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[[Category:PCs]][[Category:Active PCs]][[Category:Gaian]][[Category: Weaver]][[Category:Shifter]]
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Latest revision as of 08:35, 8 September 2015


Divine Geometry,

In this world of Beast-Men, Undead, The Old Gods and Those That Should Not Be - this man with devil-born green eyes is as alien as an Outsider, yet as well-known and common as the knowledge that air is a requirement for breathing. He, is a Spider. But not a Man that has become a Spider, rather, a Spider that has eaten his fill of brothers, and sisters. Of insects, birds and snakes...and grown into the powerful mind before you now. Before him is a storm of chaos, and entropy...one that by his hands, shall fall behind him as a garden. Perfectly ordered. Perfectly measured. Everything has a place, with everything in its place. Unlike many, 'Pythagorus' a name given by co-workers from around the world, is able to see the connection of all things. The Grand Design.

The Perfect Predator,

Banal to the point that Fey and Chimera will wither in his wake. Appealing to the eyes, to lure prey like gold silk might lure bees, and birds. Powerful in the body, mighty in the mind and the heart is as cold, as smooth, as a mirror. With Divine Mandate painted on his flesh, on his chitinous exterior - all who fall into his web, are pawn and prey.

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Nephandi "I spin my golden-silk of suffering to gain your attentions, and when your Greed has taken you over...I shall drain you of all your problems."
Vampire "Servants of The Wyrm mostly, and They are not even aware of it. Playing games that We; The Damhan have been playing since before Jericho. Confront Them with the horror of Their reality, Weave wonders before Them. Let Them think They can use It and remember; They taste exquisite."
The Wyrm "Suffering, for suffering's sake? A disruption in my Grand Design. A smudge that needs to be reorganized, and reapplied."
Traditions "Less, is more. Knock over my house of cards again, and you will not enjoy the aftermath."
The Technocracy "I, am what You aspire to Be."
Garou "Evolve, or die. In the Grand Design of things, I am tolerant of Glass Walkers."

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Maddox, The Curse-Giver "There is something about you uniquely familiar to me. You ran off so soon, and before I could find out what that is...we will fix that mistake."
Faqirah, The Shadow "I think, if you could see into The Umbra; you would better understand how deep you are in a sea of problems beyond your comprehension."
Misha Kazovski, The Prospect "She strives for Symmetry in her life; and with the lives she affects. Intelligent, Driven, Aware."

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RP Hooks

Toxic Love

Toxicology, Poisons, Venoms and a diet of juice. He is a highly-schooled academic.


Architecture, Xenobiology, Psychology and being the creator of the most geometrically perfect creation, ever. Glass Walkers, Nockers and Technomancers will want to know this creature.

Deathly Presence

Those who woe against Banality will find his presence painful, terrible, and perhaps - even deadly.


Merlin was a man aware of Divine Geometry. Runes, Movements and Power Words - these things are tools of Order. 'Mrs. Fly, won't you come into my parlour?'

Designer, Crafter, and Divine Mathmetician

In this world of Modern Man, far after the City of Jericho there is no use for brute strength...much. But if you need something designed, be it a home, a weapon, a suit stronger than steel yet as light as silk? These things, can be provided. What will you offer?

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Race: Nephila Viskr Damhan'
Full Name: Richter Erik Kleinen
Age: 30
Occupation: Designer
Species: Nephila
Height: 6'1"
Resonance: Order. Glass. Silk.
Aspect: Weaver
Demeanor: Architect

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Blood Splatter.gif