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[[Werewolf|Gaian Garou Main Page]]
[[File:Paw.gif|15 px]] '''Garou Shall Not Mate with Garou'''<br>
[[File:Paw.gif|15 px]] '''Garou Shall Not Mate with Garou'''<br>
{{tab}}'''The Law:''' ''Werewolves should mate only with humans or wolves. Because metis offspring are deformed, twisted or even insane, Garou are forbidden to mate with their own kind. Of course, this law is enforced largely because of age-old prejudices against metis. This stricture forms the basis for some of the greatest tragedies of Garou culture. Galliards have been known to move listeners to tears by telling ballads of two werewolves who fall in love and can never express their passion.. . or who do so at the cost of their lives.''<br>
{{tab}}'''The Law:''' ''Werewolves should mate only with humans or wolves. Because metis offspring are deformed, twisted or even insane, Garou are forbidden to mate with their own kind. Of course, this law is enforced largely because of age-old prejudices against metis. This stricture forms the basis for some of the greatest tragedies of Garou culture. Galliards have been known to move listeners to tears by telling ballads of two werewolves who fall in love and can never express their passion.. . or who do so at the cost of their lives.''<br>

Revision as of 20:06, 24 September 2019

Gaian Garou Main Page

Paw.gif Garou Shall Not Mate with Garou
xxxxxThe Law: Werewolves should mate only with humans or wolves. Because metis offspring are deformed, twisted or even insane, Garou are forbidden to mate with their own kind. Of course, this law is enforced largely because of age-old prejudices against metis. This stricture forms the basis for some of the greatest tragedies of Garou culture. Galliards have been known to move listeners to tears by telling ballads of two werewolves who fall in love and can never express their passion.. . or who do so at the cost of their lives.

xxxxxThe Reality: The number of metis in Garou culture is increasing steadily, showing that this law is not as inviolate as it once was. A handful of tribes claim to actually be kinder to their metis than others. Unfortunately, these claims are often little more than tactics used to recruit and exploit metis for tasks lupus and homids would just as soon avoid.

Paw.gif Combat the Wyrm Wherever It Dwells and Whenever It Breeds
xxxxxThe Law: The Wyrm is a source of evil in the world. Gaia created the werewolves to protect humanity, and destroying the Wyrm is the most direct way to do so. The fastest way for a Garou to become respected is to prove himself in battle against the servants of the Wyrm. The Apocalypse may be close at hand,but the surest way to delay it is to fight without restraint against the Great Serpent and its minions.

xxxxxThe Reality: Werewolves suspect that these days are the Final Days of the world, especially as age-old prophecies have become reality. Even if it were possible, some whisper softly, killing the Wyrm would only delay the inevitable. Jaded elders are distracted by other tasks, such as securing territory, contesting for political power or crippling their rivals. Accepting that the Apocalypse has already begun is a bit too much for some Garou, who would much rather build their own reputations and legacies. When confronted with this part of the Litany, cubs typically ask questions their elders are loath to answer. What happens to a Garou that is possessed, but not fully in the thrall of the Wyrm? Should he be destroyed? Is a Wyrm-spirit really destroyed if it is "killed," or will it just re-form somewhere else ?Can werewolves expect to change the course of history by destroying all of the' Wyrm's servants, or should they choose their battles more carefully? A growing number of young wolves demand that the Weaver is just as dangerous as the Wyrm. Wasn't it the Weaver that forced the Wyrm to such heights of insanity? Such dangerous ideas must be whispered carefully. More zealous werewolves have been known to challenge and kill Garou who speak such treasonous thoughts.

Paw.gif Respect the Territory of Another
xxxxxThe Law: Whenever a Garou approaches another werewolf s territory, he must announce himself first and ask permission to enter. The traditional method involves the Howl of Introduction, reciting one's name, sept, totem, tribe and home sept. Many Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords also insist on a visitor's lineage, establishing whether he is pure bred. In addition to these precautions, a werewolf should mark his territory, whether with scent or clawed sigils, to keep peace with other Garou.

xxxxxThe Reality: As the population of humans in the world keeps growing, howling and urinating on trees becomes impractical. In urban caerns,some technologically proficient werewolves (like the Glass Walkers) prefer a telephone call, email or fax. Many younger werewolves ignore this part of the Litany entirely, considering it a "fascist" tradition in what should be a communal culture. Who cares what your ancestors did centuries ago? A Garou should be judged by what he does today.

Paw.gif Accept an Honorable Surrender
xxxxxThe Law: Duels between werewolves are common. While many homids prefer to talk their way out of disputes, most tribes emphasize martial prowess, stressing trial by ordeal and single combat. As a result, many werewolves die. As the race dies out, peaceful Garou have reemphasized this dictum. They can't stop their sept mates from killing each other, but because of this portion of the Litany, a werewolf being attacked by another Garou can end a duel peacefully by exposing his throat. The loser shouldn't suffer a loss of reputation or renown for doing so, but a victorious Garou should be praised for his mercy. Theoretically, any dueling Garou is honor-bound to accept a surrender.

xxxxxThe Reality: In practice, peaceful werewolves invoke this law freely, but cunning Garou are farmore selective. After all, in the heat of battle, anything can happen. Even the most feral and violent werewolf struggles to obey this law, but when blood begins to flow, instincts overcome reason. Some warriors are infamous for"accidentally" overlooking a surrender and sinking their teeth into an exposed throat.

Paw.gif Submit to Those of Higher Station
xxxxxThe Law: Like the wolves with whom they breed, werewolves maintain a strictly hierarchical society. Someone's always alpha, and some poor fool always ends up skulking behind the rest of the pack. Therefore, the concepts of Renown and Rank are integral to Garou society. A werewolf must always honor reasonable requests from higher-ranking Garou.

xxxxxThe Reality: An increasing number of cubs and cliath have little respect for their elders. If Garou society has done so little to heal the world, how exactly are elders worthy of respect? Each tribe has its own culture, and not all of them believe in kowtowing to tyrants or humoring egotistical alphas with long lineages. A werewolf will honor the elders of his tribe generally, but opinions vary when it comes to the highly ranked of other tribes.

xxxxxBone Gnawers have a habit of disregarding this dictum entirely. In their eyes, all werewolves are equal. Otherwise, they'd find themselves bowing and scraping to everyone. Children of Gaia and Silent Striders respect personal choice, and therefore, they prefer to earn obedience rather than demanding it. Get of Fenris respect any elder... as long as said elder can kick their asses. Red Talons prefer not to hear "monkey babble" about complicated hierarchies; you should know your place instinctively. Shadow Lords and Silver Fangs, on the other hand, enforce this law with iron fists and sharpened claws.

Paw.gif The First Share of the Kill for the Greatest in Station
xxxxxThe Law: Elders are well known for invoking this custom repeatedly. While this "kill clause" originally applied to hunting, it has since been expanded to include spoils of war. In theory, the most renown Garou has a right to the most powerful fetishes found by their packmates. Silver Fangs and Shadow Lords demand what they see as their due;other tribes accept grudgingly.

xxxxxThe Reality: Pack mentality maybe a strong instinct, but not everyone thinks the same way.Most individuals wouldn't abide handing over all the loot they find to one companion. A respected Garou can get away with using this law against her packmates fora while — and maybe even get the elders to back her up — but there are consequence's, of course. They begin with mistrust and end with blows.

Paw.gif You Shall Not Eat the Flesh of Humans
xxxxxThe Law: This portion of the Litany wasfirst sung shortly after the Concord. Stargazer mystics noticed that many werewolves of the Western Concordiat took a bit too much pleasure in devouring human flesh.. Such cannibals found themselves vulnerable to the corruption of the Wyrm. Elders grown fat off human stock also became weak at stalking and killing more challenging prey, like the Wyrm-spirits they should have been hunting. In the 21st century, this law is more than a simple spiritual matter. Human beings now consume a frightening amount of preservatives. Their chemical-laden diet makes their flesh unwholesome.

xxxxxThe Reality: Werewolves are feral creatures, and they lose control occasionally. Far too many times, a hero gazing at the full moon has been overwhelmed by his rage, awakening the next morning with a strange taste in his mouth... and a craving for more. Red Talons quietly ignore this portion of the Litany; some hunt and devour humans openly. One atavistic camp of Bone Gnawers, the Man-Eaters, bases entire rites around cannibalism. As for the Shadow Lord tribe, they consider this law a moot point. They have more effective ways to dispose of human victims....

Paw.gif Respect for Those beneath You - All Are of Gaia
xxxxxThe Law: The werewolves of human legend are skulking solitary monsters, but Garou are communal creatures. Their legendary ancestors pledged to become the world's protectors, so they must respect every creature's place in the natural world. Every Garou is likewise worthy of respect. Chivalry is a classic Garou concept, and chivalrous behavior is a respectable way to gain renown.

xxxxxThe Reality: All septs maycite this dictum, but not all tribes regard their cubs, cliath and metis Garou the same way. Shadow Lords twist this law's meaning, applying only what they see as the "proper amount of respect" to lesser creatures. Get of Fenris won't kill their weaker septmates openly, but they'll put them through sheer hell, giving them the "honor of earning respect." Bone Gnawers just laugh at this precept. They sure as hell don't get respect, and who could be lower in station than them?

xxxxxFortunately, lupine instincts often keep these practices in check. Wolves often show respect for their prey—human Kinfolk marvel when a wolf looks deeply into the eyes of the animal it is about to kill. Noble Garou have even been known to mourn the passing of their foes, earning the respect of others in the process. Werewolves kill when it is necessary, but must be careful not to degenerate into unthinking monsters.

Paw.gif The Veil Shall Not Be Lifted
xxxxxHere, the law and reality are the same. Werewolves must be discreet when acting among humans. This practice is far more than simple respect for the Concord, the decision to respect humanity's right to its own civilization. The world is a dangerous place. Human hunters, religious fanatics, ancient vampires and far more sinister supernatural creatures stalk the night. And, of course, the servants of the Wyrm are lurking everywhere, exploiting the weak. If werewolves choose to act like monsters, other creatures will hunt them like the beasts they are.

xxxxxGarou also have an obligation to protect humanity. When human see werewolves lumbering about in Crinos form, insanity grips them, and they concoct all sorts of outrageous rationales for what they've seen. Fear mounts, panic results, and the populace resorts to drastic measures of defense. In short, rampaging werewolves can cause almost as much damage as the Wyrm creatures they hunt.

Paw.gif Do Not Suffer Your People to Tend Your Sickness
xxxxxThe Law: Sadly, people at war do not always have the resources to care for their infirm. Long ago, an infirm, aged or mortally wounded Garou would be torn to pieces by his sept mates. Such a pitiable hero should not suffer further. In the modern world, it is considered more dignified to let such an elder choose how to end his own life. In Garou legends, many of the greatest heroes simply set out on one last journey, never to return.

xxxxxThe Reality: The Children of Gaia vociferously argue against this law. They believe in a natural death, caring for their elderly through the most prolonged and horrifying illnesses. A few older Garou, especially those crippled by depression and remorse, simply return to human or lupine society to die, making peace with the life they left behind.

Paw.gif The Leader May Be Challenged during Peace
xxxxxThe Law: A werewolf's pack mentality may be strong, but he should not tolerate a weak alpha. If no immediate threat is nearby, a Garou of sufficient rank may challenge the pack leader for his position. A contest results, usually a duel, a test of wits or a simple, snarling display of intimidation. In a pack, this contest is resolved quickly and decisively. In a sept, the assembled werewolves enact the contest with great drama.

xxxxxThe Reality: An extremely powerful alpha may be virtually immune to challenge. Some packs challenge their leader one at a time, wearing him down until he must relent. Tyrannical Shadow Lords insist continually that greater threats are lurking nearby, postponing the most dangerous duels. Cunning werewolves insist on choosing the type of duel that should result, playing off their rivals' known weaknesses. In short, alphas who claw their way to the top through treachery and deceit defend their authority with the same methods.

Paw.gif The Leader May Not Be Challenged during War
xxxxxThe Law: The most dangerous spirits are capable of manifesting in the physical world; in their true aspects, they are monstrous in size and power. For werewolves, pack tactics are the best defense against such invasions. Therefore, obedience in a pack is essential. Once a fight begins, the pack alpha's word is law. A packmate who disobeys may be punished or assaulted by his companions, or possibly even by his sept, after the danger has passed.

xxxxxThe Reality: After bloodlust passes, rage gives way to reason. Half Moons may want to judge why this lapse in obedience took place. If a werewolf was under magical control, corrupted or possessed by the Wyrm — or if the alpha was just startlingly incompetent — such disobedience may be excused, especially if the action saved a pack or the sept. Unfortunately, any renown the wolf would have received for her valor may be canceled out by her insubordination.

Paw.gif You Shall Take No Action That Causes a Caern to Be Violated
xxxxxThis law is obeyed as strictly as the need to preserve the Veil. Caerns surge with mystical energy, the lifeblood of the Earth. If one is destroyed or corrupted, part of the Earth dies, and so does the power of the Garou. A werewolf who leads a proven or potential enemy to a hidden caern is punished severely, even if the act was unintentional.

( This can all be found in WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) pages 37-40 )