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Those who live by the sea can hardly form a single thought of which the sea would not be part.
-Hermann Broch


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Sea Life
Race: Rokea
Camp: Betweener
Faction: Gaian
Tribe: Sphyrna
Auspice: Darkwater
Breed: Homid
Rank: Surface
Pack: Banquet of Shoals
Pack Position: Alpha

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Meditation in Motion
Real Name: Soriba N'Tchassó
Date of Birth: January 21, 2000
Age: 18
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 93lbs.
Heritage: African
Nature: Bon Vivant
Demeanor: Caregiver
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown
Photo Reference: Faith Obae

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Life of the Waves

The Dawn of the New Moon

Born under the eclipsed moon, she was the second born of twins having been born nearly twelve hours after her sister. There was quite the commotion when her sister was born metis and she was born human. Of course, mother and father understood for he was not the biological father of either but instead had born witness to the night of debauchery his wife enjoyed.

The lineage of Betweener Rokea is confusing, but there was an incident a generation ago which brought their mother into existence making the matron Ajaba kinfolk to a Rokea. The same Rokea returned and during a rite in 1999 impregnated the woman whom he had sired nearly two decades prior. This has led to some strange conversations between mother and daughters, but it is obvious to many that the women are the heart of their family circle.

The Lesser Twin

Being the mere human child of an Ajaba who had given birth to an Ajaba, even if metis, Soriba was considered lesser than Sabaro. Though she never felt lesser when she was with her twin. The two would often act as one, speaking a make shift language of their own, a language of words, whimpers, barks and body postures that only the two of them spoke and understood. Even before Soriba went to school, she and Sabaro acted very much like a pack.

Always with her sister, it soon became apparent that homid born girl, though smaller for much of their youth was the alpha between them. Her ideas, her plans, her thoughts seemed to become manifest once shared with her older, larger sister. It was almost cliche the way they were with each other, the smaller girl, intelligent and charismatic providing a cover for the larger, stronger Ajaba who provided protection. They were quite the pair.

The Long Swim

When puberty began to encroach on Soriba, she couldn't leave the sight of the ocean. There was a sorrow in her gaze and much of her playfulness had left her. For days on end, she would stand on a beach, or swim to one of the many islands off the coast. Several times, Sabaro would join her, hidden on the furthest islands so that the two could be alone. That is until one day an older man, heavily muscled, wild hair and a grey beard approached her.

Swims-With-Two-Legs was the name he offered. At first, she thought he was an odd Ajaba, but then he spoke of the truth of what he was. He offered, as her father, to guide her in how to live in Sea and swim the deeps with Kun, C'et and Qyrl. He introduced her to his remora, letting her develop the bonds with them he had, encouraging them to travel with her. He taught her how to speak with the spirits of Unsea and taught her the Litany of the Rokea.

The greatest thing he offered was a future. He taught her about the hunt for Betweeners and how hard it was for them to rise in Rokean society. For his part, he offered to be available through the remora to accept her challenges for proof of Valor.

My Father, My Grandfather


The Choice of Bonds

There are otters in African. They range from coast to coast all the way south to South Africa. As such, they aren't as aquatic as most other otters, but they do have some impact. Spiritually speaking, there are subtle and minor differences between Otter and Sea Otter. In the end, not wanting to be far from her sister, Soriba went in search of Sea Otter. Why a land-based totem to sponsor her family? So that the aquatic nature of this one would allow her sister to go on long swims.

New Shores


Those the Currents Bring


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My sister, my life. She fights so I don't have to.


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Sire, Sire of Dame, and Mentor. He has taught me much and gifted more.





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