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* Forest:  Normally as a raven, she spends much time flying about and scouting the woods.
* Forest:  Normally as a raven, she spends much time flying about and scouting the woods.
* Medium: Ugh..  Sometimes nice, mostly sad, and often just fraged up!  She sees and hears them.  
* Medium: Ugh..  Sometimes nice, mostly sad, and often just fraged up!  She hears them.  
* Mistaken Identity: She looks just like a regionally local vampire. Hoping to eventually end up with someone playing this, either a twin sister or mother that was turned.   
* Mistaken Identity: She looks just like a regionally local vampire. Hoping to eventually end up with someone playing this, either a twin sister or mother that was turned.   

Revision as of 00:24, 21 October 2015

  • Gaian: As a Corax, she is non-denominationally Gaian, social and helpful to Wolves, Fera, whatever.
  • Internet: Crypto-conspiracy-ologist on youtube. She vlogs about wacky and most likely crazy events and findings, and generally makes it harder for most people to take odd sightings or happenings seriously. Come on NWO, you really love me huh? :)
  • Media: Investigative Photojournalist, ok so she sticks her nose into things and tries to take pictures to sell to news orgs.
  • Street: She often spends time helping at local soup kitchens and shelters, and tends to bring treats, listening to people.
  • Crime: Capitalizing on her being half Russian, she is working at getting involved with that portion of criminal activity.
  • Police: She helps them collect data on some crime facets while not mentioning others. Friendly.
  • Night Out: Bars, pool halls, drinking at the grave yard, walking the beach, pretty much all over the place.
  • Forest: Normally as a raven, she spends much time flying about and scouting the woods.
  • Medium: Ugh.. Sometimes nice, mostly sad, and often just fraged up! She hears them.
  • Mistaken Identity: She looks just like a regionally local vampire. Hoping to eventually end up with someone playing this, either a twin sister or mother that was turned.
  • Curiosity/Shinny's/Klepto: Yeah, she takes stuff.. All the time. Often interesting rather than valuable.
  • Russian: See crime above, also fluent in the language. Vodka and Russian Hard House time?!