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Roleplay HooksKendra un sep.jpg
Mysterious Past
Kendra's not from Prospect. She's not even from California, and why on earth anyone would move themselves and their family to a whole other state simply for a low-paying secretarial job is a head-scratcher. On paper, she doesn't even seem to exist before May of 2019, at least not in any real way. Oh, there are fragments of records here and there that can be found on the internet, but they're very scant on detail, and there aren't nearly enough of them to convince a sharp mind that she's not hiding something.
Do Your Squats!
Working very, very hard at keeping herself fit is a struggle, but it's a struggle she overcomes most days. It didn't used to be this difficult when she was twenty! She spends her lunch break in the gym four times a week, unless something comes up, and if it does she'll almost always make up for it on the weekends. If anyone were ever trying to find her, the gym is the next best place to start after her job.
'Me' Time
Juggling kids and career doesn't leave her with a lot of opportunity to go out and have fun, but she makes the most of it when she gets the chance. With few friends in the city, "making the most of it" usually means going out alone and trying to figure out which bar or club mixes the best sea breeze.
Money Trouble
Those high up the corporate ladder within Pentex's vast network of subsidiary companies are very well-compensated financially for their efforts on behalf of the corporation, but those on the lower rungs are definitely not. Kendra's on one of those lower rungs, with numerous bills to pay and four hungry mouths to feed at home. Her Pentex salary just doesn't cover it all. Though she has no idea where she could possibly find the time, she's still actively looking for some kind of part-time job to help alleviate the financial stress at least a little bit, even as her credit card debt rapidly mounts.
A former kinswoman of the Black Furies whose line of descent can be followed all the way back to the fall of Rome, Kendra's ancestral foremothers would weep to see her now worshipping the Great Enemy, the Patriarch, the Father. She has been turned to the cause of the Black Spiral Dancers and, through them, the cause of the Wyrm, and has the boundless enthusiasm of a convert for her new sense of purpose.
"Building A Better You."
Kendra is a new face at Magadon, Incorporated, and so far seems destined to be little more than that, her talents hardly a great fit for the kind of work that the Pentex subsidiary does. She has turned out to be very good at smiling and greeting people from a receptionist's desk, though, and is a dedicated employee despite the entry-level position and its entry-level salary causing her to find paying all of her bills and keeping her children fed an enormous bi-monthly challenge.
Echoes From The Past
Though the forcible conversion of Kendra and her children was carried out in secret and left no traces to follow, many of her kin - especially her parents and her former husband - have not stopped searching for either her or the kids since they vanished into the night. She's leaving it entirely up to her new tribe to decide what, if anything, they want to do with the situation.