but jus' like I told ya then I'mma tell ya now, it don't matta how good ya are, everybody is gonna earn their spot in this company and that includes YOU!"


Danny: "So here's what we're gonna do. Just a few days ago it was announced on twittah that we're gonna have ourselves a good ol' fashioned tournament for the MSW Championship, ya understand? But not just anybody is gonna in that tournament because we're gonna have ourselves a couple a qualifying matches, if you will. And Bryce I got a guy in the back that's been wantin' ta get his hands on your since two weeks ago. Ya know him pretty well."

Just then "Devour" by Shinedown hits and the crowd goes nuts as Drew Stevenson comes from the back, standing on the stage next to Danny.

Danny: "In two weeks at Unstoppable, Bryce Manning, you're gonna get your shot just like everybody else, but you gotta get through Drew ta do it!"

Smith: "Huge news! A tournament to crowd the first champion but our wrestlers have to qualify to participate!"

Bradford: "Another abuse of power by Danny! He just doesn't want Bryce to get any headway but Bryce won't let that one happen!"

Smith: "We gotta take a break folks, but when we come back, Chris Compact takes on Demetrius Burrell!"

Earning It

Coming Soon!

The Kat and Connor Connection

Coming Soon!

Chris Compact w/ Mr. Kamara Vs Demetrius Burrell

Coming Soon!

Connor Mason vs ACE

Coming Soon!

A Little Smarter than the rest

Coming Soon!

The Future

Coming Soon!

Matt Ward Vs Luke Jackson

Coming Soon!

Davis Wiley Vs Jackal

Coming Soon!

The Anti-Christ re-born

Coming Soon!

Frank Washington Vs Chris Alans

Coming Soon!

Robert Garland segment after match

Coming Soon!

Kat vs Lyric Pettis vs Shawna Martinez vs Autumn Raven vs Juliett Brooks

Coming Soon!