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Lady Grey is invisible. She hides in plain sight and she watches the chaos that ensues as she slowly feeds on the colors of the world. She grins slowly as she watches. While the world becomes more and more grey, she grows stronger and more vibrant. They'll never find her. She knows this to be true! They are weak, mortal, foolish creatures!
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Revision as of 16:35, 30 January 2014


           This is an example pose. Just copy the mumbojumbo and always leave an empty at the bottom for the next person to copy from so this is easy.

           Mr. Fancypants just happened to be seated upon one of the brilliantly blue painted park benches enjoying his lunch break from work with some take-out from Mc.Donald's. He's got himself a big mac and a large fry and he's loving it. That is, right up until he lifts his big mac up to his mouth for a bite, only to realize that it is suddenly... greyish. The color slowly fading from it and his eyes widen in shock as he jumps up from the park bench and spins around, looking! The park bench is fading to grey. He holds his hands up in front of his face and his eyes widen as he screams. "NOOO! I'm turning GREY! SOMEONE! HALLLP!"

           Sarah is sitting on the edge of the playground with a bunch of other little girls her age. They each have cups. WHY do they have cups? Who the heck knows. But they all have them lined up and they're tapping out some sort of super secret rhythm that only little girls understand. They get half way through the song, talking about having bottles of whiskey for their journey. SERIOUSLY? What's wrong with kids these days? Sarah looks up at the man's exclamation and she frowns. "You messed me up."


           Lady Grey is invisible. She hides in plain sight and she watches the chaos that ensues as she slowly feeds on the colors of the world. She grins slowly as she watches. While the world becomes more and more grey, she grows stronger and more vibrant. They'll never find her. She knows this to be true! They are weak, mortal, foolish creatures!
