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While that's it for now, I'll turn to a small Q&A, all questions are provided by Twitter followers.<br>
While that's it for now, I'll turn to a small Q&A, all questions are provided by Twitter followers.<br>
'''@atlantisexists: Of all the clients you've had, who's your absolute favorite?'''
'''@atlantisexists: Of all the clients you've had, who's your absolute favorite?'''<br>
That's tricky. I've had Genesis, Slade, Bryce, Rot and Drew Stevenson, each client represented a different interest of mine. Genesis was big and fresh to the industry, Bryce and I have a dynamic that's totally hard to explain-- Rot is the one I see myself in the most but Drew is by far the most successful. Slade has the potential to be a superstar but he doesn't have the patience or will.<br>
That's tricky. I've had Genesis, Slade, Bryce, Rot and Drew Stevenson, each client represented a different interest of mine. Genesis was big and fresh to the industry, Bryce and I have a dynamic that's totally hard to explain-- Rot is the one I see myself in the most but Drew is by far the most successful. Slade has the potential to be a superstar but he doesn't have the patience or will.<br>
'''@revolutionlives4eva: When you aired that promo on World Wrestling News, did you envision yourself blackballing LEGACY from coverage?'''
'''@revolutionlives4eva: When you aired that promo on World Wrestling News, did you envision yourself blackballing LEGACY from coverage?'''<br>
No, but it doesn't surprise me. People are cowards and when you address a coward, they find the quickest and easiest way out of confrontation. They could hide behind Twitter and make claims that Drew and myself are parasites to the industry and 'would bring LEGACY down' but the show was a overwhelming success-- financially AND we went viral. So they can blackball LEGACY all they want, their loss is another's gain.. I'm sure another Wrestling News site will gladly pick up the endeavors of Drew and myself.<br>
No, but it doesn't surprise me. People are cowards and when you address a coward, they find the quickest and easiest way out of confrontation. They could hide behind Twitter and make claims that Drew and myself are parasites to the industry and 'would bring LEGACY down' but the show was a overwhelming success-- financially AND we went viral. So they can blackball LEGACY all they want, their loss is another's gain.. I'm sure another Wrestling News site will gladly pick up the endeavors of Drew and myself.<br>
'''@kayfabian9231: In my circle, you're considered one of the biggest weasels around. Do you have ANYTHING to say for yourself?!'''
'''@kayfabian9231: In my circle, you're considered one of the biggest weasels around. Do you have ANYTHING to say for yourself?!'''<br>
Not really. You're probably one of the smarks that had to collect his teeth after your jaw hit the floor at the end of Friday the 20th. See a dentist immediately.<br>
Not really. You're probably one of the smarks that had to collect his teeth after your jaw hit the floor at the end of Friday the 20th. See a dentist immediately.<br>
'''@superdupersupersonic: Is Petey Bauer OK? LOL That guy is funny!'''
'''@superdupersupersonic: Is Petey Bauer OK? LOL That guy is funny!'''<br>
I'm able to confirm that yes, Bauer is fine-- Drew and I are actually planning a visit soon.<br>
I'm able to confirm that yes, Bauer is fine-- Drew and I are actually planning a visit soon.<br>
'''@itsrealtomedammit: Can I be ur next Decaine Guy?'''
'''@itsrealtomedammit: Can I be ur next Decaine Guy?'''<br>
No. Get a job and stop eating Cheetos all day.<br>
No. Get a job and stop eating Cheetos all day.<br>
'''@theonetoomuch4u: What's the story between you and Stan Biehn?'''
'''@theonetoomuch4u: What's the story between you and Stan Biehn?'''<br>
Long story short, Biehn and I have conflicting views on how things should be done. He's a old-school, Southern minded guy that likes to take things slow and keep things familiar. Me? I like to watch the world burn. Even our managing careers differ- Biehn doesn't get out of his comfort zone, I'm working with Drew.. No matter what Biehn says about me, he knows who the superior minded individual is and it most DEFINITELY is not him!<br>
Long story short, Biehn and I have conflicting views on how things should be done. He's a old-school, Southern minded guy that likes to take things slow and keep things familiar. Me? I like to watch the world burn. Even our managing careers differ- Biehn doesn't get out of his comfort zone, I'm working with Drew.. No matter what Biehn says about me, he knows who the superior minded individual is and it most DEFINITELY is not him!<br>
'''@sitonitandrotate: Which character do you see urself as in Game of Thrones?'''
'''@sitonitandrotate: Which character do you see urself as in Game of Thrones?'''<br>
I envision myself as Tywin Lannister, minus the imp son and incest engaging children. Tywin is strong and a genius, at times he had to turn a blind eye to keep his sanity and I can completely understand that. Both Tywin and I are criticized for the way we conduct business.. and we both share the hatred of having a total EMBARRASSMENT of a son.<br>
I envision myself as Tywin Lannister, minus the imp son and incest engaging children. Tywin is strong and a genius, at times he had to turn a blind eye to keep his sanity and I can completely understand that. Both Tywin and I are criticized for the way we conduct business.. and we both share the hatred of having a total EMBARRASSMENT of a son.<br>
'''@blindedbyblood: Is Mercer really your son? And what's up w/ Lacey von Licht?!'''
'''@blindedbyblood: Is Mercer really your son? And what's up w/ Lacey von Licht?!'''<br>
Mercer is my illegitimate child from a one night stand I had in the back of a bakery and DO NOT MENTION LACEY VON LICHT UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR TWITTER HANDLE TO BECOME A REALITY! Maybe Mercer SHOULD blind you by blood for attempting to troll him with that name drop! Shame on you for agitating my boy!
Mercer is my illegitimate child from a one night stand I had in the back of a bakery and DO NOT MENTION LACEY VON LICHT UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR TWITTER HANDLE TO BECOME A REALITY! Maybe Mercer SHOULD blind you by blood for attempting to troll him with that name drop! Shame on you for agitating my boy!

Revision as of 02:25, 15 April 2020


I would like to kickoff this column-- not by rubbing it in the faces of those who find my opinions harsh and overly critical, but rather than to grab those same people by the throat, stare at them straight in the eyes, smell the fear radiating from their body and SHOVE THEIR FACE INTO THEIR BELIEFS!

My name is Talen Decaine [sadly] Senior. I currently am the AGENT OF CHAMPIONS, and represent 'The Emerald' Drew Stevenson. Upon inking my name to a contract with LEGACY Wrestling, I made it quite clear to both King Treborn and Peter Bauer that I, in due time, wanted my own section of the forums to list my ideas, predictions and analysis of LEGACY. I didn't think it'd come this quick, I thought I'd be busier with other duties but I jumped at the chance to put bridge over the once troubled waters that represented the relationship I had with Drew Stevenson. Despite our friendly demeanor at Friday the 20th when Drew ENDED ALYSSA PRYDE'S CAREER, we weren't always seeing eye to eye. I, for a lack of a better word- hated- Drew Stevenson with a passion. I found his work ethic to be lazy, I found his microphone work shoddy, I could not stand his all around presence. But, I came to my senses. I understood that Drew Stevenson is SO good at what he does, he can pick and choose who he decides to annoy to the point where you just want to strangle him. After a few sit downs and talks that cleared the air, I understood that I needed to help push Drew Stevenson in the right path. Now did I think he could achieve everything his heart desired without me? Of course, it's Drew Stevenson! But I wanted to be there to rewrite history, I wanted to be the man that got Drew Stevenson's drive and focus back in the right direction as he looked to undertake the task of ruling LEGACY.

LEGACY; a promotion that I proudly wave the banner for. Since it's inception as a joke between brother in-laws, the promotion has boomed and reached new levels notoriety, stages I've experienced with the Innovative Revolution X in Manhattan during my run as an active owner. I've heard today alone, that LEGACY will NOT be covered by World Wrestling News due to my participation and employment within the company. I also heard through the grapevine that Drew Stevenson and myself are being held responsible for the way the show ended on Friday the 20th, which we were. Drew and I had that plan in mind since we first sat down to talk business. Alyssa Pryde's involvement was totally unplanned for, but I made sure Peter Bauer understood that LEGACY wouldn't be your secondary, rinky-dink promotion in the middle of no where. We weren't into having freakshow matches, we were into having CLASSICS. Drew and Alyssa never happened because intergender matches are stupid and has no place in LEGACY. Once Alyssa's jaw is unwired and she's able to speak again, she'll put on her best spin-doctor imitation and make us look like the guilty party, when in realty? We did her a favor, we removed her from harm's way before she got hurt.

Now I respect women in professional wrestling. I look at what Ruby Red was able to do at Friday the 20th in terms of in-ring action and how she created a stir by leaving ring side with Christian Othniel, that's quality entertainment. Ruby Red isn't pleading with Bauer to get her hands on someone like Drew Stevenson, because Ruby has a brain and uses it to it's full percentage. She doesn't live in that delusional world that Alyssa finds herself in where she can compete with a 250 pound man who's held 34 World Championships! And for that Ruby, I applaud you. I find you clearly talented and I hope the best for your future.

After I had the chance to sit back and watch Friday the 20th, I must say that Prince and Ripper Treborn left a lasting impression with me. Despite being able to coast off of the fact that their last name matches the man who signs the pay-checks, they took it to Miles and Dante Lozio and walked away with the victory, for now-- securing their family as the superior class in California. Prince has a undeniable charm and instant draw, Ripper's in ring prowess may be matched by very few currently under contract with LEGACY. That's not to doubt what Miles and Dante brought to the table, I was also impressed with their show of team work as the classic saying of blood is thicker than water held true here. Maybe if not for a mistake here or there-- I'd be typing something completely different, but there's no denying the fact that on that night-- at that time-- Prince and Ripper Treborn reigned supreme. Better luck next time Lozios.

Bobby Langford's EXPLOSION onto the scene also turned quite a few amount of heads, despite looking distracted early on with Christian Othniel's methodical insults towards the child that Bobby featured through the week, in the end Bobby Langford's undeniable athleticism and instincts got him past Brandon Marks, but not before Christian Othniel made a statement that he wasn't going to be going anywhere. I think these two have bright futures, Christian is a man who I've worked with in the past and helped get to where he's at so naturally, despite Bobby's association with Drew as a pupil from the esteemed Emerald Academy, I say Christian has the best shot of taking Bobby Langford down-- but that's nothing concrete. I pegged Othniel as the winner in that match and Bobby fooled me, he made quite the impact so congratulations to him on that-- but it won't be so easy next time, especially against one of my personal favorite members of the LEGACY Roster-- Matt Ward. Ward's ruthless and reckless nature brings me back to the days when I featured ExCore Matches with names the like of SPEED and Raze-- before Rot went nutty and when Scotty Addams was a complete and total greenhorn. I'm looking for Matt Ward to quickly bring Bobby Langford down from Cloud 9 and show him that despite feeling like a winner for a week, the next? Things can quickly change, watch yourself Bobby.. WASTE is probably the most dominate [aside of Drew, my new client and myself] force around.

At the next show I'm looking forward to seeing what Alex Andrews can do on his own, without Ryan Hawkins at his side maybe Andrews can get some hype going? Same for Noah Adelaide and Cameron Kaiser as they're in singles action. Adelaide can fly like an eagle but how effective is an eagle when it's in the fangs of a leopard, especially one as vicious as Cam Kaiser? With WASTE's future hanging in the balance in terms of momentum, don't be surprised to see them make a clean sweep at Independence Day, of course... that's just my opinion.

Joe Cooper? Rina Kirilos? Duke Andrews? Hayden Phoenix? Four individuals that had contracts at the International Championship Wrestling Alliance, of course it's widely known that I consider Taylor 'Wall$treet' McCallister and Burt Busch great friends of mine so I look forward to seeing what they can accomplish here. Cooper was getting on a roll right before ICWA's untimely collapse, Duke Andrews is one half of the longest reigning tag team champions in ICWA history! Kirilos can surprise me with a good showing-- as can Hayden Phoenix. Anyone that's earned a nod from McCallister and Busch definitely gets the benefit of the doubt from me.. this time, anyway.

A lot of people ask me on Twitter if I pay attention to other promotions, the answer is no. I don't have time to give advice to people I don't know and won't get to know. I keep my eye on the prize and at the moment the prize is LEGACY as Drew and I blaze our paths ahead to reach the greatness we know is at our finger tips. When I was actively owning, I would have a team of scouts put together the best of the best just to make sure I kept an eye on competition to make sure they weren't doing anything I couldn't. When however-- I have the chance to actually watch the product, I did manage to catch Missouri State Wrestling a few times as everyone knows one of the Revolutionary 7; a group of men that started IRX off.. Bryce Manning, (Caleb Stephens, Robert "Rot" Turner, Scotty Addams, Drew Stevenson, Con Escobar and Cross), is champion there and he and I have a great relationship where we bounce evil ideas off of each other to see who the true mad genius truly is. Any 'competition' for LEGACY or MSW, I don't bother with as I don't find their methods of advertising, promotional work or their roster entertaining in the least bit. It's not their fault, it's mine for being picky. For all I know there could be the second coming of the IRX out there and I'd miss it, all because I'm content with the domination here.

While I do at times miss the owning aspect of the business, I remember that I had to deal with egos that I have no patience for anymore. I had to deal with fighting with my moron of a son because he believed that he'd be a lucrative and successful professional wrestler, now that I'm simply an agent he doesn't bother me anymore. I enjoy what I'm doing and where I'm at, I have a lower work-load and get paid for doing something I enjoy-- pissing people off. I don't have to rack my brain trying to find ways to recruit and thus-- keep people under contract, I can focus on enforcing the fact that my client; 'The Emerald' Drew Stevenson and future unnamed client's success. Why bother with the stress and hassle of owning when I can take a backseat and watch someone else go gray from the never-ending bitching, complaining and crying? That's a thing of the past and as far as I'm concerned, it's going to stay that way. Plus, I enjoy being able to say what I want on Twitter without worrying how it could negatively impact my promotion. I have [some-what] of a responsibility to represent LEGACY in a positive light but it's far different when you're the actual owner-- there's stuff you can and can't say to protect the integrity of the promotion-- as an agent? My responsibility is ensuring my client's best interest.

The last topic I wanted to touch up on is the massive amount of buzz generated regarding my remark of debuting ANOTHER Decaine client at Independence Day. To say people are knocking down my door to get a chance at having me guide their career would be an understatement, but I don't bother with just anyone. I asked my Twitter followers what makes a good 'Decaine Guy or Girl' and got some great answers-- some of them apply to the person that's going to debut with my hand immediately in their future actions. I'll be leaving hints around Twitter onto who exactly my new client is, I won't however-- be giving away the surprise until Independence Day.

While that's it for now, I'll turn to a small Q&A, all questions are provided by Twitter followers.

@atlantisexists: Of all the clients you've had, who's your absolute favorite?
That's tricky. I've had Genesis, Slade, Bryce, Rot and Drew Stevenson, each client represented a different interest of mine. Genesis was big and fresh to the industry, Bryce and I have a dynamic that's totally hard to explain-- Rot is the one I see myself in the most but Drew is by far the most successful. Slade has the potential to be a superstar but he doesn't have the patience or will.

@revolutionlives4eva: When you aired that promo on World Wrestling News, did you envision yourself blackballing LEGACY from coverage?
No, but it doesn't surprise me. People are cowards and when you address a coward, they find the quickest and easiest way out of confrontation. They could hide behind Twitter and make claims that Drew and myself are parasites to the industry and 'would bring LEGACY down' but the show was a overwhelming success-- financially AND we went viral. So they can blackball LEGACY all they want, their loss is another's gain.. I'm sure another Wrestling News site will gladly pick up the endeavors of Drew and myself.

@kayfabian9231: In my circle, you're considered one of the biggest weasels around. Do you have ANYTHING to say for yourself?!
Not really. You're probably one of the smarks that had to collect his teeth after your jaw hit the floor at the end of Friday the 20th. See a dentist immediately.

@superdupersupersonic: Is Petey Bauer OK? LOL That guy is funny!
I'm able to confirm that yes, Bauer is fine-- Drew and I are actually planning a visit soon.

@itsrealtomedammit: Can I be ur next Decaine Guy?
No. Get a job and stop eating Cheetos all day.

@theonetoomuch4u: What's the story between you and Stan Biehn?
Long story short, Biehn and I have conflicting views on how things should be done. He's a old-school, Southern minded guy that likes to take things slow and keep things familiar. Me? I like to watch the world burn. Even our managing careers differ- Biehn doesn't get out of his comfort zone, I'm working with Drew.. No matter what Biehn says about me, he knows who the superior minded individual is and it most DEFINITELY is not him!

@sitonitandrotate: Which character do you see urself as in Game of Thrones?
I envision myself as Tywin Lannister, minus the imp son and incest engaging children. Tywin is strong and a genius, at times he had to turn a blind eye to keep his sanity and I can completely understand that. Both Tywin and I are criticized for the way we conduct business.. and we both share the hatred of having a total EMBARRASSMENT of a son.

@blindedbyblood: Is Mercer really your son? And what's up w/ Lacey von Licht?!
Mercer is my illegitimate child from a one night stand I had in the back of a bakery and DO NOT MENTION LACEY VON LICHT UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR TWITTER HANDLE TO BECOME A REALITY! Maybe Mercer SHOULD blind you by blood for attempting to troll him with that name drop! Shame on you for agitating my boy!