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[[Category:Active PCs]][[Category:Possessed]]
[[Category:Possessed]][[Category:Mortal+]][[Category:PCs]][[Category:Retired PCs]][[Category:Fomor]][[Category:Wyrm]]
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Latest revision as of 11:15, 7 June 2020


Being born is like being kidnapped, and then sold into slavery.
-Andy Warhol


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  • Leatherwork Increase Matherton The Mistress. She who must be obeyed.
  • Obed Matherton The old fucker that's holding the purse strings H^H^H^H I mean the respected elder, safeguarding the ancestral estate Back East.
  • Seven The Mistress seems to like her. What a creepy person.
  • Bayne and Harano They're both odd. What kind of fucked up outfit did I wind up in? Still, even if they're both kinda ESL you can get a conversation out of them if you're patient.
  • Faqirah Service sector solidarity 4 eva.

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RP Hooks
  • Shopping The Mistress typically has to much going on to worry about such mundane things as 'groceries,' 'gasoline,' 'alibis,' or 'waiting for the man.' Whether it's pacifying neighbors or procurement, so many little tasks are delegated to Karen.
  • Hospitality is Our Number One Priority While a maid is best seen and not heard, someone has to fill in the gaps. Karen does the underlining work, the 'this is so beneath me/distasteful' work of going out to see people when it concerns the mistress' affairs or the family business. It's not that the mistress is a recluse, but some things are better handled informally, in a formal manner.
  • Why Yes, I Do Have A Hidden Past No one just goes into the hospitality sector without some sort of training beforehand. Karen's was in blackmail operations, metaphysical interrogation, and extended psy-ops with Pentex subsidiaries; primarily Magadon or Endron, but she was more useful than valuable so there's been a lot of cross-pollination in her work history.

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Yakumo Karen

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Height: 5'7"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Creepiness Level: LVL 3; Ju-On w/possibilities of Audition.

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