Shadow Lords Tribe Gifts

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"Following is not REALLY my style"
- Tony Stark


Tribal Gifts

Level 1

  • Aura of Confidence
  • Fatal Flaw
  • Rains of Mercy
  • Seizing the Edge
  • Whisper Catching

Level 2

  • Clap of Thunder
  • Cold Voice of Reason
  • Disfigurement
  • Luna’s Armor

Level 3

  • Curse of Corruption
  • Direct the Storm
  • Icy Chill of Despair
  • Paralyzing Stare
  • Raven’s Wings
  • Shadow Cutting
  • Summon Stormcrow

Level 4

  • Call the Storm
  • Open Wounds
  • Seeds of Doubt
  • Strength of the Dominator
  • Ubiquitous Presence

Level 5

  • Obedience (gift)
  • Shadow Pack
  • Wounding Lies


Level One

Aura of Confidence

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 150

Description: The Garou projects a demeanor of control and superiority, preventing attempt to find flaws or read auras. This Gift does not prevent supernatural attempt to read the Garou’s thoughts, although it may make doing so difficult (Storyteller’s discretion). An ancestor-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Subterfuge (difficulty 7) to activate the Gift; the effects lasts for one scene.

Fatal Flaw

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 150

Description: The Shadow Lord can discern a target’s weakness, granting an advantage in combat. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.

System: The Shadow Lord must concentrate for one full turn. The player rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty of the target’s Wits + Subterfuge). Success grants the Garou an extra die of damage during combat with that target. Additional successes grant knowledge of further weaknesses (although no further damage bonus is gained). Five successes reveal all of the target’s flaws.

Rains of Mercy

Source: WW3806 - Players’ Guide to Garou (revised) p. 194

Description: Though this Gift surprises many non-Shadow Lord Garou, it is only because they forget the Shadow Lords follow a god affiliated with rain, and they come from a harsh land. Even the Darwinist Shadow Lords known that their Kin need to be fed, and the rain summoned with this Gift made sure those favored by the Lords never went hungry. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift

System: The Shadow Lord spends one point of Gnosis. By the end of the day, rain pours down in an area around the Shadow Lord. The size of this area depends on the Shadow Lord’s rank; it affects a radius of 15 minutes’ walk for each Rank the Lord has achieved, so an Athro can affect a region one hour’s walk in radius from his location. This Gift cannot summon harsh storms, but does produce a heavy downpour.

Seizing the Edge

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 150

Description: To the Shadow Lords, there is no possible way for a contest to be even. If neither competitor wins, they both lose. This Gift allows the Garou to swing the balance, ever so slightly, in her favor. A spirit servant of Grandfather Thunder teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends on Gnosis point. For the remainder of the scene, whenever the Shadow Lord is involved in a direct confrontation with another being (specifically, if the player must make an opposed roll), any ties go to the Shadow Lord. For example, a Shadow Lord and her Get of Fenris rival are wrestling. Both players must roll to see if the Get of Fenris can break the hold that the Shadow Lord has caught him in. If the players roll the same number of successes, the Shadow Lord wins, and the Get remains pinned. This Gift lasts for one scene.

Whisper Catching

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 66

Description: Secrets are an important commodity, and those who strive to keep their secrets may very well be hiding something dangerous. This Gift was developed to root out potential traitors or plotters against the Garou, but has been open to… certain abuses ever since. The Shadow Lord may supernaturally eavesdrop on whispered conversations nearby, giving her an edge over those with something to hide. This Gift is taught by a crow-spirit.

System: The player spends a Willpower point. For the duration of the scene, any whisper within earshot is as audible to the Shadow Lord as if the speaker were speaking loudly and clearly. The player may still have to make Perception checks to hear whispers within earshot if obstacles or distance would make even an ordinary conversation difficult to hear. The Murmur Rite blocks this Gift; the Shadow Lords are not willing to violate the privacy of a shadow moot, even for their own personal gain.

Level Two

Clap of Thunder

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 150

Description: The Garou slams her hands together and creates a mighty thunderclap that stuns those who hear it. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point. All characters within 10 feet, friend or foe, must succeed in a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) or be stunned and unable to act for one turn. On a botch, the effect lasts for one scene. The Garou must be in Homid, Glabro or Crinos form to use this Gift.

Cold Voice of Reason

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 67

Description: Shadow Lords are skilled manipulators, and are renowned for their ability to both stall for time and talk their opponents into going about their business. This Gift gives that character trait supernatural force, holding assailants at bay while the Lord himself either escapes or calls on others for support. It must be used strategically to be effective, but it can be powerful when used in this fashion. This Gift is taught by a crow-spirit.

System: When the Lord is attacked in combat, or even merely threatened, the player may spend a Gnosis point and roll Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 8) as a reflexive action. The Lord must be able to speak in a language his opponent can understand, although he needn’t express concepts more difficulty than “Are you sure you want to do that?” or the like. The attacker may not initiate hostile action against the Lord for one turn per success, provided the Lord and his allies do not, in turn, engage in hostilities against the attacker. If the victim is herself attacked, even by someone other than the Lord, the effects of the Gift end and she may resume her attack. A botch with this Gift drives the attacker into frenzy.


Source: WW3108 - Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) p. 42

Description: The Shadow Lord can place a nasty boil or dishonorable scar on the target. She can disfigure her rival in embarrassing ways that rob him of prestige in the presence of other Garou. Although the lesion isn’t physically handicapping, it certainly limits the victim’s social grace. A baboon-spirit or toad-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Primal-Urge (difficulty 7) and spends a Willpower point. The disfigurement subtracts two dice from all the target’s Social rolls. The scar or blemish heals at the end of one scene.

Luna’s Armor
Also a Level 2 Children of Gaia Gift / Level 2 Silver Fangs Gift

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 145, 150, 152

Description: The Child of Gaia may call for Luna's protection in battle. This Gift even allows limited resistance to silver. A Lune teaches this Gift.

System: The Garou concentrates for one full turn, and the player spends a Gnosis point and rolls base Stamina + Survival (difficulty 7). The player may add one die per success to the Garou's soak pool for the rest of the scene. These bonus dice may also be used to soak silver damage, but only these dice. For example, if the Garou's Stamina is 4 and the player rolls 3 successes, the Garou has 7 dice to soak non-silver damage, and 3 to soak silver.

Level Three

Curse of Corruption

Source: WW3108 - Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) p. 42

Description: The Shadow Lords, never a tribe to play fair, designed this Gift to discredit their rivals. Victims of this curse find themselves doubted by even their staunchest allies. Despite a target’s most noble exertions, no one believes anything he has to say until the curse fades. A jackal-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The Shadow Lord rolls her Gnosis against a difficulty equal to the target’s Gnosis. The number of successes indicates the number of turns the victim suffers from the curse. Until it fades, everything the victim says sounds dishonest. The Shadow Lord must pend a Willpower point to activate this Gift.

Direct the Storm

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 150

Description: Having a packmate who is prone to frenzy isn’t safe for anyone. With this Gift, the Shadow Lord can direct the primal instincts of a frenzied Garou — friend or foe — causing him to attack targets of the Lord’s choice. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Willpower (difficulty of the target’s Rage). Success indicates that the Shadow Lord controls the target’s frenzy and can set him on anyone she chooses. Using this Gift on a Garou in the Thrall of the Wyrm is possible, but doing so requires the player to roll Rage (difficulty 7) to check for frenzy for her own character.

Icy Chill of Despair

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 67

Description: The Shadow Lord with this Gift can appear to grow larger and more imposing, becoming a terrible, shadowy version of herself. This change in aspect can severely intimidate any onlookers. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.

System: The werewolf concentrates for a turn; the player spends one Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Intimidation, difficulty 7. Anyone who means the Shadow Lord harm must make a Willpower check, difficulty 8, and score more successes than the Lord does in order to act normally. Failure means that the victims must spend Willpower to attack, take action against or even verbally oppose the Shadow Lord. This Gift doesn’t give the Lord actual control over her intimidated victims – they’re simply too spooked to actively oppose her.

Paralyzing Stare

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 150

Description: The Shadow Lord directs a terrifying glare at a target, causing her to freeze in terror. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.

System: The Garou concentrates for one turn. The player spends on Gnosis point, and rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Each success freezes the target in place for one turn. The target must be able to see the Garou.

Raven’s Wings

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 67

Description: A lord with this gift is especially close to Raven, and may manifest a spirit avatar in the form of a raven to spy for him. The raven may see and hear, but may not affect the physical world or, in turn, be affected by attacks of any sort.

System: To activate the Gift, the Lord spends a Gnosis point and rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 6). The raven may be sent up to five miles away for every success rolled, but is canceled if it goes beyond this range. The Lord must concentrate to see through the raven’s eyes, but need not do so to maintain the raven’s existence. Although the raven is visible in the Penumbra, it cannot be seen in the physical world; by default it sees its Penumbral environment, but can peek across the Gauntlet to the material world. The effects of the Gift last for a scene.

Shadow Cutting

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 68

Description: One of the more cunning tactics of the Shadow Lords, this Gift allows a Lord to maim or kill her opponent by attacking the shadow he casts. This tactic makes her attacks difficult to dodge, and can provide a great advantage in situations where the shadow is a larger or more accessible target than the opponent himself. A night-spirit teaches this Gift

System: The werewolf must activate the Gift by spitting into her opponent’s shadow and spending a Gnosis point. For the remainder of the scene, she may injure her opponent by striking his shadow. Only fetish weapons, silver or natural weaponry (claws and teeth) will work in conjunction with this Gift; firearms or other mundane measures cannot transmit damage across the spirit-link. The victim has two fewer dice to dodge attacks aimed at his shadow, and cannot parry such attacks at all. The Storyteller may even give the shadow’s attacker extra dice in certain situations, such as during sunset or when the victim is a few stories up, but his shadow falls at the Garou’s feet.

Summon Stormcrow

Source: WW3108 - Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) p. 42

Description: The Judges of Doom learned this blessing from Grandfather Thunder himself. The Stormcrows, some of Grandfather Thunder’s servants, come to the aid of those Garou who activate this Gift. Acting as spies, the Stormcrows follow anybody the Judge chooses and report back all they learn. Rumors speak of networks of Stormcrows that pass information back and forth like a telephone line.

System: To call a ‘crow, the Judge must roll Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty 8) and spend a Gnosis point. He may give the crow a single command, such as “Follow the Red Talon and report his activities” or “Keep an eye on the Theurge elder.” The Stormcrow is invisible to everyone except individuals in the Umbra. The target must roll her Perception (difficulty 8) or employ a Gift to see a Stormcrow in the Umbra.

Level Four

Call the Storm Also a Level 5 Wendigo Gift called "Invoke the Spirits of the Storm"

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 68 / WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 154

Description: The Garou can summon nearly any weather effect she desires, be it a tornado, fog, blizzard or thunderstorms. An avatar of Wendigo teaches this Gift. An avatar of Rainbow Serpent teaches the Bunyip version.

System: The player spends one Gnosis pint and rolls Willpower (difficulty varies based on how close the desired effect is to the actual weather patterns of the area). The storm covers 10 miles per success. If the Garou summons a thunderstorm, she may spend Gnosis to call lightning down on her enemies (Dexterity + Occult to hit, 10 dice of aggravated damage).

Shadow Lord version: Only thunderstorms may be called and an avatar of Grandfather Thunder teaches this Gift.

Open Wounds

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 151

Description: The Garou may cause the next wound he inflicts to bleed profusely, weakening the target further. A pain-sprit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Strength + Medicine (difficulty 7). If the Shadow Lord’s next attack does any damage, the target will bleed continuously, losing one health level per turn for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled. This hemorrhaging is considered lethal damage.

Seeds of Doubt

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 68

Description: Talented tricksters, Shadow Lords with this Gift may convince a listener of one false idea, no matter how absurd. The Gift only works if the lie told is not obviously harmful to the listener. It is taught by a Raven-spirit.

System: The Lord spends a point of Gnosis and makes an opposed Charisma + Subterfuge roll (difficulty 8). If the Lord succeeds, the listener will believe the lie until somehow “deprogrammed.” If he fails, however, the listener sees through the Lord’s argument and recognizes the lie for what it is. If the Lord botches, the listener goes into frenzy (unless normally incapable of such, like a human).

Strength of the Dominator

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 151

Description: The Garou draws on a target’s anger to feed his own. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Wits + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). For a number of turns equal to the successes scored, the target will lose a point of Rage per turn, while the Shadow Lord gains that Rage. The character can use this Gift only once per target per scene.

Ubiquitous Presence

Source: WW3806 - Players Guide to Garou p. 194

Description: Paranoia is a wonderful weapon. It keeps enemies from resting, from thinking properly, and, done right, from ever attacking you. And if you can’t be everywhere at once, at least you can appear to be. The Shadow Lord can curse an enemy with paranoia, giving the victim an unflinching suspicion that the Garou is watching her, even when that belief would otherwise be entirely illogical. Shadow or night-spirits teach this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Intimidation, difficulty of the victim’s Intelligence x 2. Success indicates that the curse takes effect, reducing all dice pools of the victim by one for each two successes rolled. The effects last for one day and night.

Level Five

Obedience (gift)
This gift must be requested with the '(gift)' as part of it because there is a separate stat in the database for the name. Please be sure to include it or it will take longer or you may get the wrong thing.

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 151

Description: With the power of this Gift, the Shadow Lord becomes the ultimate alpha, compelling all others to follow her orders. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Charisma + Leadership (difficulty 8). All in the vicinity must roll Willpower (difficulty 8) and match or exceed the Garou’s successes to avoid the effects of the Gift. If the werewolf wins by one success, the targets follow any order they don’t mind following. Getting three successes means that the targets will treat the Garou as their alpha and fight for him. Getting five successes means that the targets will follow him into the Abyss or perform other virtually suicidal actions.

Shadow Pack

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 151

Description: The Garou summons up shadowy duplicates of himself to stand by him in battle. These shadow-wolves resemble the Shadow Lord and have some of the same capabilities. A night-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player rolls Gnosis (difficulty 8) and spends a variable number of Gnosis points. For each point spent, the Garou summons a shadow-duplicate. These duplicates have the same Attributes and Abilities as the Garou, but they may not use Gnosis or Willpower. Each has only one health level (i.e., any attack that is not soaked destroys it). The duplicates fade at the end of the scene.

Wounding Lies

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 68

Description: For all their ability to prevaricate or misdirect when the need is there, few Shadow Lords – particularly elders – like being lied to. This Gift is the ultimate expression of that conceit; it forces those whom the Lord is interrogating to speak the truth or suffer the consequences. A person that lies to the elder suffers great wounds that mystically appear across his body with each untruth. A pain-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis and rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of target’s Willpower). If he succeeds, the power takes effect; for the rest of the scene, each fib the subject tells inflicts one level of aggravated damage on the subject, which cannot be soaked. Even half-truths open small, stinging wound (no actual damage, but painful and obvious). A Garou targeted by this Gift may overcome the effect by spending a number of Gnosis points equal to the interrogator’s successes. Most others usually begin telling the truth after the first wound or two (the Storyteller may call for a Willpower check, difficulty 8, to keep silent). Some Shadow Lords heighten the effect by claiming that silence will wound the target just as surely as lies will – an untruth on the Lord’s behalf, but one that gets results.

Camp Gifts

Level 1

  • Ears of the Bat
  • Paranoia
  • Perceptive Servant

Level 2

  • Executioner’s Privilege
  • Hidden Secrets
  • Pure Identity
  • True Fear

Level 3

  • A Thousand Eyes
  • Dark Aerie
  • Interrogator
  • Patagia
  • Song of the Earth Mother
  • Wyrm Taint

Level 4

  • Assassin’s Strike
  • Roll Over

Level 5

  • Find the Transgressor
  • Purity of Blood


Camp: Bringers of Light

Purify Scent (Level One)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 69

Description: If another supernatural creature attempts to determine the breed, tribe or auspice of a Bringer of Light, the target may use this Gift to retain her secrets. A Night-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The Shadow Lord spends one point of Gnosis and rolls Perceptions + Primal-Urge. The difficulty of discovering the information is increased by 1 for each success (up to a maximum modifier of +3).

Pure Identity (Level Two)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 69

Description: A Bringer of Light can alter his appearance to suggest he belongs to another race. If he remains in homid form, he can appear as pallid as a vampire or as glamorous as an Unseelie changeling. If he desires to keep his “scent” as a Garou, he can affect cosmetic changes and appear as a Black Spiral. This Gift is taught by a Chameleon-spirit.

System: The Lord spends three Gnosis, but need make no roll. The duration is one day. Close examination requires a Subterfuge roll to maintain the deception.

Wyrm Taint (Level Three)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 69

Description: This exceedingly rare Gift can only be learned from Grandfather Thunder himself, and he is generally quite reluctant to teach it, given the possible side effects. In essence, the Gift allows the Lightbringer to call a bit of the Wyrm into himself, so that he might pass even the closest scrutiny deep within a Black Spiral Dancer hive. Excessive use of the Gift risks corrupting the user, such that only the bracest of Lightbringers even dare to learn it.

System: The Shadow Lord spends a Gnosis point and rolls Manipulation + Occult (difficulty 8). If successful, she appears for all intents and purposes to be Wyrm-tainted, and will appear as such to any Gifts or fetishes that detect such taint. If she fails, she may try again until successful (at the cost of one Gnosis per attempt). The effects last until the use chooses to dismiss them, which requires another Manipulation + Occult roll (difficulty 6). Failing this second roll indicates that a bit of taint remains, decreasing the difficulty of the activation roll for the Gift by one and increasing the difficulty to dismiss the taint by one. In addition, the number of successes needed to fall into the Thrall of the Wyrm on a frenzy check is reduced by one.

If the Garou maintains this Gift for more than a day, the difficulties to activate or dismiss the Gift shift as described above, as though the Garou failed her check to dismiss the Gift. The difficulties continue to change until the Gift is successfully dismissed and a Rite of Cleansing is performed on the Garou. If the difficulty to dismiss the Gift ever rises above 10, the Wyrm-taint is permanent and may not be dismissed by a Rite of Cleansing, or by other means short of a trip to Erebus. In this case, the Garou is in serious danger of falling to the Wyrm.

Purity of Blood (Level Five)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 70

Description: The disciple has become so resistant to the Wyrm that she may overcome the Blood Bond of vampires. This Gift is taught by an avatar of Grandfather Thunder himself.

System: The Shadow Lord must expend two points of Gnosis, spend 10 minutes in meditation and make a successful Intelligence + Meditation roll. Until the Garou uses Purity of Blood, he will be aware that he is Bound, but may nonetheless spend a Willpower point to break his conditioning and use the Gift. Also note that this allows an infiltrator of the Sabbat to shatter the effect of the Vaudelaire.

Children of Bat

Ears of the Bat (Level One)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 70

Description: This Gift allows the Shadow Lord to use sonar like a bat. He may act in complete darkness without impairment. Shadow Lords with this Gift have large, bat-like ears. Even in Homid form, they have abnormally large ears. Bat-spirits teach this Gift.

System: This Gift can be counteracted with some means of generating confusing ultrasonic sounds. Garou who make a Perception + Alertness (or Primal-Urge in Lupus) roll can hear the sonar. With three or more successes, she can determine the Lord’s exact location.

Patagia (Level Three)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 70

Description: The Shadow Lord can extrude large flaps of skin under her arms, resembling a flying squirrel’s membranes. When not in use, the flaps usually shrink into the Lord’s arms and sides, where they are not detectable. This Gift is taught by a bat-spirit or a squirrel-spirit.

System: The Shadow Lord stretches her arms and leaps from a height. She may glide at 25 mpg, but the player must make Dexterity + Athletics rolls (at the Storyteller’s discretion) to avoid losing altitude.

Song of the Earth Mother (Level Three)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 70

Description: The Child of Bat melds his consciousness with that of a swarm of bats, and may see and hear all that they see and hear for the duration of the night. Using this Gift requires a swarm of at least a thousand bats (easily found in most temperate or tropical areas). It is taught by a bat-spirit.

System: The Garou spends three Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). Success indicates she slips into a deep meditative trance, and can see through the bats’ eyes and hear through their ears for one full night. With one success, she cannot control the bats’ movements; they go where they will, and she sees and hears what they happen to see and hear (generally lots of insects). With three or more successes, however, the Garou can subtly direct the movements of the swarm such that they are guided to a general area of interest to the Garou. She still cannot control individual bats, but they will show mild interest in whatever area it is that the Garou wants them to see.

A Thousand Eyes (Level Three)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 71

Description: The Child of Bat melds his consciousness with that of a swarm of bats, and may see and hear all that they see and hear for the duration of the night. Using this Gift requires a swarm of at least a thousand bats (easily found in most temperate or tropical areas). It is taught by a bat-spirit.

System: The Garou spends three Gnosis and rolls Perception + Primal-Urge (difficulty 8). Success indicates she slips into a deep meditative trance, and can see through the bats’ eyes and hear through their ears for one full night. With one success, she cannot control the bats’ movements; they go where they will, and she sees and hears what they happen to see and hear (generally lots of insects). With three or more successes, however, the Garou can subtly direct the movements of the swarm such that they are guided to a general area of interest to the Garou. She still cannot control individual bats, but they will show mild interest in whatever area it is that the Garou wants them to see.

Children of Crow

Perceptive Servant (Level One)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 72

Description: Children of Crow are consummate eavesdroppers, and combined with the perceptiveness one gains by serving Crow, this Gift can be extremely useful. It is taught by a Crow-sprit.

System: By spending on point of Gnosis, a Child of Crow can reduce the difficulty of overhearing a conversation or witnessing a secretive activity by 2.

Hidden Secrets (Level Two)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 72

Description: Children of Crow are terribly fond of blackmail, and this Gift does a lot to help their natural tendencies along. The Corax know this Gift as Dark Truths; the Shadow Lords learned the Gift from the raven-folk, and improved on it a bit. The Gift is taught by a fly-spirit.

System: To use this Gift, the character rolls Perception + Manipulation (difficulty 7). Success indicates the Garou learns one of the target’s deepest and most embarrassing secrets. These secrets are of no use in combat, but make excellent blackmail material. Of course, not everyone has secrets of equal value.

Dark Aerie (Level Three)
Also Level 2 Uktena Gift called "Spirit of the Bird"

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 72

Description: Few enemies would expect a werewolf to attack from above, which is precisely why the Uktena developed the means to do so. The Garou may hover, fly or float. Any bird spirit can teach this Gift.

System: The player spends one Gnosis point. The Garou can fly at 20 mph and hover as she desires. The difficulties of all combat maneuvers increase by one. This Gift lasts for one hour.

In the Shadowlord version of this Gift, the servant of Crow is enveloped by shadows as he escapes.

Judges of Doom

Executioner’s Privilege (Level Two)
Also a Level 2 Get of Fenris Gift called "Halt the Coward’s Flight"
Currently ONLY available as the Get of Fenris Gift on City of Hope.

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 73 / WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 147

Description: The Garou may slow a fleeing (not charging) foe, making him easier to catch. A wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The Garou must spend one turn concentrating, and the player rolls Charisma + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). If the roll succeeds, the target’s speed is halved for one scene.

Assassin’s Strike (Level Four)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 73

Description: Like the Ratkin and the Nagah before them, the Judges of Doom have learned to quickly slip into and out of the Umbra so that they may surprise their prey. When using this Gift, the Judge disappears for a moment and reappears behind his victim, whereupon he may attack his victim with complete surprise. This Gift is taught by a cobra-spirit.

System: The character spends one Gnosis and one Rage, then uses the Umbra to “skip” up to 50 feet and reappear in the physical world directly behind his target. The Judge may then attack his victim at -2 difficulty (minimum 4). This attack may not be dodged unless the victim has bolstered his senses with supernatural aid.

Find the Transgressor (Level Five)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 73

Description: With this potent Gift, the Judge calls upon the might of Gaia Herself to determine the exact location of any one named individual that has violated the Litany in some fashion. Use of this Gift is never a trivial undertaking, and those that abuse its power usually suffer dire consequences. An avatar of Gaia Herself teaches this Gift.

System: The user spends two Gnosis and two Willpower, then invokes the will of Gaia to help him find a Garou who has violated the Litany in a particularly foul fashion. If Gaia would agree with the Judge’s assessment of the situation (which is left entirely to the Storyteller’s judgment), he learns the exact location of his quarry. No method of obfuscation, be it supernatural or mundane, can keep the target hidden. The Gift does nothing to help the Judge reach the target and it does not work on Wyrm-creatures (who are shrouded by their patron).

If Gaia disagrees with the Judge’s opinion, or if the transgressor has violated the Litany in only a trivial sense, the Judge instead suffers one aggravated level of damage per Rank of the targeted Garou.

Judges of Doom & Lords of the Summit

True Fear (Level Two)
Also a Level 2 Ahroun Gift

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 142 / WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 73

Description: The Ahroun can display the true extent of her power, scaring one chosen foe into quiescence for a number of turns. Spirits of fear teach this Gift.

System: The player rolls Strength + Intimidation (difficulty of the target’s Willpower). Each success she achieves cows the enemy for one turn; the victim cannot attack at this time. He may defend himself if attacked and otherwise act normally, although his action will likely be guided by fear.

Interrogator (Level Three)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 73

Description: This Gift was originally discovered by a cult of Shadow Lords known as the Judges of Doom. A Garou may use this Gift to terrify his victim into a confession. This Gift is taught by a Fear-spirit.

System: The interrogator rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge or Interrogation; the defendant resists with an opposed Willpower roll. If the Garou succeeds, the defendant will be paralyzed with fear for one round and confess the greatest crime that he has committed during the last cycle of the moon. This is long enough for a one sentence confession, but may only be used once per moon cycle. Judges of Doom may learn this as a Level One Gift.

Lords of the Summit

Paranoia (Level One)

Source: WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition) p. 74

Description: Lords of the Summit don’t remain such for long unless they can see their enemies coming. This Gift gives the Lord a heightened sense of awareness, and also reveals a few details about the enemies he’s about to face. A Stormcrow teaches this Gift.

System: The Lord rolls Perception + Awareness (difficulty 7). A single success is all that’s needed to determine the number of opponents in the area. Two reveals the type(s) of opponents, while three or more reveal progressively more detailed information. The effects of the Gift last for a scene.

Roll Over(Level Four)
Also a Level 4 Philodox Gift

Source: WW3801 - Werewolf: the Apocalypse Revised p. 140 / WW3858 - Tribebook: Shadow Lords (revised) p. 74

Description: The Philodox can call on her power to radiate a commanding presence that compels others to submit to her. Should she succeed in a test of wills, she dominates her foe, which causes humans to fall to their knees and wolves to roll on their backs. Either a lion- or a wolf-spirit teaches this Gift.

System: The player must score at least three successes more than her opponent on a resisted Willpower contest. If the Gift takes effect, the victim can take no action other than submission unless he is in direct danger.

Planetary Gifts

Ruatma, The Shadowed One, Celestine of Uranus
Favored Tribe: Shadow Lords
Favored Auspice: Theurge
Also known as: Ouranos, Wotan, Siku
Source: WW3110 Rage Across the Heavens, p. 72

Level 1

  • Find the Portent

Level 2

  • Hidden Depths

Level 3

  • Unravel

Level 4

  • Blank Slate

Level 5

  • Diplomatic Immunity

Level One

Find the Portent

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 123

Description: With this Gift, a Garou can call for and receive some omen or portent which can help her determine her next course of action. The Garou must meditate for a few minutes in order to place herself in a receptive state so that she can recognize the sign that comes to her.

System: No roll is necessary, but the player must spend a point of Gnosis. The Storyteller then produces some sort of omen or portent to serve as a hint for the character about what lies in the future. ("A blackbird carrying something in its beak flies overhead heading north." "You feel a sense of dread about entering this part of the forest.")

Level Two

Hidden Depths

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 123

Description: This Gift allows a Garou to uncover some hidden piece of information, or to decipher some cryptic passage of text. The Gift can also enable a Garou to figure out who the real power behind the scenes is in a given situation.

System: This player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Perception + Enigmas (difficulty 8). Each success allows the character to learn one piece of hidden or concealed fact about the person, place or thing targeted by the Gift. For example, one line of a prophecy may be explained for each success. The Storyteller should decide the overall effects of this Gift so that players do not attempt to avoid pursuing other avenues of investigation.

Level Three


Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 123

Description: This Gift allows the Garou to put together seeming random bits of information to form a tentative analysis of a situation and formulate a course of action. This is particularly useful in situations where gathering concrete information is difficult, or in extremely complex circumstances.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Intelligence + Enigmas (difficulty 7). Only one success is necessary to make some basic sense out of even the most confusing situation, but each additional success further clarifies matters. (The player may ask the Storyteller to explain to her what is actually going on in a given scene and use that information as character knowledge.) A failure means that the character cannot make sense of a situation while a botch means that the character puts together a totally false scenario and draws erroneous conclusions from her "knowledge".

Level Four

Blank Slate

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124

Description: The Garou can completely remove a single piece of information from her own mind or from that of another. This Gift becomes useful in situations where an individual has come across some dangerous knowledge that might lead to her death for possessing it. The Garou may not only remove the information - such as the identity of a Garou mole within a hostile group or the location of a safehouse for eco-terrorists - but she may also smooth over the edges of the victim's memory so that she does not realize that anything is missing. The Garou may also use this Gift to alter her own memories in situations where she feels that is necessary.

System: The player spends a point of Gnosis and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty of the victim's Willpower). A single success allows the character to excise the desired piece of information. Additional successes enable the character to make any secondary adjustments to the target's memory to hide the fact that something is missing. No successes means that the victim retains the memory although she may not be aware that someone has tried to tamper with her mind. A botch may either remove the memory along with other chunks of information or else alert the victim to the unsuccessful attempt so that she knows who has tried to erase parts of her memory.

Level Five

Diplomatic Immunity

Source: WW3110 - Rage Across the Heavens, p. 124

Description: This Gift enables the Garou to walk about in the midst of a hostile group without provoking the outbreak of hostilities. The Garou can enter a caern belonging to a rival or walk openly into the middle of a group of Black Spiral Dancers in order to retrieve something or deliver a message. The Garou surrounds herself with an aura of "neutrality" that negates her enemies' or rivals' animosity long enough for her to accomplish her task and leave without incident. The Gift lasts for one scene, after which all bets are off.

System: The player spends a point of Willpower and rolls Manipulation + Subterfuge (difficulty 8). A successful roll allows the character to interact with a group of potential enemies for the purpose of delivering a message, retrieving an item or issuing an ultimatum. A failure means that the Gift does not take effect (in which case the character would be wise to avoid confronting the intended group). A botch means that the character believes that the Gift is in effect - a belief which will more than likely disappear as soon as she encounters the opposing group.