Difference between revisions of "Garan/Retainers & Allies"

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[[File:AnthonyNPC.jpg|left|75px]][[Garans Ghoul Anthony]]
[[[Garans Ghoul Anthony]]
|[[File:MercyNPC.jpg|left|75px]][[Garans Ghoul Mercy]]
|[[Garans Ghoul Mercy]]
|[[File:JamesNPC.jpg|left|75px]][[Garans Ghoul James]]
|[[Garans Ghoul James]]
|[[File:WendellNPC.jpg|left|75px]][[Garans Ghoul Wendell]]
|[[Garans Ghoul Wendell]]
|[[File:Grimm.jpg|left|75px]][[Mr Grimm]]
|[[Mr Grimm]]

Revision as of 07:22, 18 December 2012

[[[Garans Ghoul Anthony]] |- |Garans Ghoul Mercy |- |Garans Ghoul James |- |Garans Ghoul Wendell |- |Mr Grimm |- |GaransNPC's |-