
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 17:25, 12 March 2014 by imported>Wormwood
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  • Full Name: Blake Wormwood

  • Position: Doctor...?

  • RP-Prefs: I am into the World of Darkness; I'm into dark themes, but I am not a big fan of PK'ing, especially for silly reasons. I'm up for intrigue, mystery, danger, double-crossing, violence, darkness, and horror...just don't decide to kill me because you had a bad day at work, okay?

  • White-Hats: No offense intended, but if you consider yourself a 'White Hat' character, I probably won't be super interested in RP'ing with you. I'm into the World of Darkness for horror, madness, violence, and intrigue. I think White Hats tend to make stuff less fun for everyone by quashing RP and punishing people who are playing by the genre. I'm not going to avoid you, but just let it be known I probably consider you as a wet blanket if your character focuses on selflessly helping others and preventing confrontations and chaos from happening. Sorry.

  • OOC Masque: To me, keeping and uncovering secrets is a major part of what I enjoy about WOD mushes. It's also a major component of my IC existence. As-such, I'd appreciate you not getting frustrated when I play coy, or don't tell you what sphere I'm part of. It's all part of the game for me. By the same token, I prefer not to know the same about you, until/unless I can figure it out on my own. This is fun for me!

  • Desc-Aholic: I'm one of those types of people who loves constantly writing new descs for my characters, especially when it comes to clothing. If you haven't seen me for a while, check out my desc...you might be surprised to see what I'm wearing. I take great pride in writing new descs and finding clever new things to wear that matches my character's personality...it'd make me very sad if you didn't ever take a look at them. :(