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Revision as of 09:47, 23 August 2020

Vic(toria) aka an3ris

Victoria Sky Rasmussen, Vic to her friends, is literally an alien. Sure, she's human but she comes from another world. In her alternate dimension the world progressed just as it did in the "real world" until the early 1990s. After the worlds began to diverge the United States America began a social decline fed by a plague of "gang warfare" (Truth: Camarilla vs Gaian conflicts that started with the Prince of Chicago declaring a blood hunt on the "lupines" and both Camarilla vs Sabbat and Gaian vs Wyrm conflicts that started to rapidly spread more due to the former; conflicting coverups by the Traditions and the Technocracy) and ended up transforming the country into a corporate, cyberpunk nation. During this transformation the Technocracy advanced their Timetable and rose in power while most of the Traditions splintered under the combined assault of the changing consensus and the Avatar Storm. However, shortly after midnight on 18Aug2012, while her cabal was performing a ritual, a freak backlash of Paradox caused Vic to be ripped out of her world and transported to another world arriving in Prospect, California, in the year 2020.

For more details about her background and that of her home dimension click here.

Description & Wardrobe

The woman you are looking at is about average in height, standing five-foot-five when barefoot, and has a figure that is both fit and slender at the same time. Her shoulder-length, chocolate-brown hair has rainbow under dye that occasionally shows in flashes when she moves her head and her hair swishes; it is currently worn loose in waves framing her face. Her pale jade green, almond-shaped eyes gaze at the world from beneath thin and highly expressive brown brows. Her oval-shaped face is further defined by an aquiline nose, high cheekbones and a narrow chin below her thin lips which have a peaked Cupid's bow shape while her complexion has a pale golden tan cast to it.

Her wardrobe (clothing descriptions) can be viewed here.

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IRL[1] Contacts
  • Adeline: tall redheaded lab tech, good conversationalist
  • Astra: one of the first people (along with Arumi) that Vic met in this world, sorta ex-roommate
  • Bobbi: this mage has an adaptable point of view, I've learned much more than expected from her
  • Ed: L33T who's good w/IDs, potential friend (and a friend of Evie's)
  • Eden Huxley: good conversationalist
  • Evie: Pokémon enthusiast and possible protégé
  • Hardy: a good one to have in your corner; nicknamed "Aitch" by Vic on 8Sept2020
  • Hector: V-Dept Sorcerer, is cool; nicknamed "Aitch-two" by Vic on 20Sept2020
  • Merek: Has interesting thoughts about the Spheres
  • Raise: employer, landlord, teacher; its complicated with this Hedge
  • Ross: technomancer, cool guy, where's the relationship (lowercase R!) going to go
  • Rufus: a fellow Virtual Adept; nicknamed "Arr" by Vic on 18Sept2020
  • Thorn: newly arrived VA; in a relationship with Bobbi?

Online[1] Contacts

  • Melanie: I have her email
  • Nelo: I have his email
  • Vertigo: never met her but in touch with her
  • Zagy: I have his email
Disclaimer: I'm using this to represent people who ICly Vic has in her contacts list ICly. Not having a listing doesn't mean she doesn't know or care about you. It simply means she has no IC way of contacting you.

Note: If you feel your absence on this page was an oversight please reach out to me on the MUSH via page or @mail and let me know!

Gone but not Forgotten

  • Arumi: one of the first people (along with Astra) that Vic met in this world, this Etherite put Vic in touch with the local VA's and Traditions
  • Katie: cute kid, been though a lot though but she has since departed Prospect to be an itinerant mage

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Victoria Sky Rasmussen
Vic Rasmussen/Portrait

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Notable Stats
Vic Rasmussen/Notable Stats

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Played By: Isa Briones

  1. 1.0 1.1 This is referring to IC interactions naturally