Spiridon/The Dictum Mortuum and The Emerald Values

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Revision as of 10:51, 4 March 2020 by Ghost 18 (talk | contribs)
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Dictum Mortuum:

1. The Dead will not communicate with the Quick.

2. The Dead will not breach the Shroud, nor use Arcanoi that breach the Shroud.

3. The Dead will not impact or influence the Quick in any way.

Emerald Values:

1. Determine Risk

2. Cogs Turn Wheels

3. Throw it Up and See if it Flies

4. Talk Emeralds, not Thorns

*** Disclaimer *** I am not out looking for PK or to ruin anyone's RP. If you are a wraith feel free to continue to interact with others but understand that my character as Hierarchy will react accordingly if it is discovered IC. Others who wish to or plan to or are already interacting with wraiths, please continue to do so as you see fit. I will not Kill you or go after you or anything for interacting with them. On the other hand, the Underworld and Shadowlands are considered Risk 3 for outsiders and if you choose to enter them and are discovered, you will be dealt with accordingly. Which usually means death on sight.