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That son of a bitch. That bitter, Southern born- Southern bred son of  a bitch.. He just can't accept the fact that I won. He has trouble coping with the FACT that I walked into his promotion two years ago, managing HIS champion and we shot The Manhattan Project into its veins and we closed it down. He never gets over anything, he's still holding a grudge from me 'taking' his tag team championships years ago when they said they'd travel up to Manhattan for a one time deal.<br>
Oh, and then there's also that whole thing of him being totally jealous of me as an agent, promoter and all around good person. As you could tell from how Independence Day ended- he's a miserable person that doesn't want anyone enjoying the success of life- all because he failed time and time again. Go ask him how 'Ring of Rebels' is doing, as a matter of fact, go ask him how the mortgage on his home is spinning out of control after he had to use it in exchange to finance Southern Pro Wrestling.. which we gladly decimated!<br>
If you're  not getting who 'he' is, it's Stanley Biehn, the biggest jackass to step foot on the West Coast. I told him on several occasions that it didn't matter how smart he thought he was, I was always smarter. I also told him that it didn't matter if he thought he had this grand idea to work off of, it would fail. Biehn is nothing but a failure, an underachieving tool that latches onto anything that could get him somewhere. His newest host-- that parasitic son of a bitch is leeching off of? A man calling himself 'ANTIVENOM' Justice Maivale. Now being as familiar as I am with those who suddenly burst onto the scene, I see something in this kid- he's on the bigger side, has a nasty mean streak and he's got pretty cool hair. What Biehn promised him must be something outrageous as listening to that parrot mimic your every sentiment gets old.. fast. With Maivale? A masked man, I don't know who he is but he looked equally as impressive as his counter-part which raises the question; boys, why are you martyrs? Why are you going to burn as messiahs for a cause that you don't understand? Biehn's perspective is totally shot, the guy thinks we're living in 1979 for goodness sake's!<br>
Someone-- someone that these two will listen to need to get in their head and tell them that they're barking up the wrong tree! I am not the enemy, neither is Drew, Drexel or Bison. We're just supplying LEGACY with a nice shot of adrenaline every other week to make sure that the promotion has drawing appeal! I mean think about this way-- if not for Drew versus Duke, would you have even bothered to watch Independence Day? Probably not, I don't blame you. The money isn't in someone like Kevin Moss or Joe Cooper, they're ordinary! They're simple, basic fools who believe they offer something MUCH more to the industry than they're capable of contributing!  Justice and your masked brother, give it up, don't bother wasting your time over a hollow cause.. Biehn probably can't even tell you why he wants us gone, he'll just avoid the question and give reasons from a decade ago when things were happening!<br>
I don't want to have to do this, but boys-- if you do not let up in your pursuit to ruin the success of my clients-- I'll be forced to tie my hands behind my back and let the leashes go of the three biggest, meanest pit-bulls in the yard and yes-- they do go for the throat. I don't want to travel that road, I hope that you boys decide to cool your jets and let cooler heads prevail or else I will have no choice but to be the catalyst that ends your LEGACY careers.<br>
Moving from that- how about Independence Day?! A night that The Clientele debuted officially and SHOCKED the world.. again. Seems to be a trend, I thought the smarks in Carson, California would offer us a bigger challenge. So far, two shows in a row we've pulled the wool over their eyes, I mean they actually believed that I'd waste my time managing some nobody who got cut anyway from the promotion in C-4.. Yeah.. Right. C-4 self-detonated and he's no longer on the roster-- all because Bison didn't just CRUSH him but his OBLITERATED him. Just like Drew Stevenson did to that no-good, whiny 'face eater' Alyssa Pryde-- put a screeching halt to their careers and sent them out the door.<br>
Dishonorably Discharged, I hope to NEVER see either of those two-- well, include that big for nothing fraud Bulldozer Brixton as three. Speaking of Brixton, how sad is it that he CRIED? And not the kind of 'cry' when you lose someone dear to you, but quivering lip, alligator tear CRYING?! Someone of his size shouldn't even have tear-ducts but it made sense, he wasn't cut out for the business. I took his trainer's word for it when he decided to make LEGACY his home and was severely disappointed as he had the look and the size, but his heart pumped kool-aid. At the end of the day Bulldozer Brixton was soft, and there's no room for 'soft' in professional wrestling. Maybe he can start a new career as a side-show attraction 'the world's biggest baby'.<br>
Unlike the last edition of my blog, I'm not going to run down the rest of the show, it sucked. I hated it, If you're not managed by yours truly then odds is I won't waste my time watching your matches so don't come up to me backstage and ask my opinion on it-- well, I take that back. I was truly impressed with Silas Romero, I think he has that edge to him that will get him somewhere. Despite the light bickering between he and Drexel, I wish the kid the best in the future.. unless of course, he's squaring off against one of my clients in which I will be forced to use whatever means necessary to not just end his roll of success but enjoy it in the process. So as long as he strays clear from The Clientele and Clientele business, all is good, keep up the good work kid, you've earned yourself two thumbs up from myself. Another shout-out to Christian Othniel who ALMOST pulled off the acting job of a life-time when he had everyone fooled [smarks] that injury was forcing him to retire. Bobby Langford was got hook, line and sinker-- all as Esco made his return. Good to see more of my products showing up.<br>
And speaking of my 'products' I'm only going to acknowledge this once-- never again. To those that like to ridicule me for the failure that my eldest son turned out to be, enough. I know that TDJ is a total humiliation to the family and my surname. I know that he's the reason the Innovative Revolution X will forever be crippled by the stench he put on it.. TDJ sadly, is my child but due to him being OFF-AGE I can disown him and not think anything of it-- as a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see Biehn take the low-road and attempt to recruit him into his army in an attempt to take me down. Just like how Bryce Manning STOLE Biehn's daughter-- Precious Quinn, he may try and repay the favor with TDJ, don't put all your eggs into that basket though. The kid is a life-long underachiever that never lived up to his name-- what a disappointment he is, especially to the vaunted Decaine name.<br>
Noooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww, it's that very special Q&A time when I take the questions of you unworthy Twitter followers and answer!<br>
'''@5istoomuch3isgd: Now that Stan f'n Biehn is back, how scared are you on a scale of 1-10?'''<br>
Pfft. Scared? Scared of what, exactly?! Biehn doesn't scare me, I pity him. He's a miserable soul and misery loves company. Sooner than later the two he enlisted to fight his battle for him will figure out that he's nothing but trouble and they'll move as far away from him as possible. Once that fails? He'll probably look to resurrect the career of Deacon Cash again.
'''@prydenglory: What do u think of Bobby Langford, Silas Romero, Noah Adelaide and WASTE?'''<br>
I think they all bring something unique to the table for sure. Bobby Langford for me, is what Con SHOULD HAVE BEEN had Con NOT decided to be stubborn and tried to attack the game on his own. Had he sided with me like I've always wanted, Con Escobar would by-far, hands down be known as the GREATEST African-American Professional Wrestler in HISTORY. He's already earned the title of 'The F'n' Beast but.. Bobby Langford is close to taking it away from him, which is why I think he decided to come back to the industry. I like Silas Romero, the kid is edgy and has a different look to offer-- I see bright lights and dollar signs for him. Noah Adelaide is completely different from the rest of those mentioned because he's a high-flyer with a touch of technical skill. Too many times people get wrapped up in how much flips they can do before they crash on their head. And WASTE? Love them. Shouldn't get in The Clientele's way or else bad things WILL happen, but I've got the feeling that we can co-exist.<br>
Coming soon!
'''@4evertnrfan: How shocked were you to see Zarek Lyle NOT offered a contract and called out Scotty for 1?'''<br>
Anyone that knows me knows that there isn't a bigger Zarek Lyle supporter than I am. I've loved Zarek Lyle from day one and played a huge part in pushing Taylor McCallister to take TNR in ICWA. I think it's an obvious sign of how dim-witted LEGACY Officials is to NOT want to give Zarek a deal-- and I think it's extremely selfish of Scotty Addams to not lend a hand in the process. Being one of the first talents signed to the promotion, Scotty has some say in things and this could be done-- but Scotty.. being Scotty, is worried that Zarek will outshine him and Addams can't swallow his pride or curb his ego long enough to see that it's what's best for LEGACY. I hope this matter gets resolved and I hope Scotty obliges to Zarek's request and grants him one match to get him his contract-- be a man Scotty, I know you've got it in you.<br>
'''@thekingcamehome: Thoughts on LeBron James returning to Cleveland?'''<br>
A 8.5 scaled earthquake happened in South Beach at about 9AM California time.. Caused not by a seismic shift but by all the fair-weather fans jumping OFF of the Heat bandwagon and onto the Cavs. All of this as I patiently await the greatest pure scorer in NBA History to resign with the Knicks and return home.<br>
'''@thetruthisoutthere: Do you believe that you can manage the egos of Stevenson, Drexel AND Bison?'''<br>
Of course I can. To be a client of mine, you have to understand that there is more than ONE PERSONAL GOAL to achieve. Drew buys into the system, Drex buys into the system and Bison buys into the system. Each man understands that as long as they've got me in their corner? They're good to go. I'm hearing rumblings that Bauer is eventually going to be FORCED to reveal the information on championships and you can best believe that I'll have my hand in the cookie jar, pulling strings to make sure my guys are taken care of. As much as I enjoy the work of a guy like Silas Romero or even Aiden Marx, Cameron Kaiser, Christian Othniel, Esco and Matt Ward-- MY clients come first, and that will NEVER change.</center>

Latest revision as of 02:30, 15 April 2020


That son of a bitch. That bitter, Southern born- Southern bred son of a bitch.. He just can't accept the fact that I won. He has trouble coping with the FACT that I walked into his promotion two years ago, managing HIS champion and we shot The Manhattan Project into its veins and we closed it down. He never gets over anything, he's still holding a grudge from me 'taking' his tag team championships years ago when they said they'd travel up to Manhattan for a one time deal.

Oh, and then there's also that whole thing of him being totally jealous of me as an agent, promoter and all around good person. As you could tell from how Independence Day ended- he's a miserable person that doesn't want anyone enjoying the success of life- all because he failed time and time again. Go ask him how 'Ring of Rebels' is doing, as a matter of fact, go ask him how the mortgage on his home is spinning out of control after he had to use it in exchange to finance Southern Pro Wrestling.. which we gladly decimated!

If you're not getting who 'he' is, it's Stanley Biehn, the biggest jackass to step foot on the West Coast. I told him on several occasions that it didn't matter how smart he thought he was, I was always smarter. I also told him that it didn't matter if he thought he had this grand idea to work off of, it would fail. Biehn is nothing but a failure, an underachieving tool that latches onto anything that could get him somewhere. His newest host-- that parasitic son of a bitch is leeching off of? A man calling himself 'ANTIVENOM' Justice Maivale. Now being as familiar as I am with those who suddenly burst onto the scene, I see something in this kid- he's on the bigger side, has a nasty mean streak and he's got pretty cool hair. What Biehn promised him must be something outrageous as listening to that parrot mimic your every sentiment gets old.. fast. With Maivale? A masked man, I don't know who he is but he looked equally as impressive as his counter-part which raises the question; boys, why are you martyrs? Why are you going to burn as messiahs for a cause that you don't understand? Biehn's perspective is totally shot, the guy thinks we're living in 1979 for goodness sake's!

Someone-- someone that these two will listen to need to get in their head and tell them that they're barking up the wrong tree! I am not the enemy, neither is Drew, Drexel or Bison. We're just supplying LEGACY with a nice shot of adrenaline every other week to make sure that the promotion has drawing appeal! I mean think about this way-- if not for Drew versus Duke, would you have even bothered to watch Independence Day? Probably not, I don't blame you. The money isn't in someone like Kevin Moss or Joe Cooper, they're ordinary! They're simple, basic fools who believe they offer something MUCH more to the industry than they're capable of contributing! Justice and your masked brother, give it up, don't bother wasting your time over a hollow cause.. Biehn probably can't even tell you why he wants us gone, he'll just avoid the question and give reasons from a decade ago when things were happening!

I don't want to have to do this, but boys-- if you do not let up in your pursuit to ruin the success of my clients-- I'll be forced to tie my hands behind my back and let the leashes go of the three biggest, meanest pit-bulls in the yard and yes-- they do go for the throat. I don't want to travel that road, I hope that you boys decide to cool your jets and let cooler heads prevail or else I will have no choice but to be the catalyst that ends your LEGACY careers.

Moving from that- how about Independence Day?! A night that The Clientele debuted officially and SHOCKED the world.. again. Seems to be a trend, I thought the smarks in Carson, California would offer us a bigger challenge. So far, two shows in a row we've pulled the wool over their eyes, I mean they actually believed that I'd waste my time managing some nobody who got cut anyway from the promotion in C-4.. Yeah.. Right. C-4 self-detonated and he's no longer on the roster-- all because Bison didn't just CRUSH him but his OBLITERATED him. Just like Drew Stevenson did to that no-good, whiny 'face eater' Alyssa Pryde-- put a screeching halt to their careers and sent them out the door.

Dishonorably Discharged, I hope to NEVER see either of those two-- well, include that big for nothing fraud Bulldozer Brixton as three. Speaking of Brixton, how sad is it that he CRIED? And not the kind of 'cry' when you lose someone dear to you, but quivering lip, alligator tear CRYING?! Someone of his size shouldn't even have tear-ducts but it made sense, he wasn't cut out for the business. I took his trainer's word for it when he decided to make LEGACY his home and was severely disappointed as he had the look and the size, but his heart pumped kool-aid. At the end of the day Bulldozer Brixton was soft, and there's no room for 'soft' in professional wrestling. Maybe he can start a new career as a side-show attraction 'the world's biggest baby'.


Unlike the last edition of my blog, I'm not going to run down the rest of the show, it sucked. I hated it, If you're not managed by yours truly then odds is I won't waste my time watching your matches so don't come up to me backstage and ask my opinion on it-- well, I take that back. I was truly impressed with Silas Romero, I think he has that edge to him that will get him somewhere. Despite the light bickering between he and Drexel, I wish the kid the best in the future.. unless of course, he's squaring off against one of my clients in which I will be forced to use whatever means necessary to not just end his roll of success but enjoy it in the process. So as long as he strays clear from The Clientele and Clientele business, all is good, keep up the good work kid, you've earned yourself two thumbs up from myself. Another shout-out to Christian Othniel who ALMOST pulled off the acting job of a life-time when he had everyone fooled [smarks] that injury was forcing him to retire. Bobby Langford was got hook, line and sinker-- all as Esco made his return. Good to see more of my products showing up.

And speaking of my 'products' I'm only going to acknowledge this once-- never again. To those that like to ridicule me for the failure that my eldest son turned out to be, enough. I know that TDJ is a total humiliation to the family and my surname. I know that he's the reason the Innovative Revolution X will forever be crippled by the stench he put on it.. TDJ sadly, is my child but due to him being OFF-AGE I can disown him and not think anything of it-- as a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see Biehn take the low-road and attempt to recruit him into his army in an attempt to take me down. Just like how Bryce Manning STOLE Biehn's daughter-- Precious Quinn, he may try and repay the favor with TDJ, don't put all your eggs into that basket though. The kid is a life-long underachiever that never lived up to his name-- what a disappointment he is, especially to the vaunted Decaine name.

Noooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww, it's that very special Q&A time when I take the questions of you unworthy Twitter followers and answer!

@5istoomuch3isgd: Now that Stan f'n Biehn is back, how scared are you on a scale of 1-10?
Pfft. Scared? Scared of what, exactly?! Biehn doesn't scare me, I pity him. He's a miserable soul and misery loves company. Sooner than later the two he enlisted to fight his battle for him will figure out that he's nothing but trouble and they'll move as far away from him as possible. Once that fails? He'll probably look to resurrect the career of Deacon Cash again.
@prydenglory: What do u think of Bobby Langford, Silas Romero, Noah Adelaide and WASTE?
I think they all bring something unique to the table for sure. Bobby Langford for me, is what Con SHOULD HAVE BEEN had Con NOT decided to be stubborn and tried to attack the game on his own. Had he sided with me like I've always wanted, Con Escobar would by-far, hands down be known as the GREATEST African-American Professional Wrestler in HISTORY. He's already earned the title of 'The F'n' Beast but.. Bobby Langford is close to taking it away from him, which is why I think he decided to come back to the industry. I like Silas Romero, the kid is edgy and has a different look to offer-- I see bright lights and dollar signs for him. Noah Adelaide is completely different from the rest of those mentioned because he's a high-flyer with a touch of technical skill. Too many times people get wrapped up in how much flips they can do before they crash on their head. And WASTE? Love them. Shouldn't get in The Clientele's way or else bad things WILL happen, but I've got the feeling that we can co-exist.

@4evertnrfan: How shocked were you to see Zarek Lyle NOT offered a contract and called out Scotty for 1?
Anyone that knows me knows that there isn't a bigger Zarek Lyle supporter than I am. I've loved Zarek Lyle from day one and played a huge part in pushing Taylor McCallister to take TNR in ICWA. I think it's an obvious sign of how dim-witted LEGACY Officials is to NOT want to give Zarek a deal-- and I think it's extremely selfish of Scotty Addams to not lend a hand in the process. Being one of the first talents signed to the promotion, Scotty has some say in things and this could be done-- but Scotty.. being Scotty, is worried that Zarek will outshine him and Addams can't swallow his pride or curb his ego long enough to see that it's what's best for LEGACY. I hope this matter gets resolved and I hope Scotty obliges to Zarek's request and grants him one match to get him his contract-- be a man Scotty, I know you've got it in you.

@thekingcamehome: Thoughts on LeBron James returning to Cleveland?
A 8.5 scaled earthquake happened in South Beach at about 9AM California time.. Caused not by a seismic shift but by all the fair-weather fans jumping OFF of the Heat bandwagon and onto the Cavs. All of this as I patiently await the greatest pure scorer in NBA History to resign with the Knicks and return home.

@thetruthisoutthere: Do you believe that you can manage the egos of Stevenson, Drexel AND Bison?

Of course I can. To be a client of mine, you have to understand that there is more than ONE PERSONAL GOAL to achieve. Drew buys into the system, Drex buys into the system and Bison buys into the system. Each man understands that as long as they've got me in their corner? They're good to go. I'm hearing rumblings that Bauer is eventually going to be FORCED to reveal the information on championships and you can best believe that I'll have my hand in the cookie jar, pulling strings to make sure my guys are taken care of. As much as I enjoy the work of a guy like Silas Romero or even Aiden Marx, Cameron Kaiser, Christian Othniel, Esco and Matt Ward-- MY clients come first, and that will NEVER change.