2019.03.29: PWN - LONE - LONE 21

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Pyro on the stage starts to go off in the pinkish color of LONE

Braaaat! Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat-tat...braaat!

Over at the commentary table by the stage, the iPPV cameras zoom in on Kevin North and Dexter Irving Cornelius, the LONE Commentary team.

North: Hello everyone and welcome to Supremacy: LONE 21 - Opportunity! I'm Kevin North alongside my partner Dexter Irving Cornelius.

DIC: Aka DIC! Aka Doin it Classy. Aka Mr. Alison Crowne's #1 fan. Let's not forget everybody l--

North: And what a night we have in store! We've gotten word that Gutter Trash Terri Thompson and her new partner Pretty Fay Qent have some words tonight. They'll also be in action!

DIC: What they need to be is in the showers. Lord knows Terri needs one.

North: But right now, we're going to hear from a woman we haven't heard from in a while, Ashley Lopez.

DIC: And I'll be waiting with baited breath. We should count our blessings that Ms. Lopez would even grace us with her presence tonight.

Britney Spears' "Piece of Me" plays as Ashley Lopez steps out from the curtain, a red carpet already drawn for her. She walks down the aisle holding up her hand to fans that try to touch her, pat her on the back or otherwise interact with her paying no mind or attention to them. At the end of the ramp she strikes a pose for LONE cameras as the flash goes off before sliding into the ring.

Baxter: Please welcome at this time -

Lopez snatches the microphone abruptly out of Baxter's hands and immediately shoos him out of the ring. She paces leisurely around the ring, holding the microphone like a wine glass.

Ashley Lopez: You forgot about me, didn't you?

The crowd gives her a muted negative reaction, some in the crowd booing while others maybe not be aware of her.

Ashley Lopez: I could've gone anywhere in the world to train, to make my mark and set the launching pad for a future career in Hollywood like those that have come before me, making it big in the ring before rubbing elbows with the elite of the elite. A girl has dreams, you want the finest wines and nothing but the hottest brands, designer clothes and jewels and diamonds and everything that sparkles and glimmers. So why would a California girl, a state of champions and the favored destination of anybody who's anybody uproot herself to come to a dump like Fallcoast? Money. Lots of money. Money and a lot of promises that Jack E. Bux hasn't kept. I get told to come out here, to train at the 4WA with a guaranteed spot on the roster once my training was complete. I'd be on TV, I'd be streamed live online with a worldwide audience and a cut of all merchandise I sold. Okay, I play ball, I follow along like a good girl for Bux and then I get told 'hey, it's time to debut, Here's your big shot, you're competing in the Rumble for a title shot.' I go, it doesn't go my way. Then I hear nothing.

Lopez grits her teeth, the frustration obvious in her eyes and her body language as she let out a sigh.

Ashley Lopez: So I figure I need to get noticed, I make a surprise appearance backstage sometime later and take out the trash, do the guys a little favor out of the kindness of my own heart. Nothing. Not even a thank you. I call Bux and instead I get O'Reilly saying 'You know, we don't have anything for you right now, kid.'

She spoke in a mocking and condescending gruff tone as she mocked the Head of Talent Relations.

Ashley Lopez: I show up to the 4WA and suddenly it's like I wasn't welcome anymore. You know I've heard of people being faxed or mailed pink-slips to know they've been fired and let go but either mine got lost in the mail or they just felt they could keep me sitting at home until my contract ran out. Of course they don't want you learning the ropes under them and then watch you walk to somewhere else; not if you want that sweet, sweet discount. So what am I supposed to do with no guaranteed money or downside included in my contract? When is it supposed to be my time? When am I going to get /my investment/ while Bux, Steve, and Frank are cooking the books and putting money in their pockets? What about me, what about Ashley?

The crowd gasps a collective 'OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!' as Ashley allegedly shined a little light on the front office. An allegation but still enough to shine a light on several figures involved on the administrative and business side of LONE. Smart fans would know the Frank she was referring to was Frank Washington, a LONE executive that has at times made appearances on screen and filled in several times on color commentary with an extensive and notorious wrestling career of his own.

Ashley Lopez: Then a few months ago, oh that Holiday Hell was Hell. Sitting at home, watching some little ingrate taking /my/ spot, getting a LONE Championship match on her first night?! What kind of bullshit is that? What does Rook have that I don't? It can't be this gift of gab because honestly I'm not even sure if she can talk. It can't be her sense of style because mean, come on; look at her and then look at me.

Lopez runs her hands down and over her body.

Ashley Lopez: I'm a 10, she's a 5, maybe 6 at best. And that's me being extremely generous. I'm Hollywood where she's from some.... Deer Lodge in North Dakota?

She scrunches her face up at that.

Ashley Lopez: While you're busy getting tick bites at your little Molly raves out in your uncle's barn I'm in the middle of a photo shoot for a glamour magazine. Rook, you are not on my level!

Kernkraft 400's "Zombie Nation (Original Version)" plays as Rook slowly steps out and stands on the stage. The crowd is quick to shower her in praise as she's quickly becoming a fan favorite, a trend that's continuing as she crashes this pity party.


Rook smiles as she stands on stage, holding a microphone. She takes in all the fans cheering for her and raises her free hand up in a motion like she wants everyone to stand up and cheer louder.

When it gets to a part in the song, the fans start doing it in tune.


The music dies down and Rook begins to speak.

Rook: Someone's suckin on some sour grapes. What, am I supposed to say I'm sorry for answering an open challenge? Am I supposed to be sorry for volunteering for a life changing opportunity? See, while you were sitting at home hoping for an opportunity to come your way I took the steps to be right at the door exactly when opportunity was knocking. I put in the work at the academy, I used to help put that ring together you're throwing your piss parade in; to do anything I could to show that not only was I here but that I was dedicated to what we're /all/ trying to accomplish. I got my foot in the door and I kept it there and I walked right through that door while all you did was give up and walk on home. I was a heartbeat away from making Alison Crowne tap out and capturing the LONE Championship and if I got another shot I know I could take her to the limit again and then some. I may not tick any boxes on a checklist nor do I have that 'prototypical' model look that some people search for but if you wanted an ass kicking, honey all you had to do was ask!

Rook begins to walk down to the ring as the crowd cheers, Ashley Lopez is however quick to pump the breaks.

Ashley Lopez: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who said you make the rules around here? You know, I would love nothing more than make an example out of you here tonight. I would love to have a referee waiting and standing at attention in this ring to make everything official. But that's just not in the cards tonight. When we fight, it'll be on my time. Until then you and everyone else in this run down flop house can learn to wait your turn. I've waited half a year to be standing in a ring again, you can survive a month. We're done here. Bye bye!

Lopez dropped the microphone as she exited the ring, the camera showing a section of the fan barricade replaced with a velvet rope, the same kind one would see leading to the VIP section of a club. A member of security unhooks to let her through as Rook looks on.

The Juggalettes vs. Generations (Ainslee Avalon & Anne "Flying" Grayson)

“Chicken Huntin’” by ICP suddenly begins to play over the public address sound system.

Baxter: Hailing from The Big Tent on 9th Street, they are SLAPP AND TICK L.; THE JUUUUGGALLLLETTTTTEEEESSSS!!!

Bouncing around on the stage, they quickly make their way down to the ring, mean mugging fans as they walk down the aisle. They hop up onto the apron and then enter through the top and middle rope. They begin to make hand motions as if they’re going to cut off the heads of the chickens. Laughing hysterically at their own comedy.

With The Juggalettes in the ring, “Holy Diver” plays to the speakers but no Ainslee Avalon in sight. After about 45 seconds of nothing the music is cut into “Long Way Down” by Haste the Day, Anne’s theme. About another 45 seconds have passed but there’s nothing, and neither woman has shown up.

North: DIC, I’m not sure what’s going on here but Ainslee Avalon and Anne Grayson’s music has been playing but there doesn’t seem to be any sign of them and the Juggalettes look awfully happy.

DIC: It wouldn’t surprise me if these two idiots finally did something to try and get a leg up on the competition without even trying to do it. If they’ve done anything to my queen it was because they probably tripped and fell over their own feet and caused some kind of chain reaction.

North: Say what you will about these two but they’ve been a staple of the LONE tag team division so I wouldn’t doubt what they can do in the ring but something doesn’t seem right about Ainslee and Anne not being here.

And just as Kevin North was speaking, “Cross Off” by Mark Morton feat. Chester Bennington and the crowd along with the commentators aren’t sure what to think or who the theme belongs to. Then, the screens bring up the names Ainslee Avalon and Anne Grayson. The crowd pops loud and both women in matching red and white attire step out from behind the curtain looking to be 100% on the same page.

North: I… I can’t believe what I’m seeing but it’s exactly what I hoped would happen! Over the last year we’ve seen them tear each other apart to being forced to be a team and it looks like the last few months have brought them together enough that they are completely on the same page which is not going to go over well for the Juggalettes.

DIC: I can’t believe Ainslee is actually going along with this. She’s so much better than this! GAH! This is literally, LITERALLY NORTH, putting me between a rock and a hard place. Two idiots or my queen and an idiot. THIS MATCH IS 75 PERCENT IDIOTS! This is going to take some getting used to.

Baxter: And now making their way to the ring, the team of Ainslee Avalon and Anne Grayson, Generations!


With a fist bump they make their way to the ring. Ainslee up the steps, Anne sliding in. She pops up to one knee with her arms out and Ainslee behind her with her arms crossed, staring down the Juggalettes. Anne steps to the apron letting Ainslee start things off against Tick L.. Tick L puts her dukes up ready to go at it and Ainslee is not looking impressed as they circle around and Tick L. gets a couple of taps on Ainslee but when going for another, Ainslee grabs Tick L.'s arm and uses the momentum to turn Tick L around and grabs her by the waist; With a heave, Tick L goes up and over with a German Suplex and a quick cover but only two before Tick L got her shoulder up. Ainslee helps Tick L up to her feet and into the ropes. Ainslee whips Tick L across the ring. Slapp rushes into the ring to try and get a jump on Ainslee but trips and bumps into Tick L. Tick L falls over holding her head and Slapp is on her butt also holding her head.

North: This match is starting off strong with Ainslee taking a firm control early on with a nasty looking German Suplex that Tick L is going to be feeling tomorrow.

DIC: I'd be less worries about the suplex and more worries about how somehow, some way, these two always manage to mess things up! Slapp ran in and my queen had no idea!

North: Aren't.... aren't you usually rooting for Ainslee?

DIC: I totally am! You're reading too much into it! I'm GLAD they messed up but the point is that even on their best day I don't think there's a single thing these two can do right. How in the hell were they ever tag team title contenders?!

North: When they're on their A-Game they're on it, DIC. They may seem like two ladies without a care in the world but they've been a force in the tag team division in their own right. They might not always get it right the first time but they have ways.

DIC: Just... just stop it North. They're idiots. They'd burn their own houses down and then roast marshmallows because they wouldn't know any better! I-D-I-O-T-S!

Ainslee picks up Slapp and tosses her out of the ring and Tick L takes the moment to get a quick roll up on Ainslee but only one. AInslee is quick to her feet before Tick L can even recognize what’s happening and is nailed with a knee to the face and a cover but again only two. Out on the apron Anne is wanting to get in so Ainslee brings Tick L to the corner and the tag is made. Ainslee holds Tick L in the corner from the apron and Anne springs from the bottom rope, over the top and comes in with a Jeff Hardy style of corner dropkick which drops Tick L to a seat in the corner. Anne lands on her back and rolls backwards back to her feet.

North: The tag is made and the athletic ability of Anne Grayson living up to the "Flying" nickname coming in with that huge corner dropkick! The styles of Ainslee Avalon and Anne Grayson compliment each other so well with the power and smash mouth style meeting the high risk and speed working in tandem.

DIC: My queen is just putting up with all of this. It's clear and as evident as the difference between night and day that Ainslee is just doing this to humor Grayson. The matching attire, the team name and the theme song? It all sounds like something out of the fairy tales Grayson got told growing up while my queen was ruling her throne in the Northeast! As soon as it's convenient for Ainslee, things will change. But she's not going to be humiliated by two jackasses in clown makeup that don't know their heads from a bottle of Faygo!

North: We have definitely seen The Juggalettes have better moments but they are against two women that know each other extremely well. Our sport has had a large history of things like this coming together and working out pretty well; not to mention DIC that they've had a few months now to figure it out and they are showing to be on the same page this whole way through.

DIC: How blind do you have to be to see Ainslee is leading her on?! I refuse to believe that Ainslee sees that stupid monkey you call Grayson as a real partner. At least she's not bad to look at!

With a rush to the opposite side of the ring where Slapp is getting on the apron she’s knocked off again. Anne rushes back to her corner and from half way across the ring with a hesitation dropkick. Tick L holds her chest and rolls out of the corner; Anne yells to the crowd and getting them pumped. Slapp, holding her head from earlier still is back on the apron and Tick L is able to make the tag to her partner.

North: What a hesitation dropkick from Anne Grayson! It connected perfectly and you could just feel the impact from over here! But despite that it does look like that moment of hesitation did allow for the Juggalettes to make the tag and Slapp is in the match!

DIC: The more I look at her the more I bet I could get over my dislike for clowns because she'd like her some D-I-C! And then she'd probably mess that up too! Might even try to stuff me in a tiny car. I don't do well in small spaces, North!

North: Well I don't know if you'll have anything to worry about with that one, DIC, but this fresh tag may be just what these two needed to try and take some kind of control in this match up. They are former tag contenders so there is still a chance!

DIC: They're clowns that like rap music, North. What was it Curt Henning used to say? Rap is crap!

North: I'm not entirely sure what that has to do---

DIC: RAP IS CRAP! They're idiots I guess is what I'm getting back to.

North: You really can't make up your mind about them, can you?

DIC: Yes I can. Well... wait... trick question! Yes I can! Shut up!

Slapp comes running in goes for her trademark Yakuza kick but Anne scouts it and rolls under. Slapp catches her balance after missing the kick but gets a forearm shot from Ainslee which knocks her stumbling back and turning around. Using her speed and athletic ability, Anne ran up the corner and across the top rope, jumping off half way landing on Slapp's shoulders. Using the momentum and swinging around flipping Slapp over with a hurricanrana. Slapp hard on her back, Anne then has a double legged springboard splash with a pin on Slapp. Tick L though is headed to the top and Ainslee is right here to stop her. Tick L sees her coming so she jumps off trying to hit her diving headbutt but in a rush didn’t have the right momentum and face plants hard with an OOOOOOH from the crowd.

North: And both trademark moves miss! It's almost like missing these moves has become their trademark and this is going to spell disaster!

DIC: That's what I've been saying! They can't do anything right, North! And they every second they're in there they run the chance of hurting my queen and that puppy of a partner of hers.

North: Does that mean you're taking a liking to Anne Grayson?

DIC: NO! UGH ALWAYS TWISTING MY WORDS! Ladies and gentlemen I apologize for Kevin North, I don't know how you put up with him at home. His wife especially. But if you want a good time with somebody that's not an idiot, the DIC man is always a call away!

North: That's uncalled for!

DIC: You're uncalled for! Watch the match! And no I'm not liking her! She just gets a slight amount of praise by default because Ainslee is putting up with her.

North: Well be that as it may in your opinion, these two continue to be more and more impressive each time we see them and stepping up from students to the Juggalettes was a big move for them tonight that they are handling the way that they need to. But it looks like Generations are gearing to call and end to this soon and if they are, the Juggalettes need to figure out something or they are going to be in trouble!

Ainslee is getting the five count connects the spinning russian leg sweep she calls the Excalibur on Slapp before giving Anne a cut throat taunt. At 2, Ainslee is on the apron and calling for the tag. Anne happily obliges. Ainslee comes in and holds the reverse wheelbarrow, Slapp facing the ground. Anne heads up to the top and a shooting star press leg drop crashes Slapp into the mat. Ainslee holds onto the legs and turns Tick L. over who looks like she’s had enough. Ainslee has a curved single leg boston crab locked in and starts to stomp the back of Tick L’s head until the referee calls for the bell.

Baxter: Your winners, Ainslee Avalon and Anne Grayson - GENERATIONS!

North: And that's it! That impressive double team move we've seen them use since this team started has put them three for three with victory!

DIC: Clowns can't do anything right.

North: I believe their pronouns are Juggalettes as their name suggests.


North: Sit back down and quit flailing your arms! We've still got a big night to go!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!


Coming Soon!