Lucius Milano/Contacts
Cinder Rising like the Phoenix from the ashes; together no one can stand against us.
Cherazart Nice girl. She knows something. That much is obvious. First date Im getting to know her, second was dancing with the Bride at her wedding. Did that just happen?
Kidd Maybe next time hold out a little on concepts like slavery eh? You screwed the pooch.
Pumpkin Are you serious? Anyone named Pumpkin is just askin' for it! This Daddy´s girl is three different flavors of messed up.
Shannon Thanks for your help with the thing.
Apple Interesting girl with an even more interesting past. What happened to you in the fire?
Lucia I was surprised to get along with her so well. Of course she's in a sapphic marriage. They call that irony.
Elise Yeah yeah so I got one of your officers off the force. Get over it! Train the next ones better or the justice system will eat them alive too.
Michal He likes it! Hey Mikey! Now I seen everything! Can I get a hallelujah?!!!
Dollie This slave wants to enlighten me? Very well, tell me about your dark world. I'm interested.
Constance I believe in you but I cannot forgive Him. A light in the darkness. Beautiful...and Jesus. I must be cursed or something.
Faye It seems this client wants help disguising her two personas. That doesn't seem possible with the alternative she chose. Ok I'll take your money right after this phone call.