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Sergei is a Rank 4 Lupus Wendigo Ahroun

Level 1

Battlesense - System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and becomes aware of the tactical forces involved in an impending battle. The Storyteller informs the player of the numbers and placement of opposing forces. The player can then use this information to her character’s advantage.

Call the Breeze - The Garou calls up a strong (20 mpg), cold breeze and directs it at whim. This breeze chills anyone not prepared for it, and it disperses (or redirects) clouds of vapor (including tear gas or airborne toxins) or swarms of insects. A wind-spirit teaches this Gift. System: The Garou simply whistles to call the breeze. Anyone caught in it loses one die from Perception rolls as long as the breeze lasts.

Camouflage - System: The difficulties to spot the Garou increase by three, provided that he is in the woods. The werewolf invokes the effects at whim.

Hare's Leap - The player rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7). If successful, she may double her normal jumping distance

Heightened Senses - The player spends a Gnosis point. The effects last for one scene. In Homid or Glabro forms, the werewolf’s Perception difficulties decrease by two, and he may roll Perception + Primal-Urge to perform sensory feats impossible for humans (such as tracking by scent). In Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms, Perception difficulties decrease by three (which is not cumulative with the ordinary Lupus-form Perception bonuses), and the werewolf gains an extra die to Primal-Urge dice pools.

Ice Echo - The player spends a point of Gnosis to create the Ice Echo at any point within 100 feet (30 m). The Echo moves and sounds exactly like the Garou in addition to taking on her precise appearance, but gives off no scent or heat, and is intangible. Discerning which is the echo and which is the original requires a Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty of the Garou’s Gnosis)

Razor Claws - The player spends on Rage point, and the Ahroun must take a full turn to sharpen her claws. For the remainder of the scene, her claw attack do an additional die of damage.

Resist Pain - The player spends one Willpower point; his character may ignore all wound penalties for the rest of the scene.

Resist Toxin - The player rolls Stamina + Survival. Success nullifies the effects of most conventional poisons, and adds three dice to the Garou’s Stamina for purposes of resisting Wyrm-enhanced poisons. The effects last for the scene

Sense Wyrm - The player rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm’s influence. Sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 8. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity Traits of 7 or higher.

Level 2

Cutting Wind - The player spends one Willpower point. Directing the gust requires a Dexterity + Occult roll. Anyone hit by the wind loses two dice from all dice pools that turn, and one the next turn. The wind can also knock foes off ledges, into traffic or into pits. The wind’s medium range is 20 yards, and it is modified per the rules on firearms. The wind lasts for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled.

Devouring Rime - The character must be within physical reach of the target, and must be able to touch the target’s bare skin, flesh or fur. When he does so, the player spends one Willpower point to create a quickly-growing layer of ice over the target’s body. The target must spend a point of Rage to resist the devouring coat of ice before the next round, or she becomes frozen and immobile for the rest of scene. The ice itself behaves naturally under all external physical changes; for example, it melts beneath a sudden blast of heat, and it can be chipped away (carefully) by anyone assisting the target.

Fog - System: The player makes a Gnosis roll. The difficulty varies according to the surrounding terrain and humidity: 4 near the sea, 6 under normal circumstances, 9 in a desert. The Wendigo can see normally, but others caught in this fog halve their Perception scores (with regards to sight only). The fog is quite unnerving, and everyone except the Wendigo and her packmates loses a die from all Willpower dice pools.

Luna's Armor - The Garou concentrates for one full turn, and the player spends a Gnosis point and rolls base Stamina + Survival (difficulty 7). The player may add one die per success to the Garou’s soak pool for the rest of the scene. These bonus dice may also be used to soak silver damage, but only these dice. For example, if the Garou’s Stamina is 4 and the player rolls three successes, the Garou has seven dice to soak non-silver damage and three to soak silver.

Renewed Vigor - To activate this Gift, the Ahroun must have spent at least three Rage points in that turn, and must have killed an enemy with a stroke that brought it at least three health levels below Incapacitated. The Ahroun spends a point of Willpower, and all her Garou allies gain a number of points of temporary Rage equal to her Charisma Rating. Using this Gift does not require a separate action in combat aside from the action used to kill the enemy.

Salmon Swim - System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). For each success, the character can move freely on or under the surface of the water for one scene. Additionally, during this period, the Garou can use the effects of the Lupus Gift: Hare’s Leap, so long as he begins and ends his leap in a sizable body of fresh water.

Shards of Icy Rage - System: The players spends a point of Rage and rolls Wits + Primal Urge (difficulty 8). The number of successes equals the number of shards that form from the crystalized Rage, up to a limit of five shards. The player makes a separate attack roll for each shard, and may direct them at more than one opponent. Each shard does three dice of aggravated damage; the range is five yard for every dot of the Garou’s strength. The player may spend only one point of Rage each time the Gift is used; this prohibits spending Rage to gain extra actions in the same turn as invoking the shards. Although a character may use the Gift more than once in a scene, each successive use after the first adds +1 to the difficulty roll to activate the Gift.

Speak with Wind Spirits - System: Upon learning this Gift, the Garou can speak with wind-spirits automatically while he is in the Umbra. To ask a question in the Physical world, the player must spend one Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Expression (difficulty 7). The number of successes reflects the accuracy of the information.

Spirit Of The Fray - Once the character learns this Gift, its effects are permanent. The Ahroun may add 10 to all his initiative rolls, which will nearly always ensure that he strikes first. If he chooses, the Ahroun may spend a Gnosis point to add another 10 to his initiative roll. Remember, though, that doing so prevents him from spending Rage to gain extra actions; werewolves can’t use Rage and Gnosis in the same turn.

Spiritual Wrath - The player spends a point of Gnosis; the difficulty to soak the damage from a single claw attack the Ahroun makes in that turn is raised to 9. Note that the usual rule of being unable to spend Rage and Gnosis in the same turn still applies.

Stinging Blows - spends one Rage. For the rest of the scene, her attacks are so painful that anyone struck by her immediately ignores any other foes he may be facing and attack the Child (Willpower roll, difficulty 9 to resist). Usually this Gift is employed to break apart two foes who otherwise couldn’t be. It’s a risky gambit, but sometimes effective.

True Fear - The player rolls Strength + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Each success she achieves cows the enemy for one turn; the victim cannot attack at this time. He may defend himself if attacked and otherwise act normally, although his action will likely be guided by fear.

Level 3

Banish Totem - System: The Uktena must concentrate for a full turn, and he must know which totem his victims follow. The player spends one Gnosis point and one Willpower point, and he rolls Gnosis at a difficulty of the pack’s combined Totem scores (maximum of 10). If successful, the pack members lose all Traits associated with their totem, and they cannot use pack tactics or act in concert for the remainder of the scene. If the Uktena is rendered unconscious or killed, the Gift is cancelled.

Catfeet - This Gift gives the werewolf the agility of a cat, making him immune to falls under 100 feet (he lands on his feet just right). He also has perfect balance even on the most slippery surfaces, and the difficulties of all combat actions involving body slams and grappling decrease by two. This ability becomes innate to those who learn the Gift.

Coup de Grace - System: The player spends one Willpower point and rolls Perception + Brawl (difficulty of the target’s Stamina + Dodge). If successful, the player doubles her damage dice on the Garou’s next successful attack.

Nerigal’s Call to Arms - System: The Garou spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Leadership, difficulty 8. One success summons one of two creatures; additional successes increase the number of creatures or spirits that answer the summons. Thus, two successes bring up to five respondents, three successes summon up to ten creatures, four successes results in up to 15 beings while five successes brings everything within a five-mile radius of the character. Those creatures summoned serve as an army under the character’s command for an entire scene. Of course, if there are no wild predators or War-spirits of Nerigal within range, the Gift fails.

Savagery of the Taloned Hunter - System: The player spends a Rage point, which he may then convert into the equivalent of two points of Rage for the character. This enables a character to take two extra actions in a combat at the cost of a Rage point. Another use of the Gift allows the character to recover from a stunned state and take an extra action in the same turn. The Storyteller should make the final determination as to how the character may use the advantage gained from this Gift. This Gift cannot be used continuously, though; the Garou may call on its effects once per story for every point of Willpower he possesses.

Silver Claws - The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 7) to activate the Gift. The transformation lasts for the scene or until the Ahroun decides to end the Gift. Silver claws still do aggravated damage to all targets, and they are naturally unsoakable to the Garou and most other werebeasts. While the Ahroun manifests the calws, she suffers searing agonies. Each turn, she gains an automatic Rage point. Furthermore, all non-combat difficulties increase by one because of the distraction. When her Rage points exceed her Willpower, she must check for frenzy.

Spirit Savage - The Garou must successfully bite his spirit opponent and spend a Rage pint. The player then rolls Strength + Brawl, difficulty 4; if the successes equal or exceed the spirit’s Willpower, the spirit’s Rage is effectively reduced by one point, plus one point for every extra success, for the rest of the scene. This Gift can be used only once per scene against any given spirit, and it cannot reduce a spirit to zero Rage.

Strength of Pine - System: The player spends a Gnosis point and rolls Gnosis + Survival. The difficulty of the grounding varies depending on the physical location of the character: 9 if the Garou is surrounded by water or touching metal; 7 if she is not standing on or touching the earth, 5 if a piece of earth or earth-fetish is carried on the character’s person. Any physical damage inflicted on the grounded werewolf takes effect, but is then healed at the next turn, provided she does not move from her grounding-spot.

The Cleaving Hoof - The player spends a Gnosis point before rolling to hit. If he successfully strikes his opponent, the dice gained from Strength in his damage pool count as automatic successes rather than dice. Dice in the damage pool gained from weapons, claw damage or extra successes on the attack roll must be rolled as usual. For example, a werewolf with Strength 5 uses this Gift before successfully clawing an opponent; his damage pool works out to be 9 dice (5 for Strength, +1 for the claw maneuver, +3 for three additional successes on the attack roll). The player rolls tour damage dice, adding any successes (or subtracting in the case or rolling ones) to the five automatic successes on the damage roll. The defender may soak as usual.

View the Battlefield - The player spends on Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Alertness. The difficulty varies based on the size of the battlefield. One large room would be difficulty 5, while a football field would be difficulty 7 and an entire forest would be difficulty 9. If the roll succeeds, the character can see the entire battlefield as if from above (and can look through ceilings and the like to view the combatants below). This makes ambushing the character nearly impossible, and allows her to know if any of her allies are in immediate danger. Even if the character’s sight is somehow blocked (through the use of the Gift: Shroud, for example) she still instinctively knows the exact location of her packmates. This Gift lasts for one turn per success on the initial roll.

Whiteout - System: The player spends a point of Gnosis, and rolls Manipulation + Survival. The diameter of the dome covered by the whiteout varies, depending on the total successes of this roll, multiplied by five feet. For example, if the player rolls 9 successes, the area of the whiteout is a circle 45 feet wide. All non-Wendigo characters within this area lose one point of Willpower and one die from all Perception-based pools for the rest of the scene; when they emerge the Perception penalty disappears but the Willpower point is gone until it is regained in the usual fashion.

Level 4

Bark of Willow - System: The player spends a point of Gnosis, after which any sense of pain or physical discomfort fades entirely, and the character no longer takes wound penalties. The length of the Gift’s pain-numbing effects lasts for a number of days equal to a roll of Stamina + Primal-Urge. The Storyteller should hide the character’s wound levels from him while this Gift is active. If the character needs to assess how badly damaged she is during this time, she must make an additional roll of Wits + Primal-Urge, at difficulty 7, although characters with Medicine knowledge can use it to diagnose wound levels normally. / Wendigo who nonchalantly carries severe wounds around is intimidating to his foes. Any character who wishes to attack a wounded Wendigo who is using Bark of Willow must first make a Manipulation + Intimidation roll, at the difficulty of the Garou’s Willpower. If the opponent fails that roll, she does not lose any actions, but she finds herself unable to attack the Gifted werewolf. / This Gift may not be used while the Garou is attempting to complete a rite that requires any check of Stamina.

Challenge of Single Combat - System: After the character has issued the challenge, the player spends a point of Rage and rolls Manipulation + Leadership (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). A single success forces the target to forego any unfair tactics and meet the Garou in single combat as described above. No successes means the Gift fails while a botch inspires the target to launch an immediate attack — usually with the help of the opponent’s friends.

Chill of Early Frost - System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Occult (difficulty varies: 4 if it is already winter, 6 for spring, 9 for summer). Success drops the temperature to a bit below freezing in a five-mile radius, or even further below zero if it was already winter. All creatures without a natural coat of fur lose two dice from all pools. This Gift wreaks pure havoc in urban environments, as pipes burst and roads freeze. This Gift lasts for one hour per success.

Stoking Fury’s Furnace - System: The Garou regains one Rage point in any turn that he takes damage, and he does not have to check for frenzy from that specific stimulus (other stimuli induce frenzy checks as normal). In addition, the Garou can spend one Rage point — and only one — per turn without losing any temporary Rage. However, if he spends multiple Rage in any turn, they are marked off as usual.

Wsitiplaju’s Bow - System: The player rolls Perception + Archery against a difficulty of 8. The wielder of the Gift must form in her mind a picture of the target and its general location before letting loose the arrow; the target must be within standard range of the bow, regardless of the use of the Gift. This Gift works normally with a talen or fetish arrow.

Level 5

Elemental Gift - The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Occult (difficulty 7). If successful, he calls an elemental who grants him the ability to control a large volume of air, earth, water or fire (in any of their forms) that is approximately 20′ by 20′ per success. The effect lasts for one scene or until the elemental leaves or is destroyed.

Heart of Ice - The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Each success inflicts one level of aggravated, unsoakable damage. This damage accrues slowly, including one health level per turn until all possible damage has been done.

Strength of Will - The Garou’s player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 8). Each success grants all the Garou’s allies within 100 feet an extra point of Willpower. These extra points last for the rest of the scene, and they can be spent as usual. This Gift can even raise an ally’s Willpower above its maximum or even above 10. This Gift may be used only once per scene.