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(to be filled out: Enchant Talisman, Chanjelin Ward, etc.)
(to be filled out: Enchant Talisman, Chanjelin Ward, Entrap Ephemera, etc.)

Revision as of 13:04, 10 March 2014

This is partly house rules, partly a summary of canon rules.


  • These are general limits that apply in addition to canon rules:
    • How many items can a character create and still get other things done?
    • How many items can a character use and not have anything backfire?
  • These apply to items that work permanently (until/unless somehow destroyed or otherwise ruined).
  • These do not apply to items that work only once (e.g. talens, alchemical products).

Types of items

  • Items must be spelled out in a book (e.g. a specific fetish) or emulate a specific power (or combination of powers)
  • Items may require conversion (e.g. if a gift costs Gnosis, then a treasure emulating that gift may cost Glamour instead)
  • To emulate a power from a different game line, the creator must have at least 3 dots in the relevant Lore

Level and genre

  • The level of an item emulating one or more powers is the sum of the levels of those powers
  • The genre of an item is based on its creator's race/subrace


  • Each creator gets a number of tokens per month
  • Successfully creating an item uses a number of tokens equal to its level
  • Tokens do not roll over from one month to the next
    • Exception: Creating a single item that would use up to two months worth of tokens
    • Exception: If staff takes several weeks to process a request, tokens may be taken from any month within that time
Character Building limit
Shifter Rituals x 2
Changeling Gremayre x 2
Technocrat Hypertech x 2
Other Occult x 2


  • Characters are limited by how many items they can bring into a scene
    • Characters can have/use an unlimited number of items at home
  • The limit is compared to the sum of the item levels
  • To use an out-of-genre item, a character must have at least as many dots in Occult as the item's level
    • Shifters must have Rituals instead
    • Changelings must have Gremayre instead
    • Technocrats using a non-Technocrat item (mage or otherwise) must have Occult and/or RD Data
    • If the item requires spending something (e.g. Gnosis), then the character must also have that thing
    • All items are considered out-of-genre for the 'Other' group below
  • Receiving an item made by another PC does not require buying background dots
Character Carrying limit Notes
Vampire Highest discipline + Occult not x2 (magical items are uncommon for vampires)
Shifter (Rank + Rituals) x 2
Mage (Arete + Occult) x 2 Technocrats use Hypertech instead of Occult
Sorcerer/Psychic (Highest Numina + Occult) x 2
Changeling (Highest Art + Gremayre) x 2
Wraith/Risen (Highest Arcanos + Occult) x 2
Demon (Faith, max 5 + Occult) x 2
Other Occult x 2 Includes Mortal, Ghoul, Subrace:Kinfolk, Subrace:Kinain, Possessed, Bygone


  • Need to decide on in-between limits for items that work for a fixed duration (e.g. one month) but are reusable within that time


(to be filled out: Enchant Talisman, Chanjelin Ward, Entrap Ephemera, etc.)


Hammer and Klaive chapter 2 (pages 41-59)

  • Gnosis 4 to 8 (H+K 46)
  • Level 1 to 5 (H+K 46-47)
  • Summon a spirit (Rite of Summoning, Wits + Rituals vs 7) and bind it into an object (Rite of the Fetish, Wits + Rituals vs 10) (WtA 161)

Modifiers to Rite of the Fetish difficulty:

Activity Difficulty Modifier
Research (Mentor or Kinfolk vs 8, Allies or Contacts vs 9 if relevant, one week per dot) -1 per success
Botch research; misleading information +1
Rite of Cleaning (Charisma + Rituals vs 7 (6 at dawn), WtA 157) -1 per success over fetish level
Less than 3 successes on Rite of Summoning; spirit is hostile (H+K 50-51) +1
Call to Duty (know a specific spirit's name or spend 2 Gnosis, Charisma vs Leadership vs spirit's Willpower, WtA 140) -1
Clever persuasion (Charisma + Expression or Performance or Leadership vs spirit's Willpower, at least as many successes as fetish level) -1
Spend permanent Gnosis -2 per dot
Taboo -1 to -3
Direct threat Up to -4 or automatic failure
Indirect threat (Charisma or Manipulation + Intimidation vs spirit's Willpower) -1

Multiple spirits per fetish (H+K 57):

  • Gnosis vs (new level * 2)
  • Number of dice can be reduced using same methods as reducing difficulty of Rite of the Fetish
  • Success = fetish ruined, ritualist takes 1 (potentially soakable) agg per success



  • Forged by Dragon's Fire 15-20, examples 20-25
  • Crafting
    • Artifacts: Dexterity + Crafts
    • Inventions: Intelligence + (Technology or Computer)
    • One roll = one IC hour
    • Accumulate 30+ successes
  • Purification (optional)
    • Prime 2
    • Get 3 successful rolls in a row; if you do, Quickening is -2 difficulty
  • Quickening
    • Prime 4 (3 with Tass with appropriate resonance), vulgar
      • Living artifact: need Prime 5 (4 with appropriate Tass)
      • Paradox handling other than mitigating: need Prime 5
    • Must have sphere level(s) sufficient to create the desired effect
    • One roll = one IC hour
    • Item's point value equals sum of sphere levels to create its effect
      • Flaws can reduce point value by up to 3
      • Item is continuously active: double point value
    • Accumulate 2 successes per point
    • Spend 2 Quintessence/Tass per point (does not reduce difficulty)
  • Usage
    • Must activate each time: roll Arete vs (3 + highest sphere level emulated) and get at least one success
    • This does not apply if the item is continuously active


  • Forged by Dragon's Fire 25-28, examples 28-31
  • Single-use items
  • Crafting and purification works the same as artifacts/inventions
  • Quickening
    • Requires one less dot of Prime
    • Paradox handling is limited to mitigating
    • Point value is half the highest sphere level (round up) + 1 per additional sphere (regardless of levels)
    • Can create (Arete x 2) instances at once
  • Does not require an Arete roll to activate


  • Forged by Dragon's Fire 31-36, examples 36-39
  • Preparation: Spirit must be coerced, beaten in combat, or given chiminage
  • Binding
    • Spirit 4
    • One roll = one IC hour
    • Point value is 1 to 5 at ST discretion
    • Accumulate four successes per point
    • Paradox handling is limited to mitigating or absorbing
  • Usage
    • Must attune once: roll Willpower vs fetish's Gnosis, fail = must placate spirit before trying again
    • Must activate each time: roll Willpower vs fetish's Gnosis and get at least one success


  • Forged by Dragon's Fire 39-42, examples 42-43
  • Quickening
    • Usable only by creator: Prime 4 (5 if living)
    • Usable by anyone: Matter 5 (Life 5 if living)
    • Accumulate 2 successes per level
    • Spend 10 points of Tass per level (does not reduce difficulty)
    • Holds up to 5 points of Quintessence per level
    • Leave it full for (level) months to avoid flaws
  • Usage: transfer its Quintessence to yourself
    • Physical contact: auto-succeeds, but takes a full turn
    • Line of sight: Prime 2
    • Outside line of sight: Prime 2 Corr 2
  • Recharging: transfer Quintessence to it
    • Leave it at a node: (level) points per day
    • Prime 3: from a node, Tass, another periapt with same type of resonance (dynamic/static/entropic)
    • Prime 4: from an inanimate object, unweaving and possibly destroying it
    • Prime 5: from a living (or undead) creature
  • Fused periapts
    • Worn by mage or familiar continuously for (10 - level) weeks
      • If removed, it's reduced to a normal periapt until it has time to re-fuse
    • Can spend/recharge its Quintessence as if it was your own
    • Also increases your maximum possible Paradox


  • Forged by Dragon's Fire 45-51, examples 51-65
  • Has its own Arete
    • Mage and talisman can cast effects during same turn
    • Can be used by sleepers
  • Crafting works the same as artifacts/inventions
  • Imbue Arete (required, replaces purification)
    • Prime 3, vulgar
    • Spend one Tass per roll (does not reduce difficulty)
    • Successful roll: item gains one dot of Arete (regardless of number of successes)
    • Failure: take a one-point flaw and keep going, or accept the item's current Arete and go to Imbue Powers
    • Botch: item useless, if you already took flaws then take 1 aggravated damage per flaw
    • One roll = one IC hour
  • Imbue Powers (similar to Quickening)
    • Accumulate 1 success per point
    • Can include Quintessence storage (talisman is a periapt in addition to other effects)
    • Paradox handling can include nullification
  • Bind the Will: spend 1 permanent Willpower
  • Adding powers to an existing talisman
    • Imbue Arete: skip
    • Imbue Powers: original creator is -2 difficulty, anyone else is +2 difficulty


  • Forged by Dragon's Fire 65-71, examples 71-75

(to be filled out)


(to be filled out: Enchantment, Alchemy)


Dreams and Nightmares pages 119-122

  • Volume
  • Amount, scarcity, location
  • Harvesting
    • Dexterity vs Kenning vs 7 (6 for nockers/boggans/nunnehi)
  • Crafting/forging
    • Extended Dexterity + Crafts vs 7
    • Accumulate 6 to 28 successes
    • After 8+ successes (if you're not finished already), replace Dexterity with Stamina
  • Tempering
    • Future owner (if not yourself) should be present at this point
    • Dexterity + Kenning vs 8
    • Get 3+ successes
  • Testing
    • Intelligence + Enigmas vs (N/5, maximum 9)
    • N = amount of Glamour invested

(to be filled out: Nocker-specific stuff)


(to be filled out)


Enhance Object (Forge 1)

Demon Player Guide 142-148

  • What can you enhance?
    • Must be manufactured (Crafts or Technology)
    • Must have a physical game mechanic
    • Must not have been previously modified with any level of Forge
  • Perception + Crafts
    • Base difficulty is 5 to 10, depending on size and complexity of item
    • Ravage thralls (DtF 251) for more dice (up to your Faith)
    • Spend Faith and/or Willpower for one automatic success each
    • Take extra time for more dice (up to 2)
    • Use resonant tools for -1 difficulty
    • Apocalyptic form:
      • Reduced difficulty on Crafts applies
      • Reduced difficulty on Perception does not apply
      • Increased Perception applies
    • +1 or +2 difficulty if unfamiliar with the item (can perform a separate Enhance Object evocation to become familiar)
  • Allocate successes:
    • Reduce a difficulty (-1 per success, minimum 3)
    • Increase a difficulty (+1 per success, maximum 10)
    • Increase an effect (e.g. damage dice, soak dice) (1 die per success, maximum double original)
    • Increase durability (1 health level per success, maximum double original)
    • Improve another factor (e.g. car's top speed, pistol's range, computer's memory and speed) (20% per success, maximum double original)
  • Duration:
    • Lasts for the scene
    • Spend a Willpower to make it permanent
    • Gift it to a thrall and have them spend a permanent Willpower to make it permanent; they must then activate it per use in some fashion (e.g. succeed at Willpower vs 8, spend Willpower, take 1 unsoakable bashing)

Enchant Object (Forge 4)

Demon Player Guide 148-159

  • What can you enchant?
    • Can be mechanical, but not technological (unless broken)
    • Must not have been previously modified with any level of Forge
  • Need at least one dot in the Lore(s) to be emulated (or work with a collaborator who has it)
    • Can also emulate an aspect of the apocalyptic form associated with the Lore
  • If you create the item from raw materials:
    • (Dexterity or Wits or Intelligence) + (Crafts or Technology), extended (one roll per day)
    • Up to +2 difficulty if fine work or special tools are needed (e.g. intricate clockwork, engraving)
    • Successes are capped at 3 * background (e.g. Resources) used to get the raw materials
  • Performing the evocation:
    • Dexterity + Crafts, extended
    • If you created the item from raw materials:
      • Base difficulty = 6 (7 if working with one or more collaborators)
      • Successes are capped at the number of successes you got when creating the item
    • Otherwise:
      • Base difficulty = 8 (9 if working with one or more collaborators)
      • Successes are capped at 3 * background used to get the item
  • Allocate successes:
    • Minimum = 2 * highest level of Lore emulated
      • +2 per collaborator
      • Up to -2 for requiring onerous/severe sacrifice to activate
      • Up to -2 for significant/drastic limitation (e.g. more limited target than usual)
      • Up to +2 for bonuses (e.g. longer range)
    • Power: Item's dice pool = creator's dice pool for the Lore being emulated; 1 success = 2 more dice
    • Frequency: One use per scene; 1 success = 1 more use per scene, or 5 successes = unlimited uses per scene
    • Ravage thralls (DtF 251) for more dice (up to your Faith) (on one roll, affecting another roll requires ravaging again)
    • Spend Faith and/or Willpower for one automatic success each (on one roll, affecting another roll requires spending again)
    • Use resonant tools and/or enchant a resonant item for -1 difficulty (does not stack if you do both)
    • Make the item produce resonant side effects for -1 difficulty
    • Apocalyptic form: Bonuses to Crafts and/or Dexterity apply
  • Spend Faith equal to highest Lore emulated (+1 or -1 at ST discretion, minimum 1)
    • This is increased from DtF 191 which just requires spending 1 Faith
  • Activating it for a scene:
    • Demons must roll Faith vs 6 or spend Faith (botch = lose 1 Faith)
    • Others must roll Willpower vs 8 or spend Willpower (botch = lose 1 Willpower)
    • If the creator evoked the high-torment version of Forge 4:
      • Demons must gain 1 Torment to activate
      • Others must spend Willpower to activate
      • Item botches more often (2s count as 1s)
    • Can attune yourself to an item:
      • Demons spend 1 permanent Faith
      • Others spend 1 permanent Willpower
      • This eliminates the requirement to roll/spend Faith/Willpower or gain Torment
      • If the relic has additional activation requirements, those are not eliminated
      • If the relic was created with high-torment Forge 4, it still botches more often
      • Multiple characters can be attuned to the same item

Demonic Relics

Demon Player Guide 159-166

(to be filled out)