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::find his use of certain words such as "kindred" to be disturbing  
::find his use of certain words such as "kindred" to be disturbing  
::indeed.  An invaluable font of information and influence.
::indeed.  An invaluable font of information and influence.
Jasmine: Trying to make a name for herself through murder.  Never
::a good combination, but the pay is nice and the blame falls
::on her.

Revision as of 09:37, 27 December 2012


Sydney: My first real friend in Prospect. She will still be

laughing when the stars burn out. No one I'd rather have
with me on assignment.

Kian: Pleasure and Pain wrapped in a pretty little package.

Through him there is nothing which will not be revealed
through a symphony of screams. My own personal devil.

Ellot: His skill with computer espionage is unparalleled.

For this we overlook the tragedy of his blood and the


Valerian: A strong and capable predator with an acute sense of


Marion: Very loyal to our cause, but can't keep a secret to save her

unlife. Don't tell her anything you wouldn't put on a billboard.

Damion: His bravery and loyalty our unquestioned. However, his Devil-

may-care attitude is likely to bring unwanted attention.


Serena de Leoncre: Though our methods are completely different,

she is a strong leader in her own right.

Carl: Strong in leading men to war, weak in political acumen. I'd

still rather have this irritating son-of-a-bitch on our side.

LaVey: I don't like him. But his strength is surely an asset to our cause.

Cyn: I wonder how much that ugly little thing knows? Top candidate for



Cross: A paradox. Here is a man with true faith in the One God that

refuses to use that same power to scourge our kind from
the earth.

Seven: A pleasurable businesswoman. We have much in common.

Garan Graves: He seems to have a certain affinity for our sect, yet I

find his use of certain words such as "kindred" to be disturbing
indeed. An invaluable font of information and influence.

Jasmine: Trying to make a name for herself through murder. Never

a good combination, but the pay is nice and the blame falls
on her.


Mimi: A stripper with the classic valley girl speech patterns

which are far from endearing. I have better things to do
than waste time speaking to a whore.

Greg: Mimi's little friend. He mimics her valley girl speech and

is the opposite of masculine.

Kato: Why is this woman speaking to me? I am not attracted

to women and being someone's BFF is not in my skill set.
I wonder what her angle is?