...For The "Normal" Folk...
You've probably seen the little paper fliers at occult shops and new age coffee houses. She talks to dead people. You can hire her if you like, for parties or seances or what not, she's even worked with the police a few times. Seems legit.
Need something to get from A to B in a hurry, no questions asked? She's got you covered.
...For The Not-So-Normal Folk...
Restless Dead
Got a ghost problem? Maybe someone you know was killed and the information doesn't add up? John or Jane Doe that never got picked up after cremation? She's here to make sure all the dead are safely put to rest and all unfinished business is taken care of. Nothing's too gruesome for her to deal with.
Got a problem that needs a truly unbiased fix? Don't worry. She's got this.
She wants to know more about you. Her long ago ancestor was on friendly terms with many of the other changing breeds. That can happen again, right?