Jack Tyler/Contacts

From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 22:09, 3 September 2012 by imported>Emurphy
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Rain "We're planning a road trip, but it's hard to make time to get away from things."
Alin "Somewhere, a shrink's couch is missing its fruitcake."
Riptavian "Alin's partner in slap-slap-kiss. They both sound like all hat and no cattle, though."
Sentinel "You picked a funny time to show off. Not that I'm complaining."
Savannah "You too. Maybe you were Nellie's aunt."
Loonix "Much more pleasantly insane. And easier on the eyes. But still a bit jumpy."
Elizabeth "Takes her business personally. That's far less common these days than it should be."
Elizabeth, when she's giving off that creepy vibe "You are false data. Therefore, I shall ignore you."
Acacia "Got some city miles on ya."
Widow "Celebrities. Can't live with them, can't tune them out."
Amy "Not all online poker geeks are fat guys living in their mom's basements."
Carissa "We should import Southern belles more often."
Kaydin "Put it back in your pants, bum."
Jessica "Yeoman Colt, please report to the bridge."