Ramona Williams/Hooks

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Revision as of 10:25, 24 June 2024 by BadAssUserName (talk | contribs)
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*Bone Gnawer: Kinfolk to the future inheritors of the wasteland. A hard life on the streets has made Ramona a hard person.

*Homeless: Ish. She has home space at the Dead Mall Bone Gnawer colony.

*Looks like she will kill you: And might actually kill you. Unless we're cool, in which case she'll kill for you.

*Criminal Record: Just petty minor stuff, nothing major.

*Gang: It's not an actual gang, but she does have 5 other (NPC) Kinfolk that she sticks with. So... Sort of a gang.

*Work: Actual paying work for the expansion and re-opening of a city homeless shelter.