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*'''Permanent Renown'''
*'''Permanent Renown'''
Glory - 3
Glory - 4
Honor - 1
Honor - 1
Wisdom - 10
Wisdom - 10

Revision as of 20:27, 18 January 2013

  • Permanent Renown

Glory - 4 Honor - 1 Wisdom - 10

  • Rituals

Bone Rhythms
Breath Of Gaia
Greet The Moon
Greet The Sun
Hunting Prayer
Prayer For The Prey

Level 1
Baptism Of Fire - Marks young garou so that they can be found during their first change.
Gathering for the Departed - Sends the dead to the spirit world in peace.
Moot Rite - Open a moot properly with this ritual.
Preserving the Fetish - Honor your spirits and keep them happy.
Rite of Binding - Binds spirits to a location and creates talons.
Rite of Cleansing - Cleans and purify an area.
Rite Of Contrition - Apologising when a simple sorry will not do.
Rite of Talisman Dedication - Dedicate an item so it can be taken to the spirit world.
Rite of Opened Caern - Unlock the power of the caern and uses it energy to boost your stamina.
Rite of the Questing Stone - Find the true path while on a quest.
Rite of Wounding - Marks the first wound a garou suffers from earning additional glory.

Level 2
Rite of Accomplishment - Ritual used to turn temporary renown to permanent.
Rite Of Adoration - Offers an item to the shrine of Gaia.
Rite of Becoming - Required to enter deep umbra safely.
Rite of Passage - All garou must succeed in a rite to become a full Garou.
Rite of Spirit Awakening - Awaken the sleeping spirits.
Rite of Summoning - Summon spirits to aid us.
Rite of the Winter Winds - Seasonal ritual to celebrate the winter solstice.

Level 3
Birth of the Fire Warrior - Secret Black Fury Gift.
Rite of the Fetish - Binding spirit allies into items to create fetishes.

Level 4
Rite of the Shrouded Glen - Turn the entire caern invisbile from the umbral side.
The Badger's Burrow - See anything that happened near the Caern.