2014.06.20: PWN - LEGACY - Blood, Sweat, Tears, and Legacy

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[The scene opens with the shadows of two wrestlers hitting the ropes, and one taking the other down. As the camera pans, we see that the video is coming from some sort of training facility with weight lifting equipment to the right, body and speed bags to the left, and the ring with the two people in the middle of the room. The gymnasium seems to be a combination of good looking equipment with the normal signs of use and tears, but the walls and floors are something of a building that has not been updated in decades. There are overhead lights that hang down, and it appears that half of them aren’t even working. This place has been well used, but it looks like people have used it to all that it has to offer. The camera focuses on the two people a bit more, and the audience can see that one of the wrestlers is Hayden Phoenix and the other is what looks to be an older gentleman]

[Older Guy - Ray] – Hit those ropes Phoenix. Use the momentum. One, two, three, bounce…. One, two, three, bounce… work up that stamina. You were late to the party last time, and it looks like Legacy has their first card already booked by the time you arrived, and you only get one chance at a first impression. You are damn lucky enough to hopefully get on the card for the next show, so don’t… fucking….blow it.

[Phoenix] – I get it Ray… I was late… I put myself in this position….

[Older Guy - Ray] – NO! You don’t get it… you had a chance to make a splash from day one, but you sat and waited for that other promotion to come to YOU. They took a little va-cay… so now it is up to you to find a new opportunity. It looks like you were lucky enough to have Legacy fall into your laps, and lucky enough that they actually wanted to still sign you. Lucky is not something that you can count on… YOU are the only thing that you can count on… one, two, three, bounce. Push, PUSH!

[Phoenix] – I get it Ray. I will not let you down… I will not let Sean down… I will not let myself down. I will make my impact, and begin to cement my own Legacy.

[Older Guy - Ray] – That is what I want to hear. Now I want you to cut a promo.

[Phoenix] – Right here? In the-

[Older Guy - Ray] – Yes. You need to be ready. I want you to cut a promo. I want you to stand in the middle of this ring, make yourself known, and make an impression.

[Phoenix] – But I thought…

[Older Guy - Ray] – I don’t give a damn what you think. Who is training you?

[Phoenix] – You are…

[Older Guy - Ray] – You are goddamn right. Now cut the promo.

[Phoenix] – Uh… okay.

[Phoenix grabs a makeshift pseudo-mic and clears his throat. Ray leans up against the turnbuckle, cross his arms, and watches his young protégé get right into character]

[Phoenix] - Pay close attention staff and talent of Legacy, I have something to say. I do not want anyone to think that just because I was late to the game in Legacy doesn’t mean that I have some sort of lack of anything… in any area. I simply had bad timing; I was at the wrong place, at the wrong time. I joined a company when they seemed to be shutting down for the time being, and so I scrambled. As I can see from the moment I arrived here in California, Legacy Wrestling is the place to be. This is where the young and hungry will earn respect, glory, and experiences to make a name for them in the business. And that is entirely what I intend to do. I come from Ontario, Canada; while this might be my first big test on something bigger, I have trained and prepared for years. I was trained by some of the best, and I intend on holding up their great name in my talent and skills. You might think I have some rust on these old boots, but don’t fear… Ray is keeping me in tip-top condition. I may not be the glamour-boy of some companies, or the monster that strikes fear in the eyes of the competition. I am exactly what you see…. I am heart. I am passion. I am the drive it takes to win. I am the will to never give up. I am the never ending story that will remain in the spotlight for years to come, and I am the blood, sweat, and tears that anyone that has even wanted to be the greatest wanted to be.

[Phoenix wipes the sweat from his brow off with his taped up wrists. The overhead lights in the gymnasium seem to be quite hot as Phoenix continues to speak]

[Phoenix] – The minute I hear my music, and I walk out from the back I am the same person. There is no difference from who I am back there and who I am out here. I have the same passion and love for this sport. There is nothing else I could be doing. This is for me. It is now or never. It is all or nothing. It is succeed, or failed at everything I have trained at for years. I have trained for years by Raymond Brothers… his personal protégé. I have seen his glories, and his failures. I know what it takes, and I have just that. I have the “X” factor, I have “it”, or however you want to say it. I have what is takes, and I will prove that. This is MY time. This is the time when I will SUCCEED. This is the time when I will CAPTURE my own GLORY. I WILL make a NAME for MYSELF. I AM HAYDEN PHOENIX… AND TODAY, I BEGIN MY LEGACY….

[Phoenix drops the mic, proceeds out of the ring and into the locker room of the gymnasium not even paying attention to the fact that Ray is still in the ring. Ray looks at the path that Phoenix just made walking through all of the equipment and is absolutely stunned. His eyes shows a matter of shock and awe… like he gave his young talent a challenge and that challenge was not only met but broken in pieces; and yet the smirk on his face shows that he knew that Phoenix had it in him the whole time. Ray than speaks out loud, to just himself]

[Older Guy - Ray] – That’s it boy… get that fire in your belly. You have what is takes. And we all know it. You just need the push. And this is just the first push until you step out from the shadows and into the spotlight. This business has plans for you, and I will make sure those plans come true.