Difference between revisions of "The S.S.Farstar"

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(9 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
| small-side=left
| colour-border=purple
| colour-background=violet
| colour-headers=rgb(255,182,193)
| image-main=vexshipa.jpg
| header-data=The Star Ship Farstar
| left-1-header=Stats
| left-1-data={{:farstar/Stats}}
| right-1-header=Modifcations
| right-1-data= * Here's a Mod
* Here's another
* And a third
| left-2-header=A Video
| left-2-data=<center>[[https://www.|Test]]</center>
| right-2-header=Ship's Crew
| right-2-data=
[[Vexus]] Stowaway.
[[??]] Nothing listed yet.
[[??]] Nothing listed yet.
[[??]] Nothing listed yet.
[[??]] Nothing listed yet.
|right-3-header=Ship's Plans
|right-3-data=&#32;* Here's an idea
* Here's another
* And a third

Latest revision as of 23:15, 7 May 2021

A Video