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Street Artist: The streets of Prospect are no stranger to Hailey's brand of art. Her clever use of contrasting colors create vivid scenes that seem to pop from their concrete facades. It's difficult to believe some of them came from a paint can. Aside from one tag early on all of her murals have been a commentary on the current state of society. Many were painted over but in later years some private property owners have begun to leave them; usually persons with an interest in the cause or idea behind the mural, or lovers of art who liken HailZ as Prospect's up-and-coming Banksy. She's been told she has to abandon her old life, but there's that one mural that HailZ hasn't gotten to finish...
Fledgeling Toreador: She's so new she would still be under warranty if Cainites came with one. Embraced by nomads and left to die in the sun after four or five days of "fun" Hailey was saved and left for the Camarilla to find. Currently she is under house arrest at the Hotel Coral Essex where the Sheriff can keep an eye on her at least until the Imperator is informed. Her education has been entrusted to the Primogen of her clan and she cannot leave the hotel grounds without an escort.
Skateboarder: A semi-pro, or at least she was. Hailey was a well-known figure in the local skate scene having won some Fame in local and regional tournaments. She was famous for her laser flip because many of her peers believed her too lightweight to pull it off. Officially? She disappeared two weeks before her first nationally televised tournament and her apartment cleaned out by movers. Rivals throw shade saying she chickened out and couldn't hang. Her fans? Well, they think she didn't want to become a sellout ... and recently there are rumors that sometimes you can catch a blue haired skater at the Hotel Coral Essex.
Activist: Mostly through her art, but Hailey had been active at several civil rights events. Most notably walking (or in her case skating) in Prospect's annual Pride Day parade where she's professed her sexuality to be "open and fluid." She also supported several Black Lives Matter events and is in general what her father called a "liberal pain in the ass".