Odessa/RP Hooks

From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 20:44, 16 March 2013 by imported>Odessa
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  • Funeral Homes - Odessa is a mortician, and she runs her own small funeral home. Need someone filled with embalming fluid or burnt to a crisp? Come see her.
  • Morbid - She happens to like strange and unusual.. Creepy? Odd? Weird rp? Yes please!
  • Streets - They were once her home. Maybe she could recognize you as a friend or customer from her past.
  • Ghoul - Odessa is a ghoul, and it's something she is still working on learning about. She is treated as ghouls are supposed to be treated, so I do not expect other vampires to really pay her much attention. Know that it will not hurt my feelings if your character ignores her or treats her like an object or piece of furniture or whatever will amuse a vampire. This isn't Twilight. It's WoD. I understand the role of the ghoul as well as her status, so I will not be upset for her being treated as she is supposed to be treated.

More soon..