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"You see, by blindly disbelieving everything, you become just as easy to dupe as if you blindly believe everything. And, you know... the Powers That Be, they're cunning. False flags happen, all the time, and they're designed, carefully put together, so that we get suckered into their agenda." "You want an example? The moon landings being fake is, itself, fake. Look at the pictures that all the enthusiasts circulate! You can see where they got doctored! But why is this a thing? Because it pushes the agenda that They want you to follow. Remember, they want you to be meek and mild and not ask questions. We're busily ruining this planet, and They want to make sure we're stuck here as it dies. Now, the moon landings... they're a problem. They're inspiring! People look at that, and they ask why the budget being put towards space exploration is so low... they ask what Nasa's up to these days, because it's certainly nothing as wholesome as popping a flag on a giant empty rock. I mean... Nasa are sinister. The spy-satalites they put up... urgh. BUT. The moon landings, that glorious moment of setting foot on another world, that makes people into an idealist again! It makes them WANT things that the corporations can't use to keep us distracted. So what do they do? They make us think it was all rubbish, and they make us cynical about the whole thing, and with it they quietly squash any idea that we, as a species, might go back there."

"Just go out and vote. I'm not saying it will change anything... of course it won't. But if you DON'T vote... if the people of this country don't vote, then suddenly the government don't have to care about what we want. And believe me, THAT will change things. If all you can do to let Them know we're watching is to engage with the pantomime they put on, then do it. After all, when they can drop the pantomine, darlings... that's when we'll be in trouble."

"The libel case was settled out of court for a sum I'm not allowed to disclose. Send your guesses to the usual address, as this week's star prize is 'getting charged with contempt of court'. Also a lovely George Foreman grill, since I'm still basically my sponsor's little puppet."

"Well, dear listeners, you know what? I'm not going to let that happen. It's only their weapon if you'll let it be their weapon... they don't get to make me feel ashamed or scared unless I LET them, and I don't intend to do that. Which is why..." typing can be heard in the background "Ah! There we go! If you follow my twitter... that's LittleBecky, for those who don't yet, and want to... if you check it, you'll see I've just linked, oh, sixteen recently uploaded photos of myself. Some of them are polaroids, I had to scan them in, you know! You can tell their definitely me because it's my face, which astute listeners might recognise. Also, keen listeners may remember my arthritis, and look! You'll see that the three photos where I'm on the receiving side of suspencion play, my left leg is properly supported. It's definitely me." "So, you may be wondering what the point of this is. Well, here's the thing. I don't want the threat of these pictures getting out looming over me, so here they are. Do your worst, mob. I dare you. I fucking dare you. What can you do, though? I'm not ashamed, and I'm not frightened. And, hey, my family disowned the crazy girl years ago, and publicity is just wonderful in my job, so, you know what? You can go rot, mob. You have no power over me."

"Here's a fun little fact: tinfoil over the skull forms an elliptical reflector dish just the right size for short-band radio focused directly on your hypothalamus. It doesn't protect you, it only makes things worse." "Of course, the majority of Their mind control is much more subtle. Subliminal stuff on TV, for example."

"MK ULTRA happened, and people died, and the research carried on. What do you guys THINK goes on at Guantanamo Bay? It's not wholesome, I'll tell you that. I've met people that came from there, once they've been... I don't know. Not fixed, but returned to factory settings I guess. It's just pitiful. And, dear listeners, it's disgusting what they do to living, thinking human beings. How do we let this happen? How do our leaders get away with it? We should burn the whole thing to the ground, salt the ashes, and never go back."

"Today, I heard a guy threaten to rape me with a belt-sander and then ask me not to tell his mom. I'll play the recording just after this commercial break... if you recognize his voice, do tell his parents."

"So, here's what I learned about Libel, boys and girls! If I say a thing about somebody, and it's bad, they can sue me in England and I have to prove what I said wasn't lies. Basically, it comes down to who can throw the most money at lawyers, because our legal system is working like it's meant to. Anyway! If, on the other hand, I merely express how I feel, that's okay!" "Let me give you an example. Some of you may know a mister Vernon Desler, who recently sued me for saying that he 'is basically a maggot in a suit who serves no useful purpose'. Now, as I've been informed, THAT was libel. But if I was to say that, say... Oh! If he was to drop dead tomorrow, I would crack open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate. Saying THAT is fine, since it's about how I feel, and not about the thin-skinned Mister Desler. Oh, by the way Vernon. You know another animal with thin skin? Maggots. Go ahead and sue me."

"I'm not saying Hitler is still alive. If he was still alive, he'd be dead by now. Let's be reasonable."