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Coming Soon!
<div style="text-align:center;">[[image:Legacycoto.png]]<br>
<font size="4" face="courier new"><b>CARSON, CALIFORNIA -- June 16th, 2014</b></font><br>
<font face="georgia"><font size="2">It was roughly 8PM on the West Coast of the United States. Despite being summer, the sun had set and when the sun set anywhere near Los Angeles, everyone know what time it was. All sorts of freaks would appear, whether they were tattooed, pierced, men pretending to be women-- women pretending to be men, whatever the case was-- it was offered. The freak in this tale though, he had a far more sinister plan than any of the others mentioned above-- this man had one thing in mind, and what was 'a cleansing'. Sounded pretty straight forward, right? A cleansing to ensure a healthy and happy environment.. but that was the furthest thing from Christian Othniel's mind as possible.</font><br>
<font size="2"><i>"It seems to a brewing subject, one that hasn't been addressed by LEGACY's Twitter feed. Bobby Langford, the self-righteous son of a bitch he is, he seems to have &nbsp;taken offense with my words. He's seem to have picked a bone with me over something as small as me admitting I like to see the life be choked out of someone's body as I push down on their throat.. Strange. Coming from someone who is probably responsible for a bunch of concussions and other long-standing injuries, don't stand there and tell me you don't respect me because I like to hurt people. Seriously Bobby, let's cut the crap."</i></font><br>
<font size="2">In what seemed to be the 'norm' in LEGACY Wrestling attire, Christian Othniel was joining the party. With a black hoodie on, he had it unzipped and had the hood down. A pair of double-knee black Dickies and all black Chuck Taylors on, as he stood with his right foot behind him, pressed against the red brick wall, he looked like something that shot out of hell. His hair was a mess, his eyes seemed sunken in, Christian didn't look like a role-model, not like Bobby Langford.</font><br>
<font size="2"><i>"There's a problem in the industry, there's too much guys that wanna do the.."</i></font><br>
<font size="2">Bringing his left hand up, CO hit the quotation fingers..</font><br>
<font size="2"><b><i>".. right thing.."</i></b></font><br>
<font size="2">Now he brought his hand to the back of his head and rested it against the wall.</font><br>
<font size="2"><i>"And why? What does the right thing prove? That you've got a wholesome marketability? Is that what you're after Bobby? Do you wanna be the guy that little Donnie can look up to and tell his teachers that you're his hero as his father comes home from a hard day of work, wanting nothing but his son's admiration and instead has to deal with the facade you're putting on?! We both know that there's NOTHING known as the 'right way' in real life. If things were so happy-for-everyone, you'd be signing a 60 million dollar contract with the Steelers and I'd be at home with my feet kicked up with 'COogle' as my company. Let's not pretend like life is roses and gum-drops Bobby, stop giving kids a false round of hope-- you're setting them up for failure."</i></font><br>
<font size="2">His words-- as cynical as they were, wasn't too far from the truth. Nothing in life ever goes the way one wanted, Christian knew that from several first hand experiences. An injury robbed him of breaking the glass ceiling above his head RIGHT before a match that might of made him a superstar-- once he was healed, the company was in a tale-spin and he had to continue in Japan. Nothing has ever come easy to Christian Othniel-- he's not a cynical person because it''s fun, he''s that way because he's lived through problem after problem and don't believe there's a such thing as a 'good' or 'happy' way.</font><br>
<font size="2"><i>"While you stand on your yellow and black soapbox, decorated with the Steelers logo and pictures of Jack Ham and Lynn Swann, know that I'll be there as a heckler telling you to cut the show quick 'cause there's far bigger problems in the world. Not everyone is as gifted of an athlete Bobby, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who keeps themselves in such good shape that they'll kill a bench press with 50 or so reps. You're the 1%er in the business, you're the one-percent that doesn't have to try. It comes easy to you, you don't need effort. You tell people to eat your vitamins and try as hard as you can knowing damn well that they're going to fail. No Bobby, not everyone is Bobby Langford-- not everyone is able to make things so easy. Not Christian Othniel, not Brandon Marks-- not no one. You're the EXACT kinda person I was taking about when I said California needed a purge.."</i></font><br>
<font size="2">The second CO mentioned that, a siren blasted and went by, illuminating the area he was standing-- turning it red and blue for a second. A smirk crossed Othniel's face as he watched the car pass him by all as he nodded lightly.</font><br>
<i><font size="2">"I'm tired of having people like you crash the dreams of my people-- the guy who gets his hands dirty, the everyday man. That''s all I am, Bobby.. An everyday man. I'm not above-average, I'm not going to blow you away with flip after flip or crazy showing of strength. I'm not <b>YOUR</b> size, I don't have <b>YOUR</b> skills-- but what I do have.. the one thing that IS above average.."<br></font>
<font size="2">Now, Christian tapped the right side of his head-- his temple with his pointer finger and fired off a confident nod.</font><br>
<font size="2"><i>".. is a brain, a mind for this.. and that's something you have yet to form. You're fresh out of Stevenson's Academy, you're wanting nothing more than to prove your mentor is the man of man-- the trainer of trainers and secure yourself a victory, but it's not that easy Bobby.. not even for you. You're a super-athlete, I get it. You can bench way more than I can- squat, curl and deadlift too, but can you out-think me? Go and ask Drew who brought me to the dance-- ask Drew what man scares the ever-living daylight out of even The Emerald because his mind is so sharp.. he can stab you with it. I''ve hung around with him long enough to have picked up tricks of the trade and my mind Bobby, it's a very.. very dangerous thing. Look at it as a broken bottle with not just one-- but six or seven jagged edges-- all of which can do damage if you don't find a way to avoid it."</i></font><br>
<font size="2">It was common knowledge that Christian Othniel never was the strongest-- the fastest-- the most agile.. but he was smart, and that's what kept him in the business for as long as he has been. He's not a slouch in terms of being able to move, but he's not going to blow people away like a Noah Adelaide or Prince Treborn. He isn't going to come up with some crazy, suicidal risk like Masen Dysen-- that wasn't his game. Christian Othniel was the most dangerous when he was given time to think and form a strategy-- a strategy that was scary because it has yet to fail him in the line of battle.</font><br>
<i><font size="2">"I'll put it this way Bobby-- don't judge me by me wins-- that's too easy. I want you to judge me by my losses because there's so few of them. You can come into the match on Friday the 20th with guns blazing and a head full of steam, but remember.. Zeus took down Cronus. Size doesn't make the man, his mind does and I can assure you Bobby Langford, as much as your body and athleticism is worth, you have yet to be smart enough to beat me in the ring-- talent only gets you so far, knowledge however.. that's a whole different beast."</font><br>
<font size="2">Christian let off a slight chuckle as he let his foot that was keeping him standing on one foot fall to the ground, causing a bit of a crackle from the loose asphalt beneath his feet. Bringing both hands up in front of him, Christian begun to dust off his palms all as he kept his eyes fixed down upon his hands despite speaking again.</font><br>
<i><font size="2">"You're going to be the first lamb offered as a sacrifice to my cause, Bobby. Eventually they'll catch on, they'll see this as necessary.. a necessary evil. But our minds isn't the only thing that'll set us apart once that bell rings. You're so wrapped up in the fact you've gotta project yourself as this hero-- as this caricature of what a man should be, you're not willing and able to go the extra mile to make sure your career is safe. You're not willing on traveling the roads I am, Bobby-- there's no honor amongst thieves, and in this business.. that's all we are whether you like it or not. We're stealing money from people, some times pretending to be people we're not-- at least with you, we know it's true. I hope you come to your senses before that bell rings and forget about trying to save a bunch of kids who were destined to fail anyway. The only way you're gonna walk out of Carson a winner.. is if you're willing to turn off that humanity switch and be like me-- be like the man you have NO respect for.. You've gotta be willing to pull from not the good ways handbook rather.."</font><br>
<font size="2">Cocking his head back with an absolutely disturbing grin etched across his face, Christian slowly brought his clenched fists up and extended his arms as far as it could go. With a few arrogant nods of his head, the camera read exactly what Othniel told Langford he needed to tap into if he wanted to secure victory..</font><br>
<font size="2"><i>"You've gotta be able to indulge in.."</i></font><br>
<font size="5"><b>EVIL WAYS</b></font></font></div>

Revision as of 02:23, 17 April 2020


CARSON, CALIFORNIA -- June 16th, 2014

It was roughly 8PM on the West Coast of the United States. Despite being summer, the sun had set and when the sun set anywhere near Los Angeles, everyone know what time it was. All sorts of freaks would appear, whether they were tattooed, pierced, men pretending to be women-- women pretending to be men, whatever the case was-- it was offered. The freak in this tale though, he had a far more sinister plan than any of the others mentioned above-- this man had one thing in mind, and what was 'a cleansing'. Sounded pretty straight forward, right? A cleansing to ensure a healthy and happy environment.. but that was the furthest thing from Christian Othniel's mind as possible.

"It seems to a brewing subject, one that hasn't been addressed by LEGACY's Twitter feed. Bobby Langford, the self-righteous son of a bitch he is, he seems to have  taken offense with my words. He's seem to have picked a bone with me over something as small as me admitting I like to see the life be choked out of someone's body as I push down on their throat.. Strange. Coming from someone who is probably responsible for a bunch of concussions and other long-standing injuries, don't stand there and tell me you don't respect me because I like to hurt people. Seriously Bobby, let's cut the crap."

In what seemed to be the 'norm' in LEGACY Wrestling attire, Christian Othniel was joining the party. With a black hoodie on, he had it unzipped and had the hood down. A pair of double-knee black Dickies and all black Chuck Taylors on, as he stood with his right foot behind him, pressed against the red brick wall, he looked like something that shot out of hell. His hair was a mess, his eyes seemed sunken in, Christian didn't look like a role-model, not like Bobby Langford.

"There's a problem in the industry, there's too much guys that wanna do the.."

Bringing his left hand up, CO hit the quotation fingers..

".. right thing.."

Now he brought his hand to the back of his head and rested it against the wall.

"And why? What does the right thing prove? That you've got a wholesome marketability? Is that what you're after Bobby? Do you wanna be the guy that little Donnie can look up to and tell his teachers that you're his hero as his father comes home from a hard day of work, wanting nothing but his son's admiration and instead has to deal with the facade you're putting on?! We both know that there's NOTHING known as the 'right way' in real life. If things were so happy-for-everyone, you'd be signing a 60 million dollar contract with the Steelers and I'd be at home with my feet kicked up with 'COogle' as my company. Let's not pretend like life is roses and gum-drops Bobby, stop giving kids a false round of hope-- you're setting them up for failure."

His words-- as cynical as they were, wasn't too far from the truth. Nothing in life ever goes the way one wanted, Christian knew that from several first hand experiences. An injury robbed him of breaking the glass ceiling above his head RIGHT before a match that might of made him a superstar-- once he was healed, the company was in a tale-spin and he had to continue in Japan. Nothing has ever come easy to Christian Othniel-- he's not a cynical person because its fun, hes that way because he's lived through problem after problem and don't believe there's a such thing as a 'good' or 'happy' way.

"While you stand on your yellow and black soapbox, decorated with the Steelers logo and pictures of Jack Ham and Lynn Swann, know that I'll be there as a heckler telling you to cut the show quick 'cause there's far bigger problems in the world. Not everyone is as gifted of an athlete Bobby, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who keeps themselves in such good shape that they'll kill a bench press with 50 or so reps. You're the 1%er in the business, you're the one-percent that doesn't have to try. It comes easy to you, you don't need effort. You tell people to eat your vitamins and try as hard as you can knowing damn well that they're going to fail. No Bobby, not everyone is Bobby Langford-- not everyone is able to make things so easy. Not Christian Othniel, not Brandon Marks-- not no one. You're the EXACT kinda person I was taking about when I said California needed a purge.."

The second CO mentioned that, a siren blasted and went by, illuminating the area he was standing-- turning it red and blue for a second. A smirk crossed Othniel's face as he watched the car pass him by all as he nodded lightly.

"I'm tired of having people like you crash the dreams of my people-- the guy who gets his hands dirty, the everyday man. Thats all I am, Bobby.. An everyday man. I'm not above-average, I'm not going to blow you away with flip after flip or crazy showing of strength. I'm not YOUR size, I don't have YOUR skills-- but what I do have.. the one thing that IS above average.."

Now, Christian tapped the right side of his head-- his temple with his pointer finger and fired off a confident nod.

".. is a brain, a mind for this.. and that's something you have yet to form. You're fresh out of Stevenson's Academy, you're wanting nothing more than to prove your mentor is the man of man-- the trainer of trainers and secure yourself a victory, but it's not that easy Bobby.. not even for you. You're a super-athlete, I get it. You can bench way more than I can- squat, curl and deadlift too, but can you out-think me? Go and ask Drew who brought me to the dance-- ask Drew what man scares the ever-living daylight out of even The Emerald because his mind is so sharp.. he can stab you with it. Ive hung around with him long enough to have picked up tricks of the trade and my mind Bobby, it's a very.. very dangerous thing. Look at it as a broken bottle with not just one-- but six or seven jagged edges-- all of which can do damage if you don't find a way to avoid it."

It was common knowledge that Christian Othniel never was the strongest-- the fastest-- the most agile.. but he was smart, and that's what kept him in the business for as long as he has been. He's not a slouch in terms of being able to move, but he's not going to blow people away like a Noah Adelaide or Prince Treborn. He isn't going to come up with some crazy, suicidal risk like Masen Dysen-- that wasn't his game. Christian Othniel was the most dangerous when he was given time to think and form a strategy-- a strategy that was scary because it has yet to fail him in the line of battle.

"I'll put it this way Bobby-- don't judge me by me wins-- that's too easy. I want you to judge me by my losses because there's so few of them. You can come into the match on Friday the 20th with guns blazing and a head full of steam, but remember.. Zeus took down Cronus. Size doesn't make the man, his mind does and I can assure you Bobby Langford, as much as your body and athleticism is worth, you have yet to be smart enough to beat me in the ring-- talent only gets you so far, knowledge however.. that's a whole different beast."

Christian let off a slight chuckle as he let his foot that was keeping him standing on one foot fall to the ground, causing a bit of a crackle from the loose asphalt beneath his feet. Bringing both hands up in front of him, Christian begun to dust off his palms all as he kept his eyes fixed down upon his hands despite speaking again.

"You're going to be the first lamb offered as a sacrifice to my cause, Bobby. Eventually they'll catch on, they'll see this as necessary.. a necessary evil. But our minds isn't the only thing that'll set us apart once that bell rings. You're so wrapped up in the fact you've gotta project yourself as this hero-- as this caricature of what a man should be, you're not willing and able to go the extra mile to make sure your career is safe. You're not willing on traveling the roads I am, Bobby-- there's no honor amongst thieves, and in this business.. that's all we are whether you like it or not. We're stealing money from people, some times pretending to be people we're not-- at least with you, we know it's true. I hope you come to your senses before that bell rings and forget about trying to save a bunch of kids who were destined to fail anyway. The only way you're gonna walk out of Carson a winner.. is if you're willing to turn off that humanity switch and be like me-- be like the man you have NO respect for.. You've gotta be willing to pull from not the good ways handbook rather.."

Cocking his head back with an absolutely disturbing grin etched across his face, Christian slowly brought his clenched fists up and extended his arms as far as it could go. With a few arrogant nods of his head, the camera read exactly what Othniel told Langford he needed to tap into if he wanted to secure victory..

"You've gotta be able to indulge in.."