LEGACY Wrestling Presents: Break on Through

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LEGACY Wrestling Presents: Break on Through (7/19/14)
@ The Carson Community Center in Carson, California
w/ Len Ragatti and Tracy Race on Commentary

Wow.. What a show. Independence Day was more than just a show name as it proved that LEGACY Wrestling is here to stay and is able to hang even with the best of them. The talent assembled beneath the LEGACY banner is nothing short of phenomenal which leads us to it's follow up-- Break on Through which is a fitting name as there's multiple talent debuting here, and with the right effort will be able to do just that- break on through.. to the other side. With so much happening at Independence Day where several returns was made [shocking returns at that] LEGACY wants to keep the momentum rolling heading into it's next show!

Kicking things off for us is debuting Mikah, Sarah Parsons, Ashley Williams and Riley Sanders as they take on Rina Kirilos in a totally unorthodox Five Way Ladies of LEGACY Match. With Ruby Red far and away the best woman on the roster, this gives each woman a chance to get her name out there and to the point where she's able to challenge Ruby in the event Petey Bauer ever announces whether or not a Ladies of LEGACY Championship will be made available. Mikah and Ruby had a little run in at Independence Day regarding Ruby's associate Christian Othniel-- but Mikah made it clear she was here to get back into the business. Riley Sanders, Ashley Williams and Sarah Parsons are making their debuts.. all as Rina Kirilos is hoping for a stronger showing against these two as she was totally dominated by Ruby Red last time she was in the ring.

Also making his debut at Break on Through, we'll see a man known by the name of Glory who apparently had somehow been mixed up in an issue with Prince Treborn across of Twitter. Prince Treborn, the littlest big man requested the match as he had Independence Day off, he wants to get into the ring and further establish the name of his family and has a great chance to do so here. Glory on the other hand makes his LEGACY debut, and debuting in front of a usually pro-Treborn crowd due to Prince being a hometown boy. Will Glory live up up to his name and experience it-- or will Prince Treborn's ascension continue as he looks to grasp the open crown of The Treborn name?

Alex Andrews put on a good showing against the now resigned Bulldozer Brixton in a handicap match, but he'll have to do much more than that to succeed against a fired up Duke Andrews. After falling to Drew Stevenson at Independence Day-- Duke is nursing a bad knee but wanted to get back into the ring and take on ANY challenger-- so LEGACY Officials wanted to see who the better 'Andrews' was of the two. Alex is younger-- Duke has more experience, but will Duke be able to fight through the pain that Drew Stevenson inflicted on him? Or will Alex Andrews capitalize on the opportunity given to him and take Duke to the limit and find a way to beat Duke in the center of the ring which would speak VOLUMES for how talented the kid is.

After an unsuccessful start to a solo career, Miles Lozio wasn't able to get past Wayne Williams-- but is given another attempt against Silas Romero.. Who's LEGACY's self-proclaimed 'Kingslayer'. Miles Lozio put on a great showing against Wayne Williams but in the end couldn't seal the deal and close.. something that he needs to learn to do if he wishes to have a successful solo career. Silas Romero on the other hand managed to squeak by Matt Matlock but opened eyes in the process. There was a lot of highlights from the match-- but Romero managed to even catch the eye of Decaine on Twitter! Lozio can definitely get things going back in his direction by knocking off Silas Romero-- but 'The Supreme Knockout' won't be an easy target.. Romero wants to continue opening eyes and breaking jaws!

The recently spawned alliance between Hayden Phoenix and Ian Windermear to battle WASTE finds themselves already partnering up as they look to take on Richard Steen's two clients; Joey Edwards and Wayne Williams. Hayden Phoenix had an AMAZING debut against Windermear, earning the respect of Ian-- not something that happens everyday. After the match, the men exchanged handshakes as Ian understood that he couldn't battle Ward and WASTE by himself-- so Phoenix lending a hand to get things to swing back in their favor works well. Joey Edwards and Wayne Williams are both on rolls, to see if their success carries over into tag team action is something to be seen-- how these two teams clash will DEFINITELY say a lot regarding the future of these four individuals!

Returning to action after the attack by Zarek Lyle, Scotty Addams finds himself against a familiar rival in TJ Bryce. Both men are from 'over the fence' as Christian Michaels refers to it and know each other quite well-- meaning this match has the chance to steal the show. With an announcement regarding championships right around the corner-- or whenever Bauer sees fit to decide to make it, Addams wants to get his name out there.. as does TJ Bryce. The question is, will Scotty be able to focus at the task at hand knowing that an unsigned loose cannon by the name of Zarek Lyle is looking to wreck everything he's trying to accomplish? TJ Bryce has had MASSIVE success in his home of The Great White North.. many expect him to replicate that in Carson-- may the best man win..

WASTE.. Hands down LEGACY's most dominating force. Time and time again they've shown how much damage they can cause-- Aiden Marx, Matt Ward and Cameron Kaiser have no mercy. At Independence Day, they disrupted Joe Cooper's match, a notion he didn't appreciate and made it known.. Aiden Marx and Kevin Moss on the other hand, went to double DQ as interference decided that match. Bauer was SO upset with Cooper's actions that he wanted closure.. hence the tag match. WASTE is hands down the favorite as they know each other well.. but Kevin Moss didn't look too bad at Independence Day. Joe Cooper is known to give all the effort in the world so if these two can click, they can no doubt challenge WASTE's superiority.. but of course.. Angelica Night is that X-Factor just waiting to get involved.. Oh, and not to mention Bauer's new 'head of security' Maxwell Schneider was deemed special guest referee after he and Joe Cooper had quite the back and forth. Nothing major though.. Or is it?

Closing the evening off.. We find the heated battle between Bobby Langford and Christian Othniel FINALLY coming to a head. Langford was approached by the recently debuted/comeback Con Escobar last week- the staredown was nothing short of epic.. but didn't come to blows. After Othniel's fake retirement where he attempted to sucker Bobby Langford into getting attacked, to say the hatred between the two spiked to a new level would be an understatement. Bobby also can't forget about Othniel introducing him to 'Father Karras' a kendo stick that Othniel uses to 'exorcises' individuals he finds guilty and purge-worthy. Will Langford gain the upper-hand in this blood feud with Frank Washington continuing his successful managing ways or will the many factors -- such as Father Karras, Con Escobar and even Ruby Red have things lean in CO's favor?

Also Featuring: Per Decaine's request, his ENTIRE 'Clientele' which is made up of Drew Stevenson, Drexel and Bison has the night off but we expect them to be in attendance. After the shocking return of Decaine's arch-nemesis Stan Biehn who brought with him two men who WE THINK go by the name of ANTIVENOM and THE SCAR once these two sides are within feet of each other-- expect allllllll hell to break loose. Con Escobar can almost be guaranteed to be in attendance as his brother Othniel is headling.. What about Matlock who's gotta be EXTREMELY sour after that lost to Romero where Romero held the tigghts?! Noah Adelaide should be in the house despite the shoulder injury that Cameron Kaiser put on him-- also Cameron Kaiser will be with his WASTE brothers and sister. Rumors suggest that after his DOMINATING win, Adrian Abernanthy Gates and his manager-- Johnny Bonecrusher will have their eye on each match with the expected championship announcement around the corner. Is the problems between Dante Lozio and his brother cleared up?! Will we see the unsigned renegade Zarek Lyle?! What about The Crimson Queen Ruby Red?! Make sure to tune in on Saturday July 19th, 2014 for LEGACY Wrestling's Break on Through!

Bobby Langford w/ Frank Washington vs. Christian Othniel (Singles Match)
WASTE [Aiden Marx & Matt Ward] vs. Kevin Moss & Joe Cooper -- 'Perfectly Sane' Maxwell Schneider as Special Guest Referee (Special Guest Referee Tag Team Match)
Scotty Addams vs. TJ Bryce (Singles Match)
Joey Edwards & Wayne Williams w/ Richard Steen vs. Hayden Phoenix & Ian Windermear (Tag Team Match)
Miles Lozio vs. Silas Romero (Singles Match)
Alex Andrews vs. Duke Andrews (Singles Match)
Glory vs. Prince Treborn (Singles Match)

Mikah vs. Ashley Williams vs. Sarah Parsons vs. Riley Sanders vs. Rina Kirilos (Five Way Ladies of LEGACY Match)