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coming soon
<font color=#000000 style=" font-size: 14pt;font-family: Comic Sans ITC">'''
{{ :Template:Charpage
| full name            = Kailee Alyssa Kessler
| disclaimer position  = off
| gallery position    = bottom
| stereotypes position = left
| hooks position      = left
| logs position        = off
| custom position 1    = right
| custom title 1      = Notable Stats
| custom position 2    = left
| custom title 2      = Soundtrack
| custom position 3    = left
| custom title 3      = Tidbits
| page color          = #DF0174
| page border          = #3B0B2E
| cell color          = #FAFAFA
| cell border          = #1B0A2A
| cell text            = #1B0A2A
| header color        = #D8D8D8
| header border        = #1B0A2A
| header text          = #1B0A2A
[[Category:PCs]] [[Category:Inactive PCs]] [[Category:Vampire]] [[Category:Brujah]] [[Category:Sabbat]]

Latest revision as of 12:25, 1 October 2018


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Women Firefighters: Don't let the eyeliner and mascara confuse you. She can go from makeup to soot in three seconds flat.

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Samuel - Captain. I'll miss our friendship, really. I can't let you see me like this. I'd not risk it.

Spyder - My Sire. I don't really know why I was chosen. I didn't choose this life, I'm not sure I'll ever thank you for it either. Nothing will ever be the same again. Now everything is subterfuge and nefariousness. I have to survive.

Lars - It's brutal what you're going through. More brutal than I could ever imagine anyone surviving. You're strong though and I need that strength right now. Maybe I can learn from you while you're scraping along yourself.

Terrence - The last of us. You've got computer smarts and a willingness to do as requested. I hope the three of us together can form a stronger unit.

Doug -

Patrick Harrison -

Carys -

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RP Hooks
  • Local! Born and raised in Prospect. Her best friend is Cameron, a dispatcher for the police department. Her father is a former Police Detective for PPD. Her mother is a former RN at the hospital. Both are retired.
  • EMT/Fire Fighter. Do we work together? Have we met?
  • Phobia: Snakes! She makes no secret of it. They freak her out pretty bad.
  • Recent graduate of the local university.

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Local, recently graduated from college. A recent addition as a city employee, she works for the fire department as a fire fighter and EMT First Responder. A rookie. In her spare time she plays a guitar at one of the local bars when it's karaoke night or hangs out with some of her friends still in college. Despite her parents comfortable wealth, Kailee lives off her own paycheck, which sometimes has her living from check to check and scrimping and shopping at thrift stores where she can.

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Kailee Alyssa Kessler

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Nationality: American
Occupation: EMT/Fire Fighter
Demeanor: Confidant
Apparent Age: Early Twenties

Nickname: Kai

Status: Single

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Notable Stats







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Kailee1.jpg Kailee5.jpg Kailee.jpg

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