“Ordo ab chao.”
Located near the Thorn Building on the corner of Belvedere and Fourth downtown, the Scottish Rite Cathedral is home to the working bodies of the Valley of Prospect, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA. However, the facility is also boasts a large auditorium and dining facility, both available for rent for weddings, conferences, and similar events. Contact Alden O'Dwyer for more information.
Uses & RP Hooks
- Freemasonry: Anyone interested in knowing more about Freemasonry, especially the Scottish Rite, this is a great place to visit.
- Rentals: The auditorium and dining facility, complete with commercial kitchen and catering services, are available for rent for nearly any event.
- Events: The Scottish Rite often hosts events for Masonic or related education and training, as well as for fundraising for philanthropic purposes.
“Man's action are the picture book of his creeds.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Scottish Rite Cathedral
Valley of Prospect, AASR, SJ