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Underwent his first change and found out there's more to the world than skate boarding and keeping out of the gangs.  It gives him all the excitement he could want and its for a better reason than someone boosting a car in the wrong neighborhood.
Underwent his first change and found out there's more to the world than skate boarding and keeping out of the gangs.  It gives him all the excitement he could want and its for a better reason than someone boosting a car in the wrong neighborhood.
George takes a good couple of deep breaths, settling himself down, bit by bit. "They warned me that there'd still be things I'd find out about Garou society I wouldn't like. A year and a half ago I didn't know any of this was real. I was just happy I'd made it to twenty one without an arrest record. I thought that I'd found a people that understood what really mattered, they had a honest to goodness divinely inspired -purpose- but it seems like every single time I turn around I run into the same gang style culture and flagrantly racist bullshit I grew up around in the cities. The Ahadi can do this, The Hakken can do this. We. Can. Do. This. What was does not determine what will be. I was chosen as a Ragabash to break traditions Gaia's children and champions can do without, ones that are only holding us back from the battle with the -real- enemy. And the rampant hate and distrust between ALL fera is going to be just the start."

Revision as of 09:44, 10 November 2013

Underwent his first change and found out there's more to the world than skate boarding and keeping out of the gangs. It gives him all the excitement he could want and its for a better reason than someone boosting a car in the wrong neighborhood.

George takes a good couple of deep breaths, settling himself down, bit by bit. "They warned me that there'd still be things I'd find out about Garou society I wouldn't like. A year and a half ago I didn't know any of this was real. I was just happy I'd made it to twenty one without an arrest record. I thought that I'd found a people that understood what really mattered, they had a honest to goodness divinely inspired -purpose- but it seems like every single time I turn around I run into the same gang style culture and flagrantly racist bullshit I grew up around in the cities. The Ahadi can do this, The Hakken can do this. We. Can. Do. This. What was does not determine what will be. I was chosen as a Ragabash to break traditions Gaia's children and champions can do without, ones that are only holding us back from the battle with the -real- enemy. And the rampant hate and distrust between ALL fera is going to be just the start."