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! Power !! Cost !! Brief Description
! Power !! Cost !! Brief Description
| Favor of the Mists|| 1 success|| Each point spent creates a die that can be used for any action that specifically upholds the contract terms. This pool refreshes at the start of each scene.
| Favor of the Mists|| 1 success/die || Each point spent creates a die that can be used for any action that specifically upholds the contract terms. This pool refreshes at the start of each scene.
| Fortified Will || 1 success || Per Favour of the Mists but Willpower, not dice and refreshes at the start of a story
| Fortified Will || 1 success/wp || Per Favour of the Mists but Willpower, not dice and refreshes at the start of a story
| Questing Token || 1 success|| Creates a chimerical seal that proves they are bound by the contract. That is all it does but it allows for Prodigals to say "I'm on official business for <x>" and you should be aware that <x> may instantly be able to appear before them.
| Questing Token || 1 success || Creates a chimerical seal that proves they are bound by the contract. That is all it does but it allows for Prodigals to say "I'm on official business for <x>" and you should be aware that <x> may instantly be able to appear before them.
| Bond of Glamour || 2 success/glamour || Provides a pool of glamour for use in fulfilling the contract. Refreshes at Sunset if the oathbound is Unseelie, Sunrise if seelie
| Arcadian Inspiration || 2 successes|| This is an ST one. Once per story.
| Bestowment || 3 successes || Gives the oathbound a Bestowment per page 462
| Vindication ||3 successes|| When the contract is fulfilled lose three points of banality.  Only once per story.

Revision as of 11:57, 16 April 2021

Fae Contracts, defined by the Contract Art, form a canon understanding of how the Fae interact with each other and Prodigals when Oaths are not appropriate or are overkill.

The Contract Art is defined in C20 from page 203 on.

The text in this page is a reduction of the text of pg 203 on. Please read them to ensure you understand the shortcut text. This page is a work in progress.

Art levels

  1. Done Deal
    Binds a Contract on the most basic level. Requires informed, meaningful consent. If you break the contract, expect <n> botches at random. Where <n> is the successes rolled.
  2. Liar's Bell
    The person who binds the oath knows instantly if you break it
  3. Castigate
    The person who binds the oath can smite you with any power they have reflexively and at a distance if you break it
  4. Casual Contract
    Consent no longer needs to be informed
  5. Sanctified Words
    At this point, the Contract provides tangible benefits topeople covered by it.
    The number of successes defines the number of botches per Done Deal as per usual. Also you get to spend successes on benefits.

Sanctified Words Benefits

Power Cost Brief Description
Favor of the Mists 1 success/die Each point spent creates a die that can be used for any action that specifically upholds the contract terms. This pool refreshes at the start of each scene.
Fortified Will 1 success/wp Per Favour of the Mists but Willpower, not dice and refreshes at the start of a story
Questing Token 1 success Creates a chimerical seal that proves they are bound by the contract. That is all it does but it allows for Prodigals to say "I'm on official business for <x>" and you should be aware that <x> may instantly be able to appear before them.
Bond of Glamour 2 success/glamour Provides a pool of glamour for use in fulfilling the contract. Refreshes at Sunset if the oathbound is Unseelie, Sunrise if seelie
Arcadian Inspiration 2 successes This is an ST one. Once per story.
Bestowment 3 successes Gives the oathbound a Bestowment per page 462
Vindication 3 successes When the contract is fulfilled lose three points of banality. Only once per story.


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Example Example Example
Example Example Example
Example Example Example