Faolan Walsh/Hooks

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Revision as of 13:58, 25 April 2021 by Faolan (talk | contribs)
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Bad Rep and Renown: Faolan's not in the Sept's good books right now, and rightly so after the disrespect he showed to the Elder and fellow Garou. If there's Garou work to be done, put him up to the task, no matter how menial! It's time for this Cliath to earn some respect!

Songkeeper: Foalan's kin come from a long line of Songkeepers in the Fianna tradition. If there's a ballad or song to be made of the Sept's valiant deeds, or even if you're just after some daft poetry to try and win over that mate your chasing, he will oblige!

Hunting: This young Cliath could do with some hunting practice. Push him up to the task to help bring back food for the local sept and his tribe.

Fianna Kin:To the Fianna, kin means everything. Faolan is desperate to connect to some local kin for some usual Foalan revelry. Expect heavy drinking, song, and likely morning hangovers.