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Renown Submissions

Please always work out ONE person for a scene to submit renown for the WHOLE GROUP. It gets confusing and someone may get left out or receive less renown if everyone is left to do it on their own. It also makes more work for Renown Crew Staff to have to review multiple requests for the same scene.

Just how should you write up a request for renown? Here are some tips/examples for you to follow:

The Request

WHO: (We need to know who was in the scene, who's involved, who's getting renown, who ran the PrP, etc.)

WHAT: Give us a summary of what the request is for. The log is NOT enough. Give us some context, and details as to who deserves what for renown and why. This is the information that staff needs in order to process your request. If it is not in the job, then we have to ask for it - or the job can be denied.

LOG: We need a log to verify this, and include any important OOC and +rolls (especially for sensing wyrm, cleansing, etc).

Renown Breakdown: If you haven't already, take a look at Renown and take the time to FIND which line you are specifically requesting. Make sure it fits, and it's appropriate to the best of your ability. List them, and which player should be getting what for renown. (No, you don't get renown for killing the big bad guy, if you A) never killed them, or B) didn't participate in the fight) just as an example.

Totals: Lastly, tally it up. Break it down by player. This gives us a chance to check our math against yours and helps expedite things.

There is going to be times when staff discuss the renown requested, and decide that the submission does not warrant an award. In which case, we will submit as much back to you to let you know when it was not awarded.

By following what was listed above here, it will be a big help to Renown Crew to award renown to those in the request. Some people color code each player in the request, which is very helpful too. The better formatted the request, the easier it is for staff to sort it out. If you have questions, please just ask staff.

Pro-tip: Including the Rite Name for a player in your submission is a "good thing" as some players switch back and forth and around, and when requests are being processed, it takes time to look up what other name they may be going as at that moment. If it is in the job, then all the better!

Renown Submission Example

+renownreq NAME/(Types of renown)=

WHO: Player A (rited A-Player), Player B (rited B-Player), Player C (ST)

WHAT: Player C pulled us into a PrP where we waged war against the terrible Renown Staff. We slung awful +requests at them for months, and buried them in cold wet feces of our in articulation. They retaliated by accosting us bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo, which left us aggravated with wounds and scarred with templates and procedures until our eyes crossed over.

Renown Breakdown:
Player A -

  • Participating in a Multi-User eXperience and not losing his mind (+1 Cool Points)
  • Surviving an incapacitating wound after running out of Mt. Dew (+2 Tartar Sauce Points)
  • Giving into the temptation of cybering with Purple Hose-Beast (tm) (-3 Cool Points)

Player B -

  • Participating in a Multi-User eXperience and not losing her mind (+1 Cool Points)

Totals (by player):
Player A (-2 Cool Points, +2 Tartar Sauce Points)
Player B (+1 Cool Points, +2 Tartar Sauce Points)

Additional Tips

Before you start any PRP on camera, please communicate with each other to be sure that more than one player is logging the scene if possible - just in case of computer hiccups.

Be sure to figure out who will submit a group nomination for XP and someone to submit the Renown. Traditionally that tends to be the Storyteller, but it can be someone else of course. It is better to have someone designated ahead of time so that it does not get lost/forgotten, OR more than one gets submitted and causes some confusion.

* Use +renownreq if it is for multiple people. Use +renown/nom if it is for a single person.

If the PRP has multiple days to finish it all up, please just put in a SINGLE request for the whole thing, and include all the logs in that request.

IF the PRP will last ICly longer, and it becomes multiple scenes, then you can submit those separately. Just be sure there is no overlap of scenes, and make sure the timeline is clear in the requests and the logs.

IF you have more than one Alt involved in the scene, one should be in the background and will receive no renown. You cannot double dip and get two of your personal alts involved for Renown in the same scene.

Questions? Open up a request to staff and we'll do our best to help answer it.