Rhapsody Freehold/left-col

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Freehold Information

Glamour Produced: 3 per Night
Court Affiliation: Neutral, Commoner
Protected By: John Balance, Ethan Sienna, Prismatic Dragon Bygone

Freehold Guardian


No one knows when exactly the bygone came to settle himself at the Rhapsody Freehold, only that he's always been there. Sometimes you can catch a glimpse of him coiled around the roof, but more often than not, he is not to be seen. Some say he's just a rumor, a boogieman to scare people into being good around the freehold. Just be careful saying that too loudly, for you a crunchy and good with ketchup should the dragon allow himself to be seen! One thing is certain - the dragon does not put up with anything that disturbs him, or the place he has claimed as home. You are welcome there, but only if you follow the general rules of hospitality within his domain.

(The dragon may be portrayed by PCs within the limits of '+policy hand waving', or with staff approval on a case-by-case basis.)

Freehold House Rules

  • Seelie and Unseelie welcome here; all must abide by the Escheat and rules of decorum.
  • Keep your petty bullshit away from the Bale. It is sacrosanct.
  • Nobody cares what your Title is here, or who you're fucking.
  • This is not your Demesne, to do within as you want. Take it elsewhere.
  • Respect is earned, not demanded.
  • Likewise, rudeness and ignoring common etiquette will not be tolerated.
  • Don't shit where you eat, people.
  • Were-creatures would be advised to not shift, as the Dragon could view it as a threat.
  • Use your fucking words to solve issues rather than your fists. Or teeth. Or claws.
  • Leave the Dragon alone and raise issues with its proxies, Balance and Ethan.
  • If the Dragon does show up, ursupator emptor.