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"Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven!"
-John Milton, Paradise Lost

Sabbat culture revolves heavily around the twin principles of loyalty and freedom. Vampires, as superior beings, are free to do as they please, but they must also remain true to the Sabbat, lest their freedom be jeopardized by the machinations of the elders. Above all, the Sabbat refuses to be placed under the yoke of the Antediluvians; many of the sect's schemes involve means of frustrating, or at least surviving, Gehenna. The sect's two founding clans, the Lasombra and Tzimisce, are said to have diablerized and destroyed their progenitors, and the other Sabbat vampires follow their lead, hoping that they may one night do the same.

Internal rivalries, power plays and ancient vendettas rend the sect from within, however, and the Sabbat often takes two steps back for every three it takes forward. The sect has no true, all-encompassing guidance; it is a hydra, doubling back to bite itself and its foes even as it gains in membership and influence.

Sabbat vampires themselves, with the exception of the Lasombra and Tzimisce shepherds of the sect, mockingly claim to be "anti-clans," or antitribu, of their parent clans. Some Sabbat vampires openly involve themselves in Satanism, paganism or other deviant faiths to spite the propriety of those who stand against them. Perversion and brutality are the Sabbat's tools, and the sect uses them with merciless cunning. The nucleus of the Sabbat's organization is the "pack", a close confederation of vampires nominally united toward a single goal. Sabbat packs may be nomadic, traveling from city to city leaving death and fire in their wakes, or they may settle in one location on a permanent basis. Because vampires are primarily solitary predators, forcing themselves into each other's company for prolonged periods of time certainly takes its toll on the individual Kindred who make up the packs.



Position Name Clan Gender Nature Demeanor
Archbishop (NPC) Vasile Oprescu Tzimisce Male Architect Bravo
Bishop Faqirah Abdul Sarekh Assamite Female
Templar Cyn Nosferatu Female

Active PCs



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Title Similar titles Form of address
Regent None Our Most Distinguished Excellency
Cardinal (of a region) High Lord (Lady) His (Her) Eminence
Priscus Grandmaster (Mistress), Monsignor Very Reverend Sir (Madam)
Archbishop (of a region) Archdeacon, Father (Mother) Superior His (Her) Excellency
Bishop (of a city) Deacon, High Father (Mother) His (Her) Excellency
Templar/Paladin Lord (Lady) Sir (Lady)
Ductus Lord (Lady), Sergeant, Chief By title
Priest Father (Mother), Master (Mistress), Minister Reverend Sir (Madam)
Pack Member None None, though sometimes Brother (Sister)

Rules and Systems




Vinculum Rating Mindset
10 You will readily give your life – or take the life of another – for the individual.
9 You will do practically anything for the individual, including putting yourself in great danger.
8 You will gladly offer resources or influential assistance to the individual.
7 You may put yourself at moderate risk of harm for the individual and, depending on your code of ethics, may kill for him.
6 You feel strongly for the individual and help him even if it inconveniences you. You will gladly fight for the individual.
5 You respect the individual and help him out as long as it's no huge risk or bother.
4 You will aid the individual as long as it doesn't involve risk or anything out of your way.
3 You are loyal to the individual as long as that loyalty doesn't interfere with your own designs.
2 You have a minor sense of kinship toward the individual, but you're not going to go out of your way to help him unless something's in it for you.
1 Fuck 'em. This isn't necessarily hostility, but you don't care about this person on a Vinculum level, though you may on a personal level.

Note: It bears mention that, like the emotions engendered by blood bonds, these feelings are artificial, as they are created through ingestion of blood. It is quite possible for a character to utterly hate someone for whom she would risk her unlife, just as it is possible to have immense love for someone who has little in the way of Vinculum, and everything in between. Players are encouraged to explore the full range of these complexities in their packs through roleplaying.
