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(Created page with "{{Infobox Log |name = Time for a Lesson |summary = Bad Conduct is discussed and a pop quiz on the litany is given |icdate = April 11th, 2014. |ictime = Devlin...")
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Line 3: Line 3:
|summary  = Bad Conduct is discussed and a pop quiz on the litany is given
|summary  = Bad Conduct is discussed and a pop quiz on the litany is given
|icdate    = April 11th, 2014.
|icdate    = April 11th, 2014.
|ictime    = [[Devlin]], [[Misty]], [[George]], [[Juliette]], [[Connor]], [[Jennie]]
|ictime    = Evening
|players  = Players in the scene. (it's a good idea to link each player to their wiki with [[around their name]]
|players  = [[Devlin]], [[Misty]], [[George]], [[Juliette (Garou)]], [[Connor]], [[Jennie]]
|location  = Gaian Garou Caern
|location  = Gaian Garou Caern
|spheres  = Gaian Garou, Gaian Fera, Kinfolk.
|spheres  = Gaian Garou, Gaian Fera, Kinfolk.
Line 178: Line 178:
[[Category:Juliette (Garou)]]

Latest revision as of 13:19, 16 August 2021

Time for a Lesson
Bad Conduct is discussed and a pop quiz on the litany is given
IC Date April 11th, 2014.
IC Time Evening
Players Devlin, Misty, George, Juliette (Garou), Connor, Jennie
Location Gaian Garou Caern
Spheres Gaian Garou, Gaian Fera, Kinfolk.

Deep Forest - Mystic Valley(#1747RJU)

A vast lush, dense underground forest surrounds the area as thick, tangled vines creep on up past high, rising treacherous, slick, black walls. The volcanic rock face that surrounds this natural valley seems to reach on up to the brink of infinity and beyond, making it nearly impossible to climb with its slick, plate-like surface. Inside the surrounding chasm lies a dangerous lush and vibrant woods as while the deeper one goes only seems to surround the area with eyes that watch from afar. Strange, foreign sounds echo throughout as odd beasts mock those that dare to travel in here, simply waiting in hiding to prey upon the weak and less fortunate. Numerous deep, dark, twisting caverns wind ever downwards to make up the expanse of the labyrinthine structure of the underground tunnels surrounding the area.

The ceiling of the caverns reaches something of hundreds of feet tall, far beyond what the eye can see into the dark as great stalactites and stalagmites meet each other in grissled embedded rock structures of enriched, pure minerals. Differently colored crystal pools of shimmering mineral water cascade down from flowing indoor springs as a cool, eerie air seems to constantly blow through the area, howling like a banshee on the wind. Photoluminescent algae clings healthily to the rock beds near the pools of water as they glow malevolently, casting a dim light for those to see that pass through these dark paths. Deep abysmal, dark and dense caves completely surround the area as the latent sound of dripping water lightly echoing against dried, crusted, volcanic rock and stinging gentle mineral pools with their soft *Hiss* as the cool water gently touches to make a light steam in the thick air.

The pathways that lead around these eternal caverns here are exceptionally deadly and dangerous as all lies within complete darkness except for the brief moments of glittering light against soft pools of crystals, green moss, illuminated algae, and shards of silvery reflections inside cavern waterfalls. The lush, thick, dark underground forest seems to surround the dense area in tight entanglements of vines, bushes, jungle and shrubs. The trees hang down in their weeping willows as branches mix with gnarled roots that sink beneath the cracked, rocky, stygian, encrusted earth. Depths of coiled mist surround the thick humid air in a serpentine pattern as spouts of steam spit out from the dark chasms in bursts of fiery hot gaseous flames.

Contents: Devlin Misty Totem Pole Obvious Exits: Hidden Nest <HN> Heart <HE> Catacombs <CA> Temple <TE> Amphitheater <AM> Clearing <CL> Large Cavern <O>

Misty giggles at Devlin watching him sip the bourbon like a pro, smiling as he stums the guitar "Have you and Meave ever done music together?" she asks sweetly and nods a bit "Drinking? Is that why my nose feels funny?"

Devlin nods as he sets the bottle of Devil's Cut down. "Not yet. I am looking forward to singing with her. And yes, most likely you snorted a bit of bourbon, Misty." A bit of a smile as he plucks some random chords out. "You know, I have not felt safe bringing a guitar out here since the beginning of fall.. nothing like a burden off one's shoulders."

George is carrying a patchwork leather poncho over one arm and has a bone handled long knife in a sheath at the small of his back as he comes striding in. Looking around as if for someone particular he settles down when he doesn't find them. Ambling over towards Devlin and...a new girl he says "Evening folks."

Misty smiles warmly to Devlin, nodding softly "Oh.. I didn't know me getting bourbon in my nose would make it all numb feeling" she says giggling a bit, a completely light weight with alcohol period. She then looks over to George, overing him a warm and friendly small, a soft blush upon her cheeks "Hiya, I'm Misty" she says the offers a giggle.

Devlin and Misty are sitting near each other. An open bottle of Jim Beam's Devil's Cut bourbon is near Devlin. He has a 12 string in hand and playing a few random chords. George is coming over to where they are and exchanging greetings, "Hi George-rhya.. just chilling out. Help yourself to a drink if your so inclined."

Juliette comes strolling along, battered guitar case over one shoulder, and her arrival is announced by the honey tones of her voice as she sings to the caves some song involving a ship named the Bright Wind sailing once more. She waves at those present and stops singing to call out a "Hello all. How goes it?"

George grins and scoops the bottle at Misty and sniffs the Air with curiosity as he scoops the offered bottle "I know you're kin, I can smell it on you. Potent blood too, get introduced to everyone you need to meet alright?" Juliette's arrival gets a salute before he takes a slug of the bottle, his patchwork leather poncho slung over his other arm and his bone handled long knife at the small of his back. "It goes. And you?"

As people meet and greet, Devlin starts strumming the melody from Hotel California. "I am doing well. And good to see you as well, Juliette. Just hanging loose is all. thought I'd run into Meave here and brought some music here for the first time in months for me." He continues to strum, not doing bad for something that usually should be played by several guitars. "Misty is new to her heritage, George-rhya."

Misty smiles warmly to George "Almost everyone, still needing to meet you however from what I was told" she says with a bright smile to him and leans in to whisper to them then smiles brightly to him before she smiles to Juliette "I'm learning a lot today" she giggles sweetly to her.

Connor would pad along quietly, that grin of his evident on his face as he finds his way down the path, he would lift a hand in a wave to those he had met, stepping a bit closer towards the gathering of people

Juliette smiles at George "The boyling just finished his dinner, his story time and is preparing for his bed time. So having finished motherly duties for the night I decided to drop by and see how people are." before she nods to Devlin and Misty. At Devlin's comment she smiles over at Misty "We've got a good pack of Get of Fenris here. Or are you here with someone specific?"

George takes liberties with Devlin's booze and offers it to Juliette as he says to Misty after she whispers to him "That's nothing to be ashamed of, at least amongst my tribe. The why is almost impossible to say, what to do about it is the real question."

Devlin continues to play and nods to his bag, "I brought another bottle of Devil's Cut, in the bag." the other bottle is in George's hand currently. "Nice to see so many together. And thank you, Juliette-rhya, I am told you let many know about the events surrounding me. I appreciate it. Just wish i could have understood it the way it was announced is all. Been told there is a musical quality to a howl that is easier to understand when your ear is trained to understand them,"

Misty shakes her head to Juliette's question "No... I came to Prospect to get away from the people who raised me who aren't even my actual parents... Lars is helping me, he is the one who told me to learn the litany and that I am not allowed to leave until I can recite it to him from memory" she says kindly before she glances to Connor then looks back to everyone in the group. Then looks back to George smiling "I usually talk with them, ask them how they got that way, seen them since I was about three or four years old" she says with a warm smile.

Juliette nods to Devlin as she takes the bottle but only a small polite sip from it before handing it back to George. "I can teach you some of the basics. It's difficult because we don't actually learn it. It awakens with the wolf soul within us. In case you didn't understand the second howl Boss has fled the area in hopes to escape the Philodox's judgment." She shakes her head obviously disaproving of such shameful behavior. To Misty she smiles at the mention of Lars "Ah, you know them already. That is good. They are not Fenrir but are very close. Good traditional Garou."

George chuckles and shakes his head "Then you've been managing a lot longer than me. The sight came to me with the first change nearly two years ago now. The first of May is my anniversary, coming up right quick." Takes the bottle back from Juliette politely and sips again before passing it back to Devlin. Nodding "That's a good lesson and a reasonable restriction, especially when you know just enough to be dangerous."

Devlin pauses playing to take a pull and then passes the bottle. "I do confess that I worry he could return. It is good that Misty has a chance to learn about her heritage." He goes back to playing music again. "Any interesting good news of late?"

Misty smiles warmly at Juliette words then looks to George she nods softly "Sometimes I run though... not all the ones I see are nice" she murmurs and shrugs softly looking back to Devlin and nods softly "Now I just need to find my birth parents" she murmurs

Juliette thinks for a moment and smiles to Devlin "I'm awesome." Yep that's her good news. Then follows it up with "And humble." She nods sagely. "But in all seriousness if he returns and comes for revenge then run. Don't try to make a stand or anything unless you have to buy time for your sister to get away. I'd prefer if you both did get away, but I'll never tell someone not to make a stand for their loved ones. Head to Barn, they'll get ahold of me."

Devlin nods, "I know. Meave said she'd watch over me, I believe her." He continues to play enough for the background. "Kait's pretty happy he is not around. She sees I am more relaxed and happier these days i think.."

George nods and grins at Misty "I grew up in the Foster system myself." Before turning and little fiercely at Juliette "I've been spoiling for someone to actually dispense a thoroughly righteous beat down on. But Boss left town, Tom dropped off the face of the earth, Toshio backed down and apologized /again/ because his Silver Fang kin 'mate' was terrified I was going to beat his ass......I suppose I should count it well enough solved but man.....Lacey sure looked like she wanted an excuse to give him a chop too. Has he been pissing everyone off?"

Misty smiles as Devlin mentions Meave, a soft twinkle in her eyes as if she knows a secret before she looks to George "From what I have been reading I was more held captive in then in foster care... heavily home schooled... never allowed to leave the house... I had to run away" she murmurs to them "Who is Boss exactly?"

Juliette looks over at George and rolls her eyes "He's a bastet, I already told him that where I was raised he'd be hunted down and his hide presented to the Alpha and glory heaped on them for it. It's like he was insulted that I wouldn't trust him because he told me he was trustworthy." She snorts and smiles over at Misty "Boss is a Fianna that lied about authority he didn't have and threatened Kin."

George nods back at Juliette "I'm actually pretty tolerant of the assorted fera types and my pack's totem wills us to help the disenfranchised and marginalized find their place but Toshio might need a boot to the fucking head to help find his." Turning to Misty "He's a fuckwit that thinks taking a conflict of territory and mating rights with another garou out on kin is some how a good idea. He'll learn its not though here's hoping it doesn't take me getting a piece of parchment from the elders with his name on it to solve the problem. Nobody wants that."

Connor crossed his arms over his chest, keeping quietly so far, seeming content to just sit back a bit and listen to the others

Devlin just nods to what Juliette says. He continues to play the guitar, mostly instrumental soft rock. "He's a tiger right?" seems to be working on getting his facts right. "Mating rights? Isn't he a metis or so I heard.." a bit of confusion in his expression, "just after what happened in recent memory here.. seems like a bad repeat wanting to happen.. thunder and all."

Misty blinks a bit as Juliette tells her thank and seems to be doing math in her hand "Did he break two or three rules of the Litany when he did that?" she asks sweetly "Or is it more like four rules?" she asks as George elaborates.

George grins and shrugs as he crosses his arms and turns to Misty with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes to make this a teachable moment "Well you tell me? Which rules and how they were broken from what you heard so far. Don't worry about the formal wording memorizing that can come later."

Juliette says, "What?" Julie bristles visibly and her guitar case starts rattling as if something inside it wants out as she stares at George "I knew he was a dipshit but what is he doing to a kin?" Yep, someone isn't a happy camper and neither is Juliette. "Tell me a story George-rhya, because suddenly I'm very interested."

Misty nods at George's words "Its sounds like he broke, respect those beneathe you, all are of gaia. Respect the territory of another. Submission to those of Higher station and a little bit of do not suffer thy people to tend thy sickness... it sounds like he might be losing his marbles." she murmurs to him

And with that.. Devlin can not resist.. and plays a few chords of the Imperial March from Star Wars.

George manages, barely to maintain the dignity of his rank at Misty's reply and Devlin's accompaniment to Juliette's question and he straightens up and crackes his neck before beckoning to Devlin "Devlin Kennedy, Kinfolk to the Fianna out of the line of Fixes-the-Scales, stand before Fair Verona of the Black Furies, Fostern and Galliard of the Black Furies and speak a tale for the Nation to remember, of a wrong done you and your sister."

George clears his throat "All present speak before the Scales of Ma'at, the gift of my tribe to weight the truth of your heart against a feather."

Juliette holds up a hand "Wait, are we talking about Toshio or Boss? I know the tale of Boss and have brought it before the Philodox for judgment, from whence he fled rather than be judged or even take the oportunity to challenge his accusers. But a Metis abusing a kin, are we speaking of Toshio the metis cat?"

Jennie slips into view from a tunnel, summer dress swishing about her legs as she moves with a quick stride. Seeing others about a smile widens her lips and a hand raises in greeting. The Imperial March... She slows, lifting a brow while her smile grows more. "It's all in the timing..." The smile fades at George's and Juliette's words.

Connor cocked his brow faintly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he watches the others

Oh crap.. not again.. the next chord falls flat there.. then there is Juliette. Ok, Devlin sets the guitar aside and stands looking to both Juliette and George.. "What do you wish?" the question to them both.. he is has that sense of.. he is being asked and will do.. just was a little surprised is all. He does grab the bottle being passed for a quick bracer though.

Misty looks to Delvin as he is about to story tell, listening eagerly.

George frowns and shakes his head "Oh I was just talking about Boss, if I had something that actionable on Toshio I probably would have just killed him already and if I kill him with my knife this life will be his last one. If you've already been read in on Boss's assorted sins of late then that's all I was going to have him recount, for the record as it were."

<Misfits> Jennie says, "Whoever told you that you are not a Philodox, lied George.."

<Misfits> George says, "hey now, if I might have to knife a dude I want to be sure its all by the book"

<Misfits> Jennie says, "Well there is that. *emits friendly/affection*"

<Misfits> George says, "I figure I make a big enough drama or production of it they'll see it coming in time to figure out they need to get their shit together before they become someone I just /have/ to do something final about"

<Misfits> George says, "this isn't me being mean, this is me being merciful"

<Misfits> Jennie says, "No I get it. Make enough of a scene and it can stop there, like intimidating someone so that you do not have to pummle them. I would look for ways to avoid doing that job as well and am glad that you do so."

Juliette laughs softly "And here I was hoping YOU had something on Toshio so I could kill him. Though of course, you being of higher rank gives you first dibs." She gives a little bow to George as she pats her guitar case comfortingly "But if this is a teaching moment, I would not be opposed to Devlin speaking his tail for a young Forsetti to learn from it." She looks over at Misty and smiles obviously talking about her.

Jennie comes to a stop by the group and finds something comfortable to lean against, or failing that slides down to sit. Must be in a fairly quiet mood as she looks from one speaker to another.

Devlin nods, "This I can do. Just do not wish to get in trouble for speaking ill of one of my tribe is all." He looks to Jennie, "Hello Jennie-rhya, it is good to see you. I do not know if you have heard of what Boss has done, but I have been asked to give account to it again."

Misty smiles warmly to Juliette as she is mention before she looks back to Devlin, awaiting for Devlin to recount the tale of Boss.

George is totally leaning Jennie-ok, pack mate privilege and all that. Juliette gets a grin "I've held off from kicking his teeth in twice now, he's not going to get a third go." Devlin gets beckoned forward and then Connor gets noticed and George snaps his fingers "There's a Fianna, and well, how about it. Wouldn't your tribe rather know when one of their own, Cody Briggs in this case, had done wrong so it could get settled and handled properly rather than left to fester in some dark corner?"

Connor would roll his shoulders in a vague shrug "I find it ta not be needed ta speak about a man when he isn't around ta defend himself, there are always two sides ta every story, though tha only one I've seen from him is his inability ta be here for those who had a need for him. He has abandoned his mate and his pack. I need ta know no more about one like that."

Juliette looks at Devlin and nods "I can make it a bit easier." Julie looks around and speaks loudly "I am Juliette, Fair Verona for my tales end in tragedy and death for my enemies, Fostern Galliard of the Black Furies. I support this request for a tale of shame, unwise actions and dishonor to be told as a benefit to teaching those of lower rank. As is my right by my Auspice. Any who wish ill towards Devlin Kennedy, Kinfolk of the Fianna, for his obedience to those of higher rank or desire to punish him for speaking truth before a Galliard, Ragabash and Philodox is a fool and will fall before me. I bear the Breath of Skadi, the greater Labrys of Isthmene and it hungers for justice, the blood of fools and the lives of Gaia's enemies. Face it at your own peril."

Jennie mmms and shakes her head to Devlin's question. She looks rather curious but does not say anything, happy to listen while using George as a personal leaning post. Conner causes a lifting of brow at how succinct he puts that. Julliet gets looked over with that pronouncement, an admiring smile spreading.

Misty continues listening intently to the tale, she has always loved stories after all, now its time to heard one told be someone who wasn't the man who helped her escape, excitement upon her face.

George nods to Connor "Judgment would not be decided without a Philodox or three or a full reckoning of all sides of the story but are the Fianna likely to seek retribution for Devlin giving official testimony against a full blood of the Tribe?" Also nodding to Juliette "There's also that, you can always invoke protocol as to why things went down this way. The dirty laundry's already been aired, just got to see it clean now."

Devlin nods to Juliette, "Such a request, I can not refuse, Juliette-rhya." He looks over to Conner, "And I understand why it is important for someone to have a chance to defend themselves Conner-rhya. Before I start, I have heard that you have claimed Sara. I know she and I have had our problems. I just want you to know that I wish the both of you happiness." He then starts, "I will not go into the back story for the foundation, those are questions to be answered later perhaps. Misty, Sara and I had been together and we had problems at the end. From what I could tell, Boss was behind a good part of it. A couple of nights after she walked out on me, Boss demanded that I walk out of the bawn with him on no uncertain terms."

Connor would let a small sneer creep across his features "Why bother seeking one out who isn't even worthy of tha Hunt? Could he not deal with what little problems that were here? Leavin' behind a mess and leavin' ya pack means ya no longer worthy of being under Finn in my eyes. There's a war ta fight and battles ta be won, Can't do that with ya fookin' tail between ya legs can ya?" he would settle his gaze over Devlin, his features softening "I made my claim and keep my promises. I won't be hurtin' or endangering her, thank you for tha well wishes."

Juliette nods and listens stroking the guitar case idly as she does.

Jennie looks at George questioningly but stays quiet at the 'Finn' part but otherwise just watches each as they speak. Sedate dino-girl today.

George nods to Connor and settles in to listen to the testimony as he gestures to make sure Misty is paying attention.

Devlin goes on, "Once we were outside of the bawn, he was immediately short with me. Oh.. and he was in Glabro.. looming like a dark shadow over me." Devlin may be Fianna, but his talent is more in playing someone else's music than story telling. "He called me slow and then said I did not know my place and slapped me across my face." A breath is taken before he continues, "He then told me that the Elders believed I was in need of discipline. I was a trouble maker also. He then took my weapons that I was carrying to make a point that he had the power over me and was stronger. When I tried to object, he asked me if I wanted more punishment."

<Misfits> George says, "Finn is one of the ancient heroes of their tribe. a pretty big deal to the Fianna"

<Misfits> Jennie says, "Ahhh ok thank you kindly."

Misty continues to eagerly listen

Devlin says, "He then said I was a bad influence on other kinfolk. Saying that I was suspected of egging both Vicky and Teagen on in what they did. And again with Sara when she did some foolish things." He pauses again for a moment, "He then said the Elders told him to handle me. I was not to set foot on the bawn or talk to others about this. He also told me that I only could come to the bawn if summoned by the elders. And was given specific answers I was allowed to give if asked anything. Yes, no, and I do not know. And more instructions to avoid Sara. I was not to talk about the details. Unless asked by an elder. At the end to ensure my obeying him, he threatened Kait. He said he would either get her taken by CPS or she might come to harm.. if I did not behave."

Juliette nods along with Devlin's sory, glancing around from time to time to judge others reactions.

Jennie begins to look more awake as Devlin continues, eyes darkening as she listens. At the pause she mutters under her breath. "How come no one ever does such around me...." She lets out a slow breath, rapidly angered by the tale.

George is still and quiet as Devlin goes on but then he speaks up and makes ready to move "Well it sounds like someone needs to carry this to the elders for a hearing if it hasn't been done already. Devlin's covered on defying Boss's orders by Shu calling bullshit and Boss not coming back on Shu. That's how that should have gone. Though properly speaking......yeah. I'll take it to them myself. Now if they'll see me, if not I'll wait. This is important."

<Misfits> Jennie says, "This sort of thing will eventually get me into trouble as I will beat someone treating kin like that into the dirt before dragging them to the Elders..."

Misty looks confused "What did Vicky and Teagen do?" she asks curiously, she wants to make sure she doesn't make the same mistakes after all.

Juliette nods to George "Selene, Voice of Fire, Voksen Forsetti of the Get of Fenris has spoken with the Elders to confirm points of this and I was called on to make it known that they had ordered no such thing regarding Devlin. She is part of the group of Philodox taking point on this."

George shrugs "Old news Misty, we can cover it later. They were punished and that's over with but I should probably have a sit down with Selene and the other Philodox. Make it clear I'm not trying to take over the investigation, I'm just offering to sign off on it. I should go see the elders anyway, let them know I'm going to be involved at least a little bit."

Misty nods at George's words, there is time for stories later on considering she plans to avoid causing trouble or anything that will bring her harm.

Jennie shakes out her hair then runs a hand through it while letting out another slow breath, sluffing off her anger. Standing from her lean-George, she pokes his ribs once and begins to walk off. The others get a wave over one shoulder, it apparently time to go back to being a sleepy dragon.

George nods to Misty and Devlin and then Juliette before turning to head off to see the Elders, wanting to make clear with them what the hell is going on