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Of course, she spends a lot of time in the form of a dolphin (her natural form, in fact), and when she does go out amongst humans she tends to cover herself up in so much clothing that even the Taliban might find it excessive. Okay, slight exaggeration there, but you get the idea. The thing is, though... it doesn't really help much. Even when completely bundled up, she STILL seems to draw a lot of attention somehow, and as a dolphin... well, humans do occasionally make websites about how to have sex with dolphins... '''(Flaw: Surreal Quality)'''
Of course, she spends a lot of time in the form of a dolphin (her natural form, in fact), and when she does go out amongst humans she tends to cover herself up in so much clothing that even the Taliban might find it excessive. Okay, slight exaggeration there, but you get the idea. The thing is, though... it doesn't really help much. Even when completely bundled up, she STILL seems to draw a lot of attention somehow, and as a dolphin... well, humans do occasionally make websites about how to have sex with dolphins... '''(Flaw: Surreal Quality)'''
='''Better than Humans'''=
='''Better than Thou'''=
Derangements etc here
Did I mention she's a wee bit arrogant? Because she is. True, Rorqual in general ARE very much respected by most denizen of the sea - to the Merfolk and Murdhuacha, they are essentially thought of as living Freeholds, whereas the Rokea tend to think of them much like land-borne shifters think of their Caerns. After all, that's what Rorqual *do* - they gather Gnosis (and/or Glamour) from undersea Grottoes, bringing such energies to Rokea and/or Mer. The very thought of harming a Rorqual is pretty much anathema to Kunspawn and Mer alike (one of the few things Merfolk and Murdhuacha actually agree on), and they all tend to go out of their way to protect a Rorqual in need.
The thing is... she's just one little dolphin, capable of carrying enough Gnosis to 'refuel' one, maybe two Rokea at most, yet she's somehow gotten it into her head that she is EVERY BIT as important as some gigantic whale Rorqual with Gnosis (and/or Glamour) pools approaching or even exceeding triple digits, capable of sustaining entire cities of Merfolk or countless slews of weresharks.  She definitely isn't THAT important, but she won't hear a word of it.
As for her supposed 'superiority' to humans intellectually, well... she might not be a total dumbass, but there's certainly nothing at all superhuman about her intelligence. She's not going to admit to that either.
While we're on the subject of being crazy: She also has a tendency to get carried away in combat - even if she hasn't actually Frenzied (which she can do sometimes), she's still highly unlikely to stop attacking someone until they are dead. Merely TELLING her to stop won't cut it (because she's obviously superior to you in every way and isn't going to listen to your so-called orders) - she'll need to be physically restrained.
'''(Derangements: Delusions of Grandeur, Homicidal)'''

Revision as of 14:10, 29 April 2013

Vastly Superior Dolphin Traits
Date of Birth: March 7, 1842
Place of Birth: Pacific Ocean
Nationality: None
Ethnicity: Cetacean / Hawaiian
Race: Rorqual (Kami)
Apparent Age: Adult / Midtwenties
Profession: Dolphin
Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Judge
Kinfolk: Rokea (sort of)
Consecrated to: Sea

"[On Earth], man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much — the wheel, New York, wars, and so on — while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man — for precisely the same reasons."

-The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Prettier than Thou

If there is one thing that's a match for her arrogance, it is her beauty. Even a rather attractive human may as well be a Nosferatu in comparison; hers is the kind of blatantly supernatural beauty that makes Sidhe green with envy, causes Toreador to just stand and stare, and likely makes Satyrs need a change of pants (if they were wearing any in the first place). It is NOT even the slightest bit subtle. It shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence as the word 'subtle'. Short of the completely blind, there is absolutely no way in hell that anyone would mistake her for merely a very attractive human. (Appearance 8; Merit: Surreal Beauty)

Of course, she spends a lot of time in the form of a dolphin (her natural form, in fact), and when she does go out amongst humans she tends to cover herself up in so much clothing that even the Taliban might find it excessive. Okay, slight exaggeration there, but you get the idea. The thing is, though... it doesn't really help much. Even when completely bundled up, she STILL seems to draw a lot of attention somehow, and as a dolphin... well, humans do occasionally make websites about how to have sex with dolphins... (Flaw: Surreal Quality)

Better than Thou

Did I mention she's a wee bit arrogant? Because she is. True, Rorqual in general ARE very much respected by most denizen of the sea - to the Merfolk and Murdhuacha, they are essentially thought of as living Freeholds, whereas the Rokea tend to think of them much like land-borne shifters think of their Caerns. After all, that's what Rorqual *do* - they gather Gnosis (and/or Glamour) from undersea Grottoes, bringing such energies to Rokea and/or Mer. The very thought of harming a Rorqual is pretty much anathema to Kunspawn and Mer alike (one of the few things Merfolk and Murdhuacha actually agree on), and they all tend to go out of their way to protect a Rorqual in need.

The thing is... she's just one little dolphin, capable of carrying enough Gnosis to 'refuel' one, maybe two Rokea at most, yet she's somehow gotten it into her head that she is EVERY BIT as important as some gigantic whale Rorqual with Gnosis (and/or Glamour) pools approaching or even exceeding triple digits, capable of sustaining entire cities of Merfolk or countless slews of weresharks. She definitely isn't THAT important, but she won't hear a word of it.

As for her supposed 'superiority' to humans intellectually, well... she might not be a total dumbass, but there's certainly nothing at all superhuman about her intelligence. She's not going to admit to that either.

While we're on the subject of being crazy: She also has a tendency to get carried away in combat - even if she hasn't actually Frenzied (which she can do sometimes), she's still highly unlikely to stop attacking someone until they are dead. Merely TELLING her to stop won't cut it (because she's obviously superior to you in every way and isn't going to listen to your so-called orders) - she'll need to be physically restrained.

(Derangements: Delusions of Grandeur, Homicidal)


Merits, flaws, that sort of thing

Shark-kin, and yet not

It's complicated. Text goes here.