Joseph Daniels

From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 07:23, 20 October 2015 by imported>Dumnagul
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Kyra ~ Cautious young thing .. Good, way better than over trusting. Best cookies and hot chocolate this side of the Mississippi.

Chance ~ Well, friend, this is an interesting circumstance. Luck or karma favored our meeting, I am thankful for this.

Asher ~ Not the way I wanted to meet, but am glad to meet. You are not teaching, but my ears are turned your way to learn.

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A new face around Prospect, though not prominent or known even. If you go to dive coffee shops where occasionally a musician will play, you may encounter him some morning on a weekend. Playing for coffee and a few bucks. Usually on a cigar box guitar. While he might cut an imagine, he doesn't go out of his way to draw attention. He seems just as content not having any at all. At best, playing a few songs and pawning off cigar box guitars. Enough to get by at least.

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Joseph Daniels

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Race: Gurahl
Full Name: Joseph Daniels
Date of Birth: July 3rd, 1976
Heritage: Ursine American
Occupation: Vagabond
Apparent Age: Mid 30's+
Height 6'4"
Nickname None as of Yet

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RP Hooks
Gurahl - There you have it, if you are or have some relation, its as easy as that.

Musician - He performs, not big venue, nothing like that. He'll play on the street, or in stores that let him in. Good for Sunday morning crowds even.

Wanderer - No permanent home so to speak, he will tend to wander those places most people won't. The not so good parts of town, out in the wilds, anywhere his feet take him.

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