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'''Leader:''' [[Uriel|Sir Elassar ap Dougal]]<br>
'''Leader:''' <strike>[[Uriel|Sir Elassar ap Dougal]]</strike><br>

Revision as of 22:50, 16 November 2017

Freehold Information

The freehold itself is found in the tall tower that stands within the middle of a vast meadow. It is said that the Watchtower was built over a volcanic opening, and that within the basement, odd lava steam powered engines can be found that offer power to the tower and other things.

Fief of: Duke Simon "Back Breaker" Cartwright ap Fiona
Steward: Baroness Liazaelyn Blackpool ni Fiona
Knight Commander: Sir Elassar ap Dougal
Glamour Produced: 3 per Night
Court Affiliation: Neutral
Chimerical Defenders: Huge Black Red-Eyed Hounds
Chimerical Attendants: Clockwork and Earth Golems



These huge black red-eyed hounds have appeared as defenders of the Watchtower. They are known to go across the rath to the Autumn World where they keep a blazing red eye upon things, making sure no one who shouldn't stumble through the rath manages to do so.



An example of the various clockwork and earth golems that attend those around the Watchtower. They are known to clean, fetch, and even attend however they can. They all seem to run upon some sort of steam engine operating off the lava beneath the freehold.

Freehold Units

There are at least two different units connected to the Ebon Watchtower.


Leader: Sir Elassar ap Dougal


Leader: Lord Richard Sterling ap Fiona
Members: Amber (NPC)