
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 12:53, 16 March 2017 by imported>Verity
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“During all those lat weeks I spent there, there was a peculiar evil feeling in the air - an atmosphere of suspicion, fear, uncertainty, and veiled hatred. You seemed to spend all your time holding whispered conversations in corners of cafes and wondering whether that person at the next table was a police spy,;

– George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia


xxxxxVerity Kincaid is a minor historical figure born in Prospect in the 18th century. She wrote a number of political and anarchist tracts that were attributed to Peter Kropotkin until the 1970s when feminist writers drew closer attention to her works. She died in a failed bomb plot to kill the Tsar of Russia at the end of the century. Only recently has she been seen as an actual key figure in the formation of the plot.

RP Hooks
  • People Should RP With Me
  • These Are The Things We Can RP About
  • They're Terribly Interesting

Some Subsection

  • More Reasons Go Here
A Section

xxxxxLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In blandit mauris id lorem fermentum, nec lobortis lacus convallis. Etiam pharetra erat ut quam tempus fermentum. Donec convallis, nisi in pellentesque hendrerit, tortor ligula vulputate augue, a convallis enim metus et mauris. Aliquam quis erat at felis fringilla aliquam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce eros nisl, semper ut lorem eu, varius convallis leo. Vivamus ut venenatis odio, quis fermentum nibh. Nulla vulputate erat nisi, a pharetra purus mollis quis. Maecenas semper vitae ante nec porttitor. Curabitur vitae elit id mi varius fringilla. Quisque fringilla erat nec nisi dapibus elementum. Donec tortor dolor, auctor non odio vestibulum, viverra semper massa. Donec non quam iaculis, luctus sem ac, ultrices quam. Ut eu ante mollis, dapibus ligula in, molestie mauris. Pellentesque scelerisque risus vel justo semper fringilla.

xxxxxStuff goes here.

Verity Kincaid
Date of Birth: 23 of May 1877
Apparent Age: Mid Twenties
Occupation: Anarchist
Nature: Avant-guarde
Demeanor: Fanatic

Sphere: Wraith
Faction: Renegade
Guild: Monitor

PJ Harvey - Rub Til' it Bleeds

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