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=== LATTR commands ===
=== LATTR commands ===
These commands list the attributes on any object you can control/examine. The first lists any/all attributes on such an object by attribute name, the second does the same but displays name and a single line of the attribute's value, and the third lists any $-command attributes on the object that meet the wild card called on and displays the whole attribute for that command attribute.
I have uploaded commands based on the lattr function that people with large examine results may find useful. They can be read [[User:Nerdvana/lattr commands|here]].
&CMD-LATTR me=$.lattr *:@pemit %#=[case(lattr(%0),#-1,You are not allowed to evaluate that object.,{%xh%xb[repeat(-,79)] %r%r%xgAttribute Listing for %xw[name(objeval(%#,num(first(%0,/))))]%xy([num(objeval(%#,num(first(%0,/))))][flags(objeval(%#,num(first(%0,/))))])%xn %r%r[switch(words(%0,/),1,columns(sort(lattr(objeval(%#,num(first(%0,/))))),25),2,columns(sort(lattr(objeval(%#,[num(first(%0,/))]/[rest(%0,/)]))),25))] %r%xh%xb[repeat(-,79)]})]%xn
&CMD-LATTR1 me=$.lattr1 *:@switch [setr(0,locate(%#,before(%0,/),*))]=#-1,{@pemit %#=Item '%0' not found.},#-2,{@pemit %#=Multiple items match '%0'. Please be more specific.},{@pemit %#=[repeat(%xc-%xn,78)]%R[center(Attributes on [fullname(%q0)],78)]%R[repeat(%xc-%xn,78)];@pemit %#=[list(lattr(%q0),[ljust(##,20)][left(get(%q0/##),58)])][repeat(%xc-%xn,78)]}
&CMD-LATTRCMDS me=$.lattrcmds *:@switch [setr(0,locate(%#,before(%0,/),*))]=#-1,{@pemit %#=Item '%0' not found.},#-2,{@pemit %#=Multiple items match '%0'. Please be more specific.},{@pemit %#=[repeat(%xc-%xn,78)]%R[center(Commands on [fullname(%q0)]\(%q0[flags(%q0)]\),78)]%R[repeat(%xc-%xn,78)]%R;@pemit %#=[list(lattrcmds(%0),[ljust(before(after(get(%q0/##),$),:),20)][wrap(after(get(%q0/##),:),58,,,,20)])]%R[repeat(%xc-%xn,78)]}
=== Modified @adesc ===
=== Modified @adesc ===

Revision as of 16:45, 21 August 2020


As I code things I'll include them here if they are minor, if they are major I'll make separate pages for them.

LATTR commands

I have uploaded commands based on the lattr function that people with large examine results may find useful. They can be read here.

Modified @adesc

The following code makes it so that you do not trigger your own Adesc when you look at yourself (overriding the default Player @adesc) and displays the looker's name with their @moniker.

@adesc me=@break strmatch(%#,%!)=think [moniker(%#)] just looked at you.

Personal Descer

I have uploaded my own descer code. There's enough to it that I've made a separate page for it here.

Helpful Links
