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In 1980, a Russian Garou family by the name of Ivanov had a daughter.
In 1980, a Russian Garou family by the name of Ivanov had a daughter.

Revision as of 03:13, 13 September 2018

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In 1980, a Russian Garou family by the name of Ivanov had a daughter.

In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev rose to power in the USSR. This, combined with the Chernobyl disaster, paved the way for further Technocratic influence in Moscow.

In 1987, a Syncicate-funded research group ran tests in schools across the Soviet Union in search of prospective recruits. The scion of the Ivanov family placed in the 99th percentile, and was whisked away to a school for the gifted. It was here that her Enlightened Genius was discovered and enhanced.

By 1998, Ivanov's talent for learning and manipulating biological patterns had become almost second nature. It helped that she held a double-major in biology and anatomy, with a Doctorate in internal medicine.

In 1999, two months before the Dimensional Anomaly swept far into the reaches of space and across all the different levels and dimensions of reality, Ivanov was assigned to her first residency in the Special Project Division - a union between the Syndicate and Pentex. At the time, it seemed so innocent... an exchange between conventions that helped to develop the integrity of any devices or hypertech developed, working with one of the largest conglomerates in the world.

Or maybe it was just part of some fell plan by the Nephandi in charge of the division, or their fomor counterparts within Pentex. Ivanov had always been fairly low ranked with regards to compliance, and had her own sort of cruel streak that made her overseers question her intentions from time to time. Question, but never look into. There was always an easy excuse to accept, or when she finally would be reprimanded, she received a punishment far below what she would otherwise merit. And somehow, she would always avoid re-education.

As with all those Technocrats working within the Special Project Division at the time of the Anomaly, Ivanov's ties to the Union were abruptly severed. She has only rarely been seen since, always in passing here, caught on one surveillance camera there, participating in a lecture or convention but somehow slipping through the recovery team's fingers.

In Prospect, Ivanov has worked within Magadon for at least a decade. All that changed with the arrival of Major Zora Vankova and the formation of the First Team Godspite Company. Despite a stunning record, the Board of Directors saw fit to place the Geneticist in the First Team to serve not only as combat medic, but also to provide her Genius to solve problems that the typical First Team might not even know they have.

Since it's formation, the Godspite Company has had a tremendous success rate! Lack of access to her previous lab, however, has made Ivanov a bit more desperate with her experiments, and less specific in her selection methods for subjects. Rumor has it that she's even begun experimenting on herself...