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Navigation: Information, Snapshots, Contacts, Tattoos
Information Snapshots
Full Name: Vitali Volkov

Affiliation: Russian Interests

Nationality: Russian

Status: Tattooed

Vitali 1.jpg
Vitali 2.png
Contacts Tattoos
  • Chest - Jesus on Cross - "Prince of Thieves"
  • Chest - «Пусть будет сном что пережито мною» - “Let all I have lived be as if it were a dream”
  • Left Abdomen - Madonna with Open Heart and Knives Through It
  • Left Abdomen - «Себя не обманешь» - ”Can not fool yourself”
  • Right Abdomen - Death with a Scythe/Reaper
  • Right Abdomen - «Я здесь и я жду» - ”I’m here and I’m waiting”
  • Upper Back - Church Under Three Cupolas - Served three different prison sentences
  • Upper Back - «Важно оставаться человеком» - "It is important to remain a human being"
  • Lower Back - «Раб судьбы но не лакей закона» - "I'm a slave to fate but no lackey to the law"
  • Lower Back - Cross
  • Right Upper Arm - Black Raven
  • Right Upper Arm - «Черный ворон, я не твой» - “Black raven, I’m not yours (yet)”
  • Left Upper Arm - Skull With Flowers - High-ranking gang member who is a murderer, possibly celebrated a teenage birthday in prison
  • Left Upper Arm - «наперекор судьбе» - ”In spite of destiny”
  • Left Forearm - «буду на свободе» - "I will be free"
  • Left Forearm - «Не верь, не бойся, не проси» - "Don't trust, don't be afraid, don't beg"
  • Right Forearm - «Пошли вы све нах**!» - “Fuck you all!”
  • Right Forearm - Snake Twined Around Dagger - “We live by fighting”
  • Left Forearm and Right Thigh - Hot Cross Button - "Whatever you do with me, I am free"
  • Left Shoulder - Spider Web - Thief, possibly had a drug addiction
  • Leg - «дальше в лес больше дров» - When you go deeper into something the problems are getting bigger/ the more questions there are, the more things get worse
  • Right Thigh - Madonna with [very large] Child - Thief/criminal from early days (Madonna is an apotropaic symbol intended to "ward off evil" or "avert or combat evil")
  • Left Wrist - Barbed Wire - Often the prison term in years is shown by the number of 'barbs' on the wire
  • Right and Left Ankles - Ankle Chains - Refers back to the time of Peter the Great, when prisoners were commonly shackled by the ankles
  • Right and Left Insteps - Phrases in Russian "Where the hell are you going?" "What the hell do you care?"
  • Knees and Collarbones - Stars - Commonly represent time served; each point indicates a year served in jail - eight-point stars (usually placed under the collarbones or on the knees) are only allowed for thieves in law, the alfa dogs of underworld. Stars tattooed on the knees mean the person bows to no authority
  • Finger – left hand, below thumb - Three Dots signifies a three year prison term
  • Finger – left ring finger - St. Petersburg Cross - For having been in a prison in St. Petersburg
  • Finger - left knuckles/hand - «cebep» - “North", indicating the northern part of Russia where the strictest prisons are located for the most notorious murderers and thieves