2014.02.12: PWN - MSW - UNSTOPPABLE 1

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The Card

Date: Friday, February 12th
Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)
Promoter: Danny Stevenson

Matt Ward Vs. Loose Cannon Vs. Luke Jackson
Matt Ward - the one man wrecking machine, Loose Cannon - a fun loving, 70s and dancing enthusiast, Luke Jackson - brand new to the fold looking to make his career. This match can go so many different directions and any one man can win but who will it be? Will Luke Jackson surprise the world and pick up an upset victory? Will Loose Cannon and the mighty pimp slap prevail? Or will Ward begin his war path one more time?

Peyton Von Licht Vs. Chris Alans
Peyton has been around a couple of independent companies here lately trying to make a name for himself but he hasn't quite struck it just yet. But he looks to change that real soon as he steps into the ring with 'The Brick Wall' himself Chris Alans. Will this mass of muscle be too much for the 'hero' in Peyton Von Licht or will Peyton gather the power of the people and overcome this mass?

Kat Jones in Action
Kat Jones -- a newer face to the indie scene but signed on with MSW to make a name for herself as not only the first lady of MSW, but a fighter, somebody who's ready to tear it up and make people remember just who, and how good she really is. Plenty of Women of Tradition starting to sign their contracts, and Kat gets her shot to shot us her stuff and show the world why we're going to have the best women's division right here on the first Unstoppable! Cathrine Williamson will be on commentary.

Jorge Santos vs Calib Wallace
Jorge is new to the American wrestling scene, looking to make his break and do his family name proud, and Calib is getting back into the business after a few years off, coming off of a dominating number of years in the independents he's looking to use MSW and Jorge Santos to rebuild himself after living his lavishing lifestyle. Jorge takes much pride in the business itself and Calib seems to take it for granted just a bit. Polar opposites will tear it up on Unstoppable #1 

Scotty Addams Vs. Drew Stevenson
You ever hear about teacher versus student? A few years ago that's exactly what this would have been. Scotty Addams was the first student of Drew Stevenson graduating from the Emerald Academy in 2005. Scotty had since come into his own, and while he's done that Drew has gone on to claim 31 world heavyweight championships. Danny Stevenson felt that the best way to kick off the very first Unstoppable, we would have one hell of a grudge match. Former student versus Former teacher, two men that are best friends, teammates and know each other inside and out. First match of the year and could easily end up being a candidate for "Match of the year."

Welcome.. to EM ES DOUBLE-YOU!

As the cameras open up on the stage that is dressed in yellow and black, we see three letters that will become synonymous with wrestling and those letters are “MSW” which stands for Missouri State Wrestling. Immediately hearing “Ring of fire” by Johnny Cash – we see the gorilla curtains move to the side and out comes MSW promoter, Danny Stevenson who walks out onto the stage with a huge smile stretched along his face. Wearing a baby blue colored long sleeved shirt, blue jeans and a white cowboy hat – he stands there for a moment before walking down the aisle and touching hands with the fans as they chant “DAN-NY” repeatedly showing their full support for him. Walking up the steel steps and climbing into the ring, he walks around the ring to a deafening ovation. Requesting a microphone, he is given one as he brings it up to his lips and starts to speak as the public address sound system shuts his theme off. 

Danny: Hello everybody and welcome to Missouri State Wrasslin’! 

The fans exploded into cheers. 

Danny: Ya know, for tha longest time – wrasslin’ has been in tha dumps! I sat back an’ I watched as all of these so-called promoters wanted ta see wrasslin’, tha very thing that this business should be founded on but unfortunately, tha very thing that most promoters don’t even understand ta begin with. Ya see folks, what you’ll get here in MY company is nothin’ BUT wrasslin’, tha very life blood of what tha business should stand for and let me tell ya fine folks; it WILL become number one again. 

Nothing but cheers for Mr. Stevenson. 

Danny: We here at Missouri State Wrasslin’ will strive to give all of ya nothing but tha finest wrestlers, men an’ women alike and to show just how much we care – we brought in a very special guest, say hello ta former Worlds Heavyweight Champion, Robb Daniels! 

Just then, “Gangster’s Paradise” by Coolio blasts over the public address sound system as the man himself, Robb Daniels walks out from behind the curtains and out onto the stage where he receives nothing short of a standing ovation. Upon standing there looking out at the capacity crowd on hand, he smiles and walks down the aisle looking like a million bucks in his light gray colored suit. Upon getting to the ring, he walks over to the steel steps and up them climbing into the ring where Danny embraces him in a handshake/hug combo and then hands him the microphone so that he can speak. Upon bringing the microphone up to his lips to speak, the fans get louder screaming “Thank you Robb” and “One more match” repeatedly.  

Daniels: Thank you guys, my God you’re awesome! 

The ovation for him only gets louder. 

Daniels: Missouri State Wrestling, you know, when I got a call from Drew about doing an appearance here – I was honestly happy to do it. He told me exactly what they were shooting for, wrestling, and I absolutely loved the concept so it was a no brainer as far as I’m concerned. When I talked to Mr. Stevenson here? I realized that the man is incredibly smart, he has the best interest for the wrestling business at heart and he is going to bring back that old school tradition and values to the wrestling business, something that is not utilized in this day and age it seems... 

Then Robb get's interrupted by one of most familiar voices in the entire independent wrestling scene.

".. Whoa.. Wh- what is this?! I go away for a little while and this happens- now do you people understand how important I am to this industry?!"

Smith: "Oh who in the hell..."

The voice turned out to be that of the "Anti-Christ" himself, Bryce Manning.



Bryce Manning: "All I heard was complaints the last time, but now.. Not so much, huh? I guess you understand that without me saving this god damn business from people like that.."

Bryce points to the ring where Danny Stevenson and Robb Daniels are standing. Danny doesn't look too pleased, and Robb.. Robb just looks confused.

Bryce: ".. Yeah, that's what happens. See, I'm not a nice person.. No.. No. I'm not a good person, hell- I'm about 95% sure that I'm going to hell
When I die- that other 5% isn't uncertainty, it's reluctantance to accept the fact that I- Bryce Manning CAN die. But that's neither here nor there.. But my methods Of death isn't why I'm here- rather, it's because I've got beef with you.. Yeah you, Robb Daniels."


Smith: "What the hell is Bryce talking about? What did Robb ever do to him?"

Bradford: "What did Robb ever do to him? Please! Robb is standing in his ring!"

Bryce: "You're retired, right? You're this big shot I'm led to believe.. But from what I can see, you're nothing. You're not even good enough to be considered gum.. Old, brown.. Worthless gum beneath my god damn shoe!"

He chuckles, starting to walk down the ramp slowly to the ring.

Bryce: "Fact of the matter is that instead of me coming out here and TELLING people what I'm here to do.. How about I show them?"

As he reaches the ring, he reaches up grabbing the bottom rope and getting to a knee on the apron. Robb looks like he's ready to fight, even though he's retired but knowing Danny he wouldn't be against it.

".. Nah,"

Smith: "Oh come on! Bryce was already doing enough interrupting this great moment for MSW, but now he's just antagonizing!"

Bradford: "Antagonizing? Nah -- he's just saying it how it is, Smith! I've known Bryce for a long time and if there's one thing that I can say about Bryce it's that he's definitely no "yes man" and he's establishing that with Danny right away. He doesn't care if Robb is retired or not, if he's in Bryce's ring he's not above giving you a BKE and knocking you flat on your back whenever he feels."

Smith: "So he's a bully..."

Bradford: "Bully? Never. Maybe if you opened your eyes, you'd see the true message."

Crowd: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOU'RE A COW-ARD! *Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* YOU'RE A COW-ARD! *Clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*

Bryce: "Missouri can kiss my ass, just like I told those jackasses to do in the south. You know what else I told them? That whether they liked it or not.. Me- not Robb Daniels is the NEXT MSW CHAMPI--"

Unfortunately... Bryce got cut off by "Last Man Standing" by Trailer Park Choir hits. Bryce looks behind him with an expression of "Who the hell interrupts me?" and the crowd is utterly pleased. From the back comes Davis Wiley, carrying a chair in hand to even the odds since Robb was retired from competition now. Bryce walks around the ring, away from the entrance area and slowly climbs over the barricade walking away calmly as Wiley looks on at him.

Smith: "Way to go Davis! That's respect right there."

Bradford: "Robb just retired a few weeks ago, I don't see why he would need any help."

Smith: "Maybe he wants to stay retired, did you ever think of that one? Opt out on your own before your body gives out."

Bradford: "Heh, to each their own even though you're wrong. Well folks, it's time for a break but when we get back, it's time to kick things off with our first match of the night!"

Matt Ward Vs Loose Cannon Vs Luke Jackson

As we return from the commerical break, Luke Jackson's theme is fading out and all three men are standing in the ring in their own separate corners. Loose Cannon is just having a grand time, Luke Jackson looks a little timid and Matt Ward has the look on his face like he's about to kill someone. The bell sounds and it takes everybody just a second before they start moving. They all three start to circle around each other, trying to feel each other out.

Bradford: "This is the element of the triple threat. It's every man for himself and you have to be very careful how you make that first strike because if you don't make it count you could end up in a world of hurt real quickly."

Smith: "That is the absolute truth, my friend and that is exactly what we're seeing here. The last we knew of Matt Ward, he was working in your company, wasn't he Alex?"

Bradford: "He sure was, Smith and he was on a rampage just tearing through everybody any chance he could get to make his point known that the Matt Ward everybody thought they knew, carrying that chain around his neck wasn't the Matt Ward he wanted to be and he changed that pretty quickly. So now he's at the distinct size advantage against these other two but I've known Loose Cannon for a long time as well. He can get serious when he wants to but one has to wonder... right now does he want to? Because it looks like he just want's to dance."

Smith: "Wait a second, it looks like we might finally see some action. Loose Cannon looked directly at Luke Jackson and they gave each other a nod and OH! Matt Ward takes control right away!"

What had happened was Loose Cannon had looked over at Luke Jackson and it appeared as if they had come up with a plan together before the match to try and surprise Ward and take him out of the equation early on but it failed. Ward double clotheslined both men knocking LC down and tearing Jackson inside out as he did a corkscrew in mid-air, landing on his back. Ward looks at the two trying to figure out his next move and decides to bring Loose Cannon to his feet. Ward whips LC viciously as he hits the corner his feet fly way up before coming back down. With a full charge, Ward starts to run at LC.


Ward just runs right into LC, using his size and body as a weapon just squashing LC in the corner.

Smith: "A huge body avalanche to LC in the corner just crushing him! It looks like the wind has been taken right out of him early on into the contest and now Matt Ward has his focus right over on Luke "The Kid" Jackson. This cannot be good."

Bradford: "Not for Jackson but great for television! Did you hear that crowd, Smith? They loved it! They cheered him on to do it! Ward is a monster and people love monsters. They love seeing a guy who has power, agility and speed that makes him better than the rest and that's what Ward has."

Smith: "He's got that for sure but to say he's better than the rest is a bit of an over-statement if you ask me."

Bradford: "Over statement? You're just jealous because you're not as good as Matt Ward."

Ward did put his focus on Luke and started to bring him to his feet, but Luke Jackson was not going to go out without a fight. Right as Matt Ward got closer to him, he did a kip-up to his feet and started to throw right hands catching Ward off guard. He knew of the great size disadvantage he was at so he hit the ropes and with full speed threw his arm up to give Ward a lariat but he barely moved. So once again Jackson hit the ropes and hit another lariat. Ward was moving a little bit so Jackson hit the ropes one more time but instead of running off of them he jumped right to the top and springboarded backwards, twisting in the air and with a huge lariat takes the big man off his feet and covers quickly.

One.. Two... Kick out! 

Smith: "Great agility being shown here by Luke Jackson doing what he has to do to get the Windy City Nightmare down but only a two count! "

Bradford: "Ward knows how important this is. This is the first match of MSW, and he wants to make sure he comes out as dominating as possible while picking up that win!"

After the kick out it didn't take long for Ward to get back to his feet. Jackson came running in again but got stopped quickly with a mean spinebuster from Ward, the impact echoing loudly. Loose Cannon was back in this though as he jumped on Ward's back with a sleeper. LC just wasn't having much luck but Jackson came running in after he got up with a low drop kick to the knee, dropped Ward to his knees. LC gets off of the sleeper and LC and Jackson hit opposite ropes running at Ward who is on all fours both going for low drop kicks to the head but Ward moved out of the way causing LC and Jackson to collide.

Smith: "Well scouted by Ward as he moves out of the way from the double drop kicks!"

Bradford: "Because he's smart. He knows what he's looking for, and looking to do and he saw it coming."

LC seemed to have taken the brunt of it however and Ward went for a cover.

One.. Two.. Kick out! 

LC got his shoulder up so Ward went to pick him up and here comes the ever resiliant Luke Jackson once again. Ward shoves him off but he keeps coming back but this time with kicks to Ward's body. He shoves LC off to the side and catches Luke's foot and lifts him up but before any real damage can be done LC stops Ward with a kick to the gut. He drops Luke and LC gets a running start at him. Ward vaults LC into the air and throws a kick out for a low blow.


Smith: "What a dirty under handed trick by Ward! A low blow to Loose Cannon!"


Sure enough, there was no effect to the Low Blow and LC instead threw a back hand at Ward causing him to stagger around before he's taken off of his feet with a drive by running kick by Jackson and immediately covers.

One.. Two.. NO! 

Ward powered out.

Crowd: YEEEAAAAAAAAAAH! THIS IS AWESOME! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* THIS IS AWESOME! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*  

Jackson didn't think he could believe it but when he got to his feet, here came LC trying to pick up the win for himself finally. He went for a kick to Luke's gut but got caught and tried to counter it with a spinning inziguri but Luke ducked it. LC landed on his feet and when he turned around, he got caught in the side of the head with a jumping inziguri of his own by Jackson staggering him back. A few moments had passed and Ward collected himself. At this time Jackson was completely on fire, the crowd entirely behind him and he looked for that running kick again as he stomped his feet.

Crowd: LET'S GO JACKSON, LET'S GO! *clap-clap* LET'S GO JACKSON, LET'S GO! *clap-clap* 

Smith: "Jackson setting up for that massive running drive-by kick again! If he connects it this time it could be over with Loose Cannon incapacitated!"

Bradford: "Loose Cannon hasn't got much dancing and fun loving involved in this match yet, and he probably deserves it. This match is intense and highly competetive. There's no place for dancing when you've got The Windy City Nightmare on a rampage!"

Jackson went full speed ahead but got caught and lifted high into the air by Matt Ward. Luke shook his head, yelling out "NO!" multiple times before Ward TOSSES Luke Jackson clear over the top, clearing the gap from barricade to ring and sending Jackson clear over into the crowd!

Bradford: "Yeah baby! Look at that power and strength by Ward right there! He just sent Jackson flying into the people!"

Smith: "I don't believe I've ever seen anything like that! Jackson was just man handled and thrown to the people! If he doesn't get back up and into that ring soon it could be over with!"


With Jackson in the crowd, dazed and confused, Ward picked up Loose Cannon and stuffed him, lifting him up and over his shoulder much like Victoria's Black Widow but instead of dropping, Matt flings them LC back over his shoulder and catches him with a sit-out powerbomb (Stu Hart Special) and covers LC for the pin.

Smith: "What an impressive move! Ward just keeps impressing me showcasing that power of his just flipping Loose Cannon over like that for the move he calls the Vendetta! This could be it folks! For the cover!"

One... Two... Three! 

"Waking the Demon" by Bullet For My Valenine hits and Matt exits the ring, a burly smirk on his face, laughing, proud of the carnage he's left in the ring as the trainers rush in to check on LC and Luke Jackson.

Barbara: "Ladies and gentlemen, your winner, MAAATT WAAARRRD!"

Smith: "Congradulations to Matt Ward on a hard fought victory, I still can't believe the carnage he just left in the ring!"

Bradford: "That's why he's the Windy City Nightmare!"

Connor Mason teaser






...No care given...


Smith: "Oh man, Connor Mason! I don't know about you, Bradford but this guy definitely looks like somebody that I wouldn't want to mess with. Maybe he'll be able to give Matt Ward a run for his money."

Bradford: "I don't know about that much, Smith, but I'm anxious to see what this guys got in store for us in two weeks!"

Windy City Nightmare

The show kicked off with Matt Ward picking up an impressive victory in the triple threat over Luke Jackson and Loose Cannon. It was definitely an impressive start and so our camera's bring us backstage with Charles Matias, one of our interviewers and he's standing by with the "Windy City Nightmare" Matt Ward.

Charles: Matt... what we saw out there was...

Matt Ward: WHAT YOU SAW OUT THERE CHARLES... WAS THE BEGINNING... of a nightmare. You see, I've been on the sidelines competing here and competing there but not once... NOT ONCE has there been a company, a promoter, a roster of talent for me to CRUSH and get my title shot! What you saw out there Charles.. heh heh heh... was just the first shot...

Ward lowered his voice to almost a whisper.

Matt Ward: ...in the line of many.

Matt laughed but before he could walk off, Luke Jackson walks into the scene with a pop from the crowd.

Luke Jackson: Is that so, huh?

Matt Ward: I beat you! What the hell do you want?!

Luke Jackson: No... you didn't. You beat Loose Cannon. You tossed me into the crowd and I was no where near that ring so what I WANT is I want a rematch but no third party this time. I want YOU and ME ONE ON ONE, PAL!

Matt Ward: You're asking for your death wish, kid. I don't know what's wrong in that tiny little brain of yours, maybe it's just because you're a rookie and you don't know any better, I don't know and I really don't give a damn. I beat you and you're not getting your little rematch because I've got nothing to prove to a little punk like you.

"Oh really, now?"

The crowd ate it up when the man speaking turned out to be Danny Stevenson himself.

Danny Stevenson: See Matt, I don't remember when you signed your contract to you having ceative control and from what I seen Luke put on a hell of a showin' out there. So here's what we're gonna do. In two weeks, Wednesday March 26th, Luke Jackson will go ONE ON ONE with MATT WARD! As far as I'm concerned right now you've all got somethin' to prove because I'm the one who decides the title matches around here. You want your shot? Beat Mister Jackson over here in two weeks and then we'll see if you're really ready for the best MSW has to offer!

Danny and Luke have smiles on their faces, and Ward doesn't seem too pleased as he storms off.

Charles: Well you heard it here folks, Matt Ward is in MSW and he's got his eyes set on the gold. Smith and Bradford, back to you!

Peyton Von Licht Vs Chris Alans

The light begins to dim down. Only one light hovers over the entrance as the introduction of “Holding Out for A Hero” by Bonnie Tyler. Smoke begins to rise from a smoke machine out of view. When the beat picks up, Peyton comes out. He is wearing a hooded cape, his head lowered. He flicks off the hood and throws up his arms, yelling out to the crowd.  

Barbara Braman: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring first from Newfoundland, Canada weighing 172lbs he is MSW’s Personal Hero PEEEYYTTOOON VOOOON LIIIICHHHTTTT!  

Smith: Peyton Von Licht looking to make a name for himself here in MSW here tonight. He’s been through the independent circuit lately but hasn’t quite found his calling.  

Bradford: Yeah but he has to do it against Chris Alans, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. You know why they call him the Brick Wall right?  

Smith: It’s because he’s stubborn.  

Bradford: Yes he’s a man deeply rooted in his beliefs Einstein but that’s not the point. It’s because he’s an immovable object with a foundation of experience on his side. Peyton Von Licht, kid has guts I’ll give him that but he’s not very smart. He can claim to be some kind of “hero” all he wants, unless he changes from Clark Kent to Superman he’s going to have his hands full.   

He then picks up his pace, walking down the ramp, hitting the hands of the crowd. He hops onto the side of the ring. He stands up on the turnbuckle, screaming out “I am your hero!”  

As he enters the ring, he bounces around the ring, keeping his energy up. The camera then cuts back to the hallway in the back focusing on a door with the letters “JANITOR” in all bold displayed on it. “Gay Bar” by The Electric Six hits the arena as the door swings open, Chris Alans stumbling out as brooms and mops fall over as he emerges. In a fit of frustration Alans grabs one of the brooms and snaps it in two over his knee and throws it at the ground. Alans storms through the hallway and bursts through the curtains to a pair of sparklers waiting for him by stagehands as he lowers his head before striking a “Magnificent” muscular pose showing off his physique wearing a cheesy grin.  

Barbara: And his opponent from Monterey, California, weighing 285lbs he is The Brick Wall… CHRIIIISSS ALLAAANNNS  

Bradford: Look at that magnificent physique! Look at that… oh who am I kidding is that a beer gut I see in that singlet?  

Smith: Well the man has been working at The Olive Garden for the past few years until Danny Stevenson signed him earlier this week. Got to make money somehow, no shame in that.  

Bradford: Good lord almighty, someone needs to hit the gym. Peyton Von Licht will definitely have the speed advantage going into this match but regardless of Chris Alans gets his hands on him it’s going to be a long day at the office…  

Alans takes his time walking down the ramp posing along the way to the displeasure of the crowd before he finally walks up the steps and enters the ring. Alans gets in the face of Von Licht in the ring, flexing in front of him trying to intimidate him. Referee Mike Maddix has to get between the two and direct Alans back to his corner. 


Crowd: LET'S GO PEYTON! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* LET'S GO PEYTON! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*

As the match begins Alans establishes dominance early locking up with Von Licht and backing him up into a corner and slapping his cheek trying to humiliate him. Von Licht not going to take the bullying lightly punches Alans square in the jaw who grins and starts hitting Von Licht with a barrage of knife-edge chops. Von Licht’s chest turns cherry red as Alans backs off to pose for the crowd drawing the ire of many in attendance almost seemingly forgetting about his opponent in the match. Having a few precious moments to recover Von Licht looks to take Alans by surprise with a dropkick to the knee which sends The Brick Wall stumbling down to a knee before getting nailed square in the temple by a thundering enziguri. Von Licht knowing the size disadvantage he’s at quickly goes to attack the knees of the downed Alans to try to slow down the juggernaut of a man with a series of methodical stomps before locking in a heel hook looking for an early upset. Alans screaming in pain scoots over to the ropes to break the hold which Von Licht abides by not wanting to be disqualified in his first match. Peyton Von Licht quickly gets back to his feet knowing that he had the advantage as long as Chris Alans was grounded and tries to drag him back towards the center on the ring only to be kicked off with authority sending Von Licht back.   

Smith: Peyton Von Licht may be small but he’s not going to let himself get bullied.  

Bradford: Alans had him backed into that corner but he got just a little too cocky out of the gate. I’ll give him a 10 for showmanship though.  

Smith: If Alans isn’t careful he’s going to be at the mercy of the unique offense of Von Licht.  

Alans makes it back to his feet as Von Licht tries to connect with a savate kick only to be caught by the Brick Wall who shoves him down to the ground. Alans quickly drops the elbow on the leg of Von Licht trying to dull the educated feet of his opponent. Always looking to show off Alans kisses his bicep ala Colin Kaepernick and drives elbow into the leg of Von Licht which causes him to scream out in pain. Alans quickly goes for the cover only for Von Licht to kick out at 2, much to the frustration of Alans who slaps his opponent in the head yelling for him to get up. Von Licht finally gets back to his feet only for Alans to shove him back down like a schoolyard bully who then repeats the slaps again goading him to get up. As Von Licht gets up again Alans grabs him by the hair and connects with a vicious looking backbreaker sending him crumbling down to the mat. Alans then drops down to his knees and strikes a muscular pose while pressing his knee into the back of the head of Von Licht! Von Licht kicks his legs on the mat in pain unable to escape as the crowd booes heavily, Referee Mike Maddix notices the illegal tactic and starts a 5 count threatening to disqualify Alans who finally releases the pressure at 4 and a half. As Alans gets up his pleads his case with the referee denying wrongdoing while ever so slyly stepping on the neck of Von Licht which again causes him to kick on the mat in agony. Mike Maddix again notices the illegal tactic and again starts a 5 count which is finally broken at the count of 4.  

Bradford: Oh come on ref, you know he has until 5!  

Smith: Chris Alans certainly isn’t above bending the rules that’s for sure. What a sickening display, he’s going to get disqualified if he keeps this up!  

Bradford: Personally I thought it was a wily veteran move by Chris Alans, he certainly knows his way around a wrestling ring and he knows the tricks of the trade! This kid could learn a thing or two from him if you ask me!  

Smith: Some people have a thing called morals you know, and Peyton Von Licht is a man of the people. Chris Alans embodies everything that he stands against.   

Bradford: “Some people have morals you know”, please you sound like my mother. The only thing that matters is that Chris Alans is using effective tactics and getting the job done. Instead of running the man down for some “underdog” you should be applauding Alans experience.  

Smith: I wouldn’t count Peyton Von Licht out of this quite yet, until that bell rings anything can happen.  

Having enough of the illegal tactics Maddix shoves Chris Alans away from Peyton Von Licht and gives him a stern lecture threatening to disqualify Alans if he does it again. Alans ever adamant defiantly argues with the referee again pleading his innocence while unknown to Alans allows his opponent to slowly get back to his feet using the ropes for leverage. When Alans finally quits pleading his case with Maddix he turns around only to be caught by a running rolling elbow by Peyton Von Licht! Both competitors fall to the mat as the MSW crowd begins stomping their feet and clapping in support of Von Licht as Mike Maddix begins a 10 count. Feeling the support of the crowd Von Licht is the first to get up at the count of 7 as Alans is shaking his head and grabbing his jaw trying to shake off the cobwebs. Alans finally makes it to a knee only to be hit with a flurry of shoot-style kicks to the torso of Alans much to the delight of the fans who begin chanting “Lets go Peyton!” Seeing the momentum beginning to shift Von Licht quickly follows up with a snap DDT which sends The Brick Wall thundering back down to the mat. Looking to pick up the pace Von Licht begins to climb the turnbuckle as Alans lays dazed on the mat much to the delight of the fans Von Licht leaps off connecting with The Midnight Sequence a series he himself innovated! Von Licht goes for the cover one….two…. no! Alans throws Von Licht off at the last possible moment still showing that he has plenty of gas left in the tank! Peyton Von Licht can’t believe it as he sits up as Mike Maddix shows him two fingers and neither can the sold out MSW crowd!   

Smith: Look at the heart of Peyton Von Licht! He nearly capped off an amazing comeback with The Midnight Sequence!  

Bradford: Yeah but he threw him off with authority! I’ll admit Peyton has guts but in the end all I think it did was piss The Brick Wall off!  

Smith: That may be true Bradford but Peyton is definitely showing that he belongs here tonight, the sky’s the limit.  

Almost in a fit of desperation Von Licht quickly goes back at Alans looking to land a series of hard elbow strikes to the head but ever the veteran Chris Alans manages to fend him off by grabbing him by the hair and hitting a vicious headbutt. As the tables began to turn once again Alans gets back to his feet driving a series knees into the back of Von Licht before doing a series of pushups pressing down on his back! Trying to stay aggressive Alans quickly picks Von Licht up and whips him to the ropes and connects with a vicious big boot on the rebound as MSW’s Personal Hero falls to the mat. Confident that Alans has the match put away he shoves Maddix aside who is trying to ask if Von Licht can still continue and turns him over on his stomach to lock in the La-Z Boy! Having the hold locked in tightly Von Licht appears to be lifeless as Maddix goes to raise Von Licht’s arm as it falls limply to the mat. Maddix checks again as his hand falls limp to the mat a second time. Despite the dire straits he was in the MSW crowd continued to pull for and cheer Peyton Von Licht on as Maddix went to lift his arm up a third and final time. Just as Maddix is about to call for the bell perhaps on pure instinct Peyton Von Licht reaches out and grabs hold of the bottom rope! The referee begins the 5 count as Alans releases on 3, slapping his hands on the mat in pure frustration completely losing his composure yelling at the crowd to shut up! Alans makes a cutthroat gesture calling for the end as he picks Von Licht up by his hair and whips him roughly to the corner as he calls for the Brick Wall Special. Alans runs with a head full of steam towards the turnbuckle but at the last moment Von Licht moves out of the way and catches Alans with Emperor Arsenal as he staggers back! Peyton Von Licht drops to cover Chris Alans for the pin.

One... Two... Three!


Smith: "A hard fought victory by Peyton tonight against the brick wall but one heck of an impressive debut if I do say so myself."

Bradford: "I think Alans got screwed here tonight!"

Smith: "How? It was clearly a three!"

Bradford: "With the tights, maybe."

Smith: "I don't know what you saw, Bradford, but what I do know is we've got Robert Fields standing by with A.C.E."

The ACE of Spades

Robert Fields: "Anthony Carter-Edwards, welcome to the MSW. Tonight is the first show and we've got a lot of big things happening. So seeing what's happened so far, and seeing some of the talent MSW has to offer, are you ready for your debut on February 26th?"

ACE: "Am I ready? Robert that's a hell of a question to ask. Of COURSE I'm ready, I've BEEN ready. I was one of the first people to even sign on the dotted line because I saw Danny Stevenson's vision and I knew it was going to be a great one. The business is in his family, I mean just look at Drew Stevenson's success. I'd have been a fool for not signing on board. And ya know what? Yeah, there's a ton of great talent in these halls and more and more are showing up each day on MSWrestling.com but you know what? I love it. I love that this place is booming, I love all the competition that's showing up but the one thing that's on my mind and that's the MSW Championship. I know Danny hasn't announced anything for it yet but I tell ya what, brother, throw my name into that hat because..."

Unfortunately ACE couldn't finish because he was jumped from behind. Robert Fields quickly got out of the way of the attacker who just seemed to stay on top of ACE, just pummeling away.

Smith: "Who on earth?! Who would attack ACE during his interview, and why?!"

Bradford: "I think... it is! It's Connor Mason!"

Smith: "Connor Mason? We just saw the preview video for him not but just a few minutes ago! It looks like he couldn't wait to get into the action!"

Bradford: "He's making a statement is what he's doing. ACE was one of the first to sign, so he figures he'll be looked at as one of the first few to compete for the title or have the chance to and Connor is making a statement that obviously, like everybody else, he wants it to. The unfortunate event is that only two men will end up getting the shot. But I'd say he's making a hell of an entrance right here."

Smith: "Wait a minute... is that Kat Jones with him?"

The camera pans over to the right and we can see Kat Jones standing there laughing, just shouting directions at Connor, almost in a controlling manner before he gets off of the attack, just staring down at ACE while the trainers check on him.

Smith: "Kat Jones is scheduled for her match in just a few moments. One has to now wonder if Connor Mason may end up having some part in that bout."

Bradford: "I guess only time will tell!"

Getting a little Wiley'd

Standing backstage, pacing the area and breathing heavily was Davis Wiley who was dressed casually and looking extremely fired up after what had happened earlier on. While pacing the area, Davis begins to speak as you can hear the passion in the tone of his voice.

Davis: Respect. Ah word that is bought an sold quite easily nowadays. Ya see, when Drew and Danny Stevenson contacted mahself about comin to compete for Missouri State Wrestlin…there was ah word that they both said that when they said it…ah believed it. That word was respect.

Davis paced the area, his hands behind his back, clenched together.

Davis: They told me that they both saw mah actions in Las Vegas; Mah time as their heavyweight champion. They said that they wanted me to compete for them. They offered me ah contract, and after talkin with them? Ah was MORE than happy to give them mah John Hancock, as it were. So, what do ah see when we have our very first show? Bryce Manning comin out, and disrepectin’ Danny Stevenson and mister Robb Daniels. Now Robb ah do not know much about, but mister Stevenson was the man that gave me ah job here. Ah do not like seein someone that stuck his neck out, and gave me ah chance get cut off in that manner. Bryce, ya talked about wantin to be the first-ever MSW Heavyweight Champion. Well, mah boy? As much as ya would like to think that, ah do believe that if ya want that, ya are gonna have to go through me to get there -- Ah have a certain…knack for bein first at things.

Davis paused and laughed a little.

Davis: Ask mister Jordan Cut. Ask Manic how it felt. Or miss Tapanga Britt. Bryce, ah came here to be ah champion once again. It will happen. Ya can bank.. on that.

Panning in on his face, his eyes narrowed as there was nothing but unbridled passion and intensity coursing through his veins.

Kat Jones Vs. Helen Hirano

Coming Soon!

Getting a little Revolutionary

Coming Soon!

Women of Tradition

Coming Soon!

Jorge Santos Vs Calib Wallace

Coming Soon!

A Special Guest

Coming Soon!

Drew Stevenson Vs Scotty Addams

Coming Soon!