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== It's Not Over Yet ==
== It's Not Over Yet ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
<div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">Hunched over in the corner, the cameras pick up on MSW Champion Bryce Manning after completely obliterating Tommy Angel. With a mic tucked under his chin, he gives Angel a sarcastic round of applause all as Angel intelligently rolls out of the ring and down onto the safety of the mats at ring-side.&nbsp;<br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#a2a1a0">Bryce Manning:</font> GIVE IT UP FOR TOMMY ANGEL! DEFINITELY MORE EFFORT I’VE SEEN THAN FROM DANIEL SMART, WHO’S PROBABLY CRYING OVER AN INGROWN TOE-NAIL SOMEWHERE!&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="text-align:center;"><b><i><font size="4">Crowd: YOU'RE AN ASS-HAT! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* YOU'RE AN ASS-HAT! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*</font></i></b></div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#a2a1a0">Bryce Manning:</font> Is that the gratitude I get for being YOUR Missouri State Wrestling Champion?! Fighting off all competitors—like Tommy Angel!? He was a challenge, you guys don’t see that but Tommy Angel is the real deal!&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;font-size:small;"><i><font color="#00cece">“HE’S A SCRUB, JUST LIKE YOU MANNING!”&nbsp;</font></i></div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">A fan from the front row shouted during a pause in Bryce’s words, all as Bryce—looking COMPLETELY irritated with the remark rolled out of the ring—&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#c9c9c9">Alex Bradford: </font>Uh oh.. he did it now..&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">Getting in the fans face, Bryce swiped away the man’s cup of beer and sent it crashing into the barrier.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#a2a1a0">Bryce Manning:</font> .. Don’t ever insult Tommy Angel like that.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;font-size:small;"><i><font color="#00cece">“HE SUCKS JUST LIKE YOU DO! PEYTON IS GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!”&nbsp;</font></i></div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#a2a1a0">Bryce Manning:</font> Really?&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;font-size:small;"><i><font color="#00cece">“YE-“&nbsp;</font></i></div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#0a27fc">Alex Smith: </font>“NOW WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! C’MON BRYCE!”&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">Reaching over the guard-rail, Bryce grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and flipped him over and allowed him to land HARD on the mat. As security tried to flock to the situation, Bryce cleaned out a few of them with a right hand—&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#c9c9c9">Alex Bradford: </font>HE SHOULDN’T OF DISRESPECTED TOMMY ANGEL!&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">Rolling the man into the ring—Bryce followed as he stuck his hand out to the security.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#a2a1a0">Bryce Manning:</font> If you take one more  step towards the ring, I’m going to break this kid’s back over my knee and you’re going to get sued for failure to do your jobs correctly. Park your asses right there.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">An eerie silence filled the arena as Bryce’s face went from comical to serious in a matter of seconds. With the man looking to get back to his feet, Bryce took a step forward and fired off a STIFF right leg that connected across the man’s ribs, causing him to once again hit the mat. Glaring down at the man, the crowd kept silent all as Manning looked up—and around at them.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#a2a1a0">Bryce Manning: </font>I want you people to understand this, and understand it well. In Missouri State Wrestling, there isn’t a bigger star than me. I am GOD, and all of you are just pawns in my game of life. I’m tired of being respected and put into the same category as that little punk Peyton Von Licht who hasn’t done a—pardon the pun—lick to earn a shot at ME. So he won a Battle Royale.. So did Luke Jackson, so why am I facing TWO of them and not just.. one?&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">The man tried to move again, all as Bryce placed his foot on the low of the man’s back, putting more and more pressure as he finally stopped trying to get free.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#a2a1a0">Bryce Manning:</font> That’s why it’s called a NUMBER ONE CONTENDER.. there’s no plural there! But Danny Stevenson wants to stack the odds in my favor I say go ahead, do what you think will work because I promise you.. it’s going to blow up in your face like every other plan I’ve managed to sabotage. I don’t care if its Peyton Von Licht or if it’s Luke Jackson—I’m going to walk into that as the MSW Champion—and leave as the MSW Champion.. Not no one—not Tommy Angel—not Jorge Santos—not Christ Almighty himself can stop me from completely DESTROYING the last remaining soliders in Stevenson’s crusade against..&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">Rolling his shoulders, Bryce took a second to pause all as he wiped a bead of sweat away from reaching his eye and and smirked.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#a2a1a0">Bryce Manning:</font> .. The GOD of Missouri State Wrestling. Deal with it.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;">Dropping the mic, Bryce worded something over towards security as they made a move, but he did too. Picking the kid up who was apparently shaken by fear—Bryce moved towards the ropes but before he could throw him out, he ducked beneath the man’s left arm and suddenly lifted him into the air—&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#c9c9c9">Alex Bradford:</font> SPINNNNNEESHANKAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#0a27fc">Alex Smith:</font> NO! GOD, NO! NO! NO!&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><div style="text-align:center;"><b><i><font size="4">>BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!<<br><br>
Crowd: BOOOOOOOO! FUCK YOU MAN-NING!&nbsp;*clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* FUCK YOU MAN-NING!&nbsp;*clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*</font></i></b></div><br><br>
<font size="2">Bryce CRIPPLED the ‘fan’ over his knee and once the impact had taken place, he rolled out of the ring and backed up to the barricade. With a THUNDERING round of boos and jeers fired off in his direction, Bryce held his arm high as he hopped over it and eventually was lost in a sea of fans.. all as the camera switched back to the ring where staff was attending to the fan.&nbsp;</font></div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#0a27fc">Alex Smith: </font>Peyton.. Luke, it’s your chance to end this reign of terror. I know I’m not the only one sick and tired of Bryce doing what he wants.. it’’s a kid for Christ’s sakes.. a freakin’ kid!&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#c9c9c9">Alex Bradford:</font> He shouldn’t have categorized Bryce with Von Licht and he SURE as hell shouldn’t have insulted Bryce’s good friend—Tommy Angel! It happens Smith, that’s why you watch your mouth!&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#0a27fc">Alex Smith:</font> You’re unbelievable, you know that?! One of our TICKET PURCHASING FANS was just ASSAULTED by our champion, how does that make us look as a company?! That makes us look like a bunch of stooges! Like we’re a backwater promotion!&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#c9c9c9">Alex Bradford:</font> No.. in actuality, it makes us look like a promotion where the champion calls the shots and does what he wants—to who he wants when he’s disrespected! Whether you like it or not, there won’t be a changing of the guard anytime soon. Get to like it—and do as Bryce said.. DEAL WITH IT.&nbsp;</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="font-size:small;text-align:left;"><font color="#0a27fc">Alex Smith: </font>I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! FOLKS WE HAVE TO TAKE A COMMERICAL BREAK! CAN WE PLEASE GET SOME MEDICAL ATTENTION FOR THAT FAN?!</div></div></font><br><br>
== The Bubbly Claw Experience ==
== The Bubbly Claw Experience ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
We open backstage with Marie Porter and Kat who are slated to be tag team partners against Tamara Rose and Catherine Williamson in just a bit.<br><br>
<font color="#ff00ff">Marie:</font> Kitty! You ready for this big match?!<br><br>
<font color="#830083">Kat: </font>Look, for one I've told you to stop calling me that. Do it again and I'll have to hurt you.<br><br>
<font color="#ff00ff">Marie: </font>Yeah, yeah. Come on, now. Let's get ready to kick some butt!<br><br>
<font color="#830083">Kat:</font> Look, Marie, Just because we've been training the past two weeks doesn't mean we're buddies. We have to do what we've gotta do to win.<br><br>
<font color="#ff00ff">Marie:</font> Oh you! Haha we're totally besties, and you totally know it! You don't have to kid yourself, pal.<br><br>
Marie puts her hand on Kat's shoulder, but Kat shrugs her shoulder to take Marie's hand off.<br><br>
<font color="#ff00ff">Marie:</font> It's OK, Kat, you can just come to my party later!  But uh, yeah we're definitely gonna win tonight. These girlies don't stand a chance against the Bubbly Claw Experience! Yeaaaa!<br><br>
<font color="#830083">Kat: </font>Of course we will,  because there's no other choice. These wimps are leaving after tonight and I intend to send them packing a lot sooner than later.<br><br>
<font color="#ff00ff">Marie: </font>Yeaaa! They're not gonna know what hit 'em!<br><br>
<font color="#830083">Kat:</font> Exactly. Now come on bubbles, we've got a match to win.<br><br>
<font color="#ff00ff">Marie: </font>Heck yeah!<br><br>
== Steve Thunder Vs Jorge Santos ==
== Steve Thunder Vs Jorge Santos ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
<font size="2">As the bell sounds, Steve Thunder and Jorge Santos begin circling around each other. Embracing in a collar and elbow tie up, Jorge gets the upper hand as he slaps Steve in a headlock and tosses him over his waist with a modified like hip toss with the headlock still applied tightly.</font><br><br>
<font color="#0321fc" style="font-size:small;">Smith:</font><font size="2"> Well it looks like we are already kicking off our action with some good old-fashioned technical wrestling.</font><br><br>
<font size="2">As the headlock remains applied, Steve manages to get to his feet as he grabs Jorge and hits a huge backdrop bridging into opinion.</font><br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4">One…</font></div><div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4"><br><br>
</font></div><div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4">Two…</font></div><br><br>
<font size="2">Getting his shoulder up off of the canvas, Jorge releases the hold as both men get up and look at one another after a great display of technical wrestling. As the fans clap and show their appreciation for such wrestling, both men embrace in another collar and elbow tie up as Steve quickly hits a scoop slam taking Jorge down. Quickly running to the ropes, he comes back and does a somersault flip and then upon getting to his feet jumps up and with another somersault lands on Jorge with the rolling thunder.</font><br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#0321fc">Smith:</font> The rolling thunder, great agility by Steve here.</font><br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#a9a9aa">Bradford:</font> I'll give him credit, it's a good move and Jorge looks to be in trouble here.</font><br><br>
<font size="2">Picking Jorge up to his feet, he Irish whips him to the ropes and bounces off the opposite ropes and as they meet, Steve hits Jorge with a huge clothesline which flattens him. Picking Jorge up to his feet again, Steve positions him under his right arm and looks out of the crowd-giving the crowd a smile, he then swings his body around and flattens Jorge face first into the canvas with the thunderous climax. Quickly dropping down and hooking the leg, the referee drops down to make the count.</font><br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4">One…</font></div><div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4"><br><br>
</font></div><div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4">Two...</font></div><div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4"><br><br>
</font></div><div style="text-align:center;"><font size="4"><b>THREE</b>!!!</font></div><br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#f307fd">Barbara Braman:</font>&nbsp;The winner of the match, STEVE THUUUUUNDEER!!!<br><br>
== Beast On The Horizon ==
== Beast On The Horizon ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><font size="2">"This man is a monster.</font></div><div style="text-align:center;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">This man is is a beast.</span></div><div style="text-align:center;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">This man is your </span><i style="font-size:10pt;">Worst. Nightmare.</i><span style="font-size:10pt;">&nbsp;</span></div><div style="text-align:center;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">And soon all of Missouri will feel his wrath.<br><br>
Beware Missouri; The Yemen Submission Magician, The All Mighty, Usef is coming."<br></span></div></div>
== Daniel Bane w/ Roman Gold Vs Stefan Wallace w/ Deacon Cash ==
== Daniel Bane w/ Roman Gold Vs Stefan Wallace w/ Deacon Cash ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
As MSW returns from commercial Daniel Bane and Stefan Wallace are already inside the ring with Roman Gold and Deacon Cash in their respective corners. The bell rings as both men waste no time going after each other. Wallace throws a thundering series of punches at The Iconoclast only to get shoved and hit with a running big boot. Wallace crumbles to the mat as Bane grabs him by the throat to lift him back up. Wallace tries to get free only to get tossed roughly into the turnbuckle with a choketoss.<br><br>
<font color="000ffe">
Smith:</font> Daniel Bane is in complete control right now. The muscle of The Gentlemen’s Club is showing off that impressive strength of his as he tosses Stefan Wallace around like a ragdoll.<br><br>
<font color="b7b7b7">
Bradford:</font> This is exactly why Roman Gold signed the guy to be the power behind The Gentlemen’s Club; the man is an absolute monster! He’s built like a panzer tank and unfortunately for Stefan Wallace he appears to be on the wrong end of a blitzkrieg.<br><br>
Stefan Wallace desperately tries to fight back from the corner but it’s no use as it only seems to anger Bane as he begins headbutting him repeatedly in the corner causing him to slump in the corner. Bane refuses to relent the assault as he continues pounding Wallace into the corner as the referee desperately tries to regain order in the match.<br><br>
<div align="center"><font size="4">1!</font><br><br>
<font size="4">2!</font><br><br>
<font size="4">3!</font><br><br>
<font size="4">4!</font><br><br>
<font size="4">FIV-</font><br><br>
Bane stops and turns around sharply at the referee who backs off in fear raising his hands up in the air.<br><br>
<font color="b7b7b7">
Bradford:</font> You won’t like him when he’s angry. If I was the referee I’d get the hell out of dodge right now while the going’s good!<br><br>
Bane yanks Wallace out of the corner and unceremoniously sets him up for the Seventh Seal as his opponent struggles to even stay on his feet. Bane lifts him up with high in the air and slams him down with that devastating powerbomb with authority placing his hand on the chest of his opponent for the pin.<br><br>
<div align="center">1!<br><br>
<font size="4">2!</font><br><br>
<font size="5">3!<br><br>
</font></div><font color="ff00fa">
Barbara Braman: </font>Here is your winner Daniel Bane!<br><br>
== Bane breaks back, makes humble. ==
== Bane breaks back, makes humble. ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
Bane however wasn’t finished as he picked Wallace up off the mat. Bane raises Wallace into a torture rack position and laughs. He tosses Wallace forward over his head and drops his back hard across Bane's knee for a vicious back breaker. <br><br>
<font color="000ffe">Smith:</font> Enough is enough! You won the damn match already!<br><br>
<font color="b7b7b7">Bradford:</font> The Gentlemen’s Club is sending a statement tonight. If you wish to stand in their way you’re going to end up just like Stefan Wallace and Davis Wiley, I hope Frank Washington and Robert Garland are watching this because they’re the next in line to face the Gentlemen’s Club tonight in the main event!<br><br>
The bell rings repeatedly as several referees rush towards the ring in an attempt to restore order. Bane simply laughs as he exits the ring celebrating with Roman Gold as MSW cuts to the back.<br><br>
== Mercer and... a Date? ==
== Mercer and... a Date? ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
Backstage at the arena, we see the unusual image of Andrew Mercer (or Mercer Andrews to some people); standing in an empty locker-room, in front of a large mirror – spraying some cologne on and around his neckline.<br><br>
<font color="#CCCC00">MERCER:</font>&nbsp;“I started a joke, that started the whole world crying...”<br><br>
Cheerfully singing out loud, Mercer nods his head along to the tune as “I Started A Joke” by the Bee Gees plays out from a near by portable stereo system.<br><br>
<font color="#CCCC00">MERCER:</font>&nbsp;“But I didn't see... That the joke, was on me.”<br><br>
Continuing to prepare himself for some sort of engagement later in the evening, Mercer's attention is suddenly diverted to the locker-room door, as none other than his fellow Joker's Wild stable mate Scotty Addams steps into the room. A weird expression sported upon his face due to Mercer's strange actions.<br><br>
<font color="#ff0000">Scotty:</font>&nbsp;“What's got you so chipper?”<br><br>
Copping an equally as weird look on his face as he turns around to come face to face with Scotty, Mercer smirks and even goes so far as to manically chuckle at the audacity of the question.<br><br>
<font color="#CCCC00">MERCER:</font> “I have a date tonight.”<br><br>
As weird as it may sound coming from a guy such as Mercer, especially considering the fact that he's actually already involved in some sort of strange “relationship” type situation; it was indeed true. That didn't prevent Scotty from being kind of freaked out by this whole ordeal, but unable to resist taking the “bait” so to speak, and inquiring about it.<br><br>
<font color="#ff0000">Scotty:</font> “A date? With who?”<br><br>
<font color="#CCCC00">MERCER:</font> “...Lacey Von Licht.”<br><br>
Whomp. Whomp. Scotty began to shake his head, noticing that Mercer was deadly serious about this. He even went so far as to slap his palm up against his own forehead.<br><br>
<font color="#ff0000">Scotty:</font> “Um... You know 'Lacey Von Licht' doesn't actually exist, right?”<br><br>
Mercer's eye narrow, out of sheer frustration for Scotty's allegation, as he reaches over to the table close by and picks up a piece of paper.<br><br>
<font color="#CCCC00">MERCER:</font> “Yeah, she does! She sent me a note, asking for a date. Look!”<br><br>
Presenting the note to Scotty, Mercer's eyes wander from the piece of paper to Scotty's face; where as Scotty's face seems fixated on the note; as he instantly recognizes the writing on the paper to be that of another fellow Joker's Wild stablemate in “The Emerald” Drew Stevenson. Exposing this to be some sort of inside rib that Scotty wasn't aware of.<br><br>
<font color="#ff0000">Scotty:</font> “Oh, okay. Well, good for you. Enjoy yourself.”<br><br>
Snickering to himself from under the safe confounds of his own breath, Scotty swiftly exits the locker-room, barely able to contain himself from bursting out with rampant laughter.&nbsp;<br><br>
<font color="#CCCC00">MERCER:</font> “I finally died, which started the whole world living...”<br><br>
Blissfully unaware of the situation at hand, Mercer happily goes back to his preparation.<br><br>
<font color="#CCCC00">MERCER: </font>“But if I'd only seen... That the joke, was on me...”<br><br>
Shortly after this hilarious incident, our cameras fade out to commerical<br><br>
== Last Minute Words ==
== Last Minute Words ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
Heading backstage, Robert Fields stands by with Scotty Addams who is just moments from his match with Leo Banks.<br><br>
<font color="#19e6bd">Robert Fields:</font> Scotty, a few weeks ago we saw you and Leo Banks have an exchange over twitter which let to some words backstage and it brings us to this match that you're about to have in just a few moments with Leo Banks. What are your thoughts?<br><br>
<font color="#ff0000">Scotty:</font> Robert, my thoughts are quick and simple. Leo Banks thinks that all of his troubles can be saved by a little bit of money, but tonight I'm here to show him otherwise. I've been around this business a long time, Robert and I've encountered a lot of people like him and people like? They need to be taught a lesson, plan and simple. Banks, your money won't save you from this defeat.<br><br>
Scotty walks off and we cut into a split screen with Leo on the other side as they walk to the ring.<br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">We then cut to our Supercard Advertisement<br><br>
== Scotty Addams Vs Leo Banks ==
== Scotty Addams Vs Leo Banks ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
<div style="text-align:left;"><font size="2">Both men had made their way to the ring and stood across from each other and the bell rang. THey each stood in their corners for a moment as Scotty was stretching, leaning forward in the corner ready to pounce out, but Leo Banks had pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket and was looking at it like he was in love. Scotty just gave him a stare, not sure what he was seeing. Leo Banks then pulls what looks to be a one hundred dollar bill from his wad and walks over to the referee who looks very... surprised to say the least. </font><br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><i style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#19e6bd">Leo: </font>"Take my money and disqualify him!"&nbsp;</i></div><div style="text-align:center;"><br><br>
</div><i style="font-size:10pt;"><div style="text-align:center;"><i style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#19e619">Referee Derek Lay: "</font></i><font style="font-size:10pt;">Son, I don't know who think you're talking to but I'm an official. I should disqualify you for trying to bribe me!"&nbsp;</font></div></i><br><br>
<font color="#0014ff" style="font-size:10pt;">Smith: </font><font size="2">I can't believe this, Bradford! Leo Banks is ACTUALLY trying to use his money to bribe his way out of this match!<br><br>
<font color="#e4e4e4" style="font-size:10pt;">Bradford:</font><font size="2"> When you've got money you can buy your way out of anything! Come on now, Smith, get your head in the game!<br><br>
<font style="font-size:10pt;" color="#0014ff">Smith: </font><font size="2">But this is a licensed official! Banks started this mess so he should own up to it!<br><br>
<font style="font-size:10pt;" color="#e4e4e4">Bradford:</font><font size="2"> He's rich, Smith! Come on now! Haven't you figured out that rich people can do whatever they want!?<br><br>
<font style="font-size:10pt;" color="#0014ff">Smith: </font><font size="2">This is a wrestling match! How the hell can you try and bribe your way out of a wrestling match!</font><br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><i style="font-size:10pt;"><font size="2"><font color="#19e6bd">Leo: </font>"Don't you know who I am!?"<br><br>
</font></i><span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);font-size:10pt;">"JUGGERNAUT BITCH!"<br><br>
</span></div><font size="2">This caught Leo's attention and when he turns over to Scotty it was too late to do anything because Scotty was already in full charge and jumped, connecting Banks right in the chin with the Busaiku Knee Kick knocking him down and back. Banks starts to crawl backwards as Scotty walks towards him but Banks realizes he dropped his money and starts to quickly and desperately crawl towards it. He puts his hand on the cash but Scotty stomps on his hand and looks with a smile.</font><br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b><i><font size="4">Crowd: FUCK 'EM UP SCOTTY, FUCK 'EM UP! *clap, clap* FUCK 'EM UP SCOTTY, FUCK 'EM UP! *clap, clap*&nbsp;</font></i></b></div><br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#0014ff">Smith:</font> Would you listen to the noise this crowd is making!? All in favor of Scotty, and a huge knee kick there, knocking Leo a bit senseless! And Leo is still focused on his money!<br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#e4e4e4">Bradford: </font>Of course he's worried about his money! If I got kicked and dropped a giant wad of money I'd be a little worried about my money too.<br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#0014ff">Smith: </font>Why is he even bringing his money to the ring!? What sense does that even make?!</font><br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#e4e4e4">Bradford: </font>Think about it, Smith! He's the richest man in MSW! How could he just leave his money in the locker room with all of those&nbsp;thieves!?<br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#0014ff">Smith: </font>Shows that you think highly of our roster.</font><br><br>
<font size="2">Bradford: Of course I do! Ton's of great talent but they all want Leo's money too. He's doing the SMART thing, Smith!</font><br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#0014ff">Smith:</font> The smart thing would to not bring your money to the ring, I would think. And Scotty's teaching him that lesson right now.<br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><i style="font-size:small;"><font color="#19e6bd">Leo: </font>GIVE ME MY MONEY! IT'S MINE!&nbsp;</i></div><div style="text-align:center;"><br><br>
</div><font size="2"><div style="text-align:center;"><font color="#ff0000">Scotty: </font>Get over yourself, punk! You made your bed, now it's time to sleep in it!&nbsp;</div></font><br><br>
<font size="2">Smith: That doesn't sound good for Banks!</font><br><br>
<font size="2">Scotty grabbed Banks' hair pulling his head back and standing him on his feet. Banks has a look of shock on his face and is shaking his head "NO!" Scotty elbows Banks in the face and spins him around and lifts him to his <Scotty's> shoulders in a reverse fireman's carry holding onto Leo's chin and leg and with a big smile walks to the middle of the ring and BAM! Scotty drops Banks right on his head in the middle of the ring with the Platinum Driver and makes a cover.<br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:small;">Ref &amp; <b><i>Crowd:</i></b> ONE!</span><font size="4"> TWO!</font><span style="font-size:small;"> </span><font size="5">THREE!&nbsp;</font><br><br></div><div style="text-align:center;">
</div><div style="text-align:center;"><b><i><font size="4">Crowd: YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!&nbsp;</font></i></b></div><br><br>
<font size="2">The crowd exploded and "One Step To Fall" by Across the Rain blasts across the speakers and Scotty's hand is raised in victory.<br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#0014ff">Smith:</font> Hopefully Leo Banks has learned a lesson after tonight to not mouth off of the wrong people.</font><br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#e4e4e4">Bradford:</font> All he wanted was his money! How can Scotty be so cruel! Go on, get out of here! Go back to California! Bastard.<br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#ff00e0">Barbara:</font> Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner... SCOOOTTTYYY ADDAAMMMMMSS!</font></div></div><br><br>
== The future... Is now! ==
== The future... Is now! ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
<font size="2">Standing backstage with LeBroc Harris, he paces around the area as the camera pans on him getting closer.</font><br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#fd1703">Harris:</font> I am LeBroc Harris and at Unstoppable 10 I will not be ignored! I KNOW Danny Stevenson is out to get me by not having me scheduled on the show but you cant get rid of me thaaat easily, eh-eh! The world is going to bare witness to the <i>greatest</i> technical wrestler on the planet. You see, the world always hears how Drew Stevenson is the best-no, no, no, I am the best and I am going to prove that at unstoppable 10!"</font><br><br>
<font size="2">Looking incredibly determined, the camera dramatically pans in on his face.</font><br><br>
<font size="2"><font color="#fd1703">Harris:</font> I hope you're ready Missouri State Wrestling, because I am LeBroc Harris and I am your future Missouri State Wrestling champion!<br><br>
</font></font>We then cut out to ringside.<br><br>
== Marie Porter & Kat Vs Tamara Rose & Catherine Williamson ==
== Marie Porter & Kat Vs Tamara Rose & Catherine Williamson ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
Following the LeBroc Harris vignette we returned to the ring where Tamara Rose and Catherine Williamson were already in the ring and "St. Anger" by Metallica started to play and Kat made her way out to center stage to where she paused, and "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West hit the speakers and the cheers were still keeping up. Marie and and Kat look at each other, almost like a death glare until they give each other a high five, look to the ring and run down the ramp.<br><br>
<font color="#ff00eb">Barbara:</font> And now making their way to the ring, the team of Marie Porter and KAAATTTT!<br><br>
The girls slid into the ring and the brawl started, Marie fighting Tamara, Kat fighting Catherine. Kat and Marie had an instant advantage and Catherine was knocked outside after a kick to the midsection and a knee lift by Kat. The referee had regained control and Kat went to the apron and Catherine made her way up to the apron. Marie had Tamara in the corner and had her stunned with a series of kicks to the midsection.<br><br>
<font color="#001fff">Smith: </font>This match has a lot of hype behind it, Bradford! The fact that the past two weeks we've been seeing on twitter that Kat and Marie have put aside their differences and have spent time training at the Emerald Academy in Kansas City at the Emerald Academy, just down the street from the Kansas City Repitory Theatre where starting two weeks from now, on Thursday, July 3rd, MSW will have our new home! And we're seeing the teamwork by these two with that high five just to start. These two are on the same page and that's a danger for Tamara and Catherine, especially with this being their final matches in MSW!<br><br>
Bradford: That's just it, Smith, it's their final matches and they're really looking to go out with a bang against arguably two of the top Women of Tradition in MSW right now! I had my doubts about Marie and Kat being able to be on the same page because of their history but I was defintely wrong. They've done everything they've needed to do to be on the same page and it's working to their advantage here tonight.<br><br>
Following the kicks, Marie took Tamara out of the corner with a big hip toss and Tamara gets up holding her back just to be met with a big dropkick that knocks Tamara down. She rolls through backwards and finds herself in the corner and Marie tags out to Kat. Kat bounces off the bottom rope and jumps in over the top. Her and Marie both grab one of Tamara's hands and Irish whip her into the ropes. Tamara is coming back and they both hip toss Tamara, but instead of letting Tamara hit the mat, they catch her with their other hands, raise her up high above their heads and drop her strong on the mat and Marie exits the ring and Kat covers.<br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">One... </span><font size="4">Two... </font><font size="5">Kick out!</font></div><br><br>
<font color="#001fff">Smith: </font>And beautiful teamwork here by Marie and Kat! THe past two weeks they've been training at the Emerald Academy with Drew Stevenson, Scotty Addams and Frank Washington-- The Joker's Wild collectively, as well as TJ Codair AND arguably two women that are legends in their own right, Whisper and Kim Pain! They've been using every resource available to them and it's defintely showing in the teamwork, and I cannot express that enough!<br><br>
<font color="#d6d6d6">Bradford: </font>Color me impressed, Smith. Two women that nobody ever though would be able to work together are, and flawlessly!<br><br>
The pin wasn't enough to keep Tamara down, though, and she was to her feet. She started reaching over towards Catherine who was wanting a tag in desperately but Kat run over, ran off of Tamara's back and with an eblow knocked Catherine off of the apron and then connected a low dropkick to Tamara's face and another two. Marie was calling for a tag and Kat dragged Tamara to their corner and made the tag. Marie came in and started to stomp around, her hands on her hips and nodding her head.<br><br>
<font color="#001fff">Smith:</font> And a tag is made to Marie Porter! She's in and ready to wrestle!<br><br>
<font color="#d6d6d6">Bradford: </font>I'm very surprised at the teamwork here but it's working out well!<br><br>
<div style="text-align:center;"><b style="font-size:10pt;"><i><font size="4">Crowd: LET'S GO MAH-RIE! LET'S GO KAT! LET'S GO MAH-RIE! LET'S GO KAT!</font></i></b></div><br><br>
The crowd hot behind the alliance and Marie stood Tamara up into the corner and Kat walks out of the area on the apron, Marie brings her her arm back and lets out a big chop across Tamara's chest a couple of times and the crowd erupts for it. Marie then uses a headlock takedown and applies the headlock firmly to Tamara's head before Catherine has enough and breaks it up. This causes Kat to springboard to the top rope and come flying in with a big dropkick, knocking Catherine back. Kat gets back out to the apron and Marie tags out. Kat is in, Marie on the apron and Kat brings Tamara to her feet.<br><br>
<font color="#001fff">Smith:</font> And anther fresh tag, and this unit is looking like they're going to continue the punishment!<br><br>
<font color="#d6d6d6">Bradford:</font> I don't think so, Smith! Tamara is coming back!<br><br>
And that she was, fighting out of the right and hitting Kat with some right hands until Kat used a knee lift into Tamara's gut and gave a cut throat taunt yelling out. She hooks Tamara's head and lifts her up, Tamara's legs wrapping around Kat's body. Catherine came trying to run in again but got stopped by Marie and caught with a huge Marie Experience II (Stone Cold Stunner) knocking her clear out of the ring.<br><br>
<font color="#001fff">Smith: </font>This isn't looking good for Tamara and Catherine! Marie Experience 2 takes Catherine out and... KAT-ASTROPHE (Cradle DDT) TO TAMARA! THIS COULD BE IT!<br><br>
<font color="#d6d6d6">Bradford: </font>Tamara got in a little over her head and is paying the price now! Kat was just too much but wait a minute... Kat's going for the tag?!<br><br>
And sure enough Kat tags in Marie and she enters the ring. Marie locks the legs and bridges backwards, pulling back on Tamara's head locking in the Marie Experience I (EMMAlock) and Kat is on the mat right in Tamara's face, intimidating her to tap out before she has no other choice but to do so and the bell sounds.<br><br>
<font color="#ff00eb">Barbara: </font>Here are your winners... KAAAT AND MARRRIIIE PORRRTEERR!<br><br>
<font color="#009933">"Ladies, ladies, yeah, ladies, up here."</font><br><br>
== Big Announcement ==
== Big Announcement ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">A voice rang out and so Marie and Kat looked up to the screen at the top of the stage where Drew Stevenson was standing by.</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#009933">Drew Stevenson:</font> Ladies, as you are well aware, my uncle Danny Stevenson put me in charge tonight and what we saw earlier tonight was the crowning of a brand new MSW Women's champion. But with Back to Basics in just over one month on July 30th, we're going to need a contender to compete with Artemis Kaiser for that championship. And what the two of you just showed tonight as that you know how to get the job done whether it be against each other, or as a team and so I'm making this official right now. In two weeks time at Unstoppable Ten, we're going to see the rematch we've all been waiting for! Kat versus Marie Porter in a Number One Contendership match! The winner of this match will face Artemis Kaiser for her newly won Women's Championship at Back to Basics! Have a great night.</span></div><br>
<b><i><font size="4">Crowd: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH</font></i></b><br><br>
<div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;">The screen faded out and we see Marie and Kat staring each other down in the middle of the ring.</span></div><br>
<div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#001fff">Smith:</font> Wow! Huge announcement from Drew Stevenson regarding the future of the Women's Championship! Things just keep getting better every week here in MSW, Bradford!</span></div><div style="text-align:left;"><br><br>
</div><div style="text-align:left;"><span style="font-size:10pt;"><font color="#d6d6d6">Bradford: </font>That they do, Smith. These two tore it up the last time, and Marie won her way into the Triple Threat at Best of the Best by beating Kat so now with contendership up, this is the chance for both ladies to redeem themselves and get their shot at the championship! Folks, we've gotta take our last commerical break of the night, but when we come back it's time for our main event of the evening! Robert Garland and Frank Washington taking on The Gentlemen's Club in the Semi-Final round of the tag team tournament!</span></div></div><br><br>
== Banks... Meet Nightmare ==
== Banks... Meet Nightmare ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
<font color="ff9e00">Robert Fields:</font> Ladies and gentlemen I’m here with Leo Banks following a tough loss to Scotty Addams earlier tonight. Leo what’s going through your mind after such a defeat?<br><br>
<font color="009933">Leo Banks:</font> What are my thoughts? You think I’m upset about that Robert? Look, let Scotty Addams feel like he’s on top of the world right now, it doesn’t matter, I’m Rich! I’ll always be rich and I’ll always be better than Scotty Addams and the rest of these idiots in Missouri at life. Scotty Addams got lucky, I wasn’t ready for the match to start and I could hire someone to beat him if I really felt like it. I can buy anything I want and there’s nothing anybody can do about it!<br><br>
The crowd roars into cheers as the camera pans over to The Windy City Nightmare himself Matt Ward as he stares down MSW’s resident rich kid.<br><br>
<font color="ff1900">
Matt Ward:</font> You want to put that to the test Richie Rich? Do you remember what I did to Luke Jackson? I put the kid through hell and back and I <i><b>respect</b></i> him so what do you think I’d do to someone I have no respect for? You better tell Jeeves to take you out for some ice cream because when you and I finally square off you’ll be sipping your meals through a straw!<br><br>
Matt Ward grins as he walks off as a hint of fear could be seen in the face of Leo Banks.<br><br>
== Bad Blood Settled? ==
== Bad Blood Settled? ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
As the cameras catch up backstage, moments before the main event, Frank Washington is seen looking backstage for Robert Garland. He was already in his ring and entrance gear as he made his way towards Garland's locker room. When Washington reaches the door, he notices backstage security planted outside the room. Almost as if on cue  the door opened before Frank could go any further as Travis Rech could be seen standing with an arrogant grin.<br><br>
<font color="darkred"><b>Frank Washington</b>:</font> My business isn't with you Rech, get out of my way.<br><br>
<font color="teal"><b>Travis Rech</b></font>: Not today flappy bird! Ya see, mah client ain't got time for anythin' you'd 'ave ta say right now. All's we 'ave ta say to ya is back off, an' don't press yer luck!<br><br>
Travis Rech gets in Washington's face, Frank obviously not backing down as Rech holds his ground. To break the silence, Robert Garland heads out of the locker room. Turning his attention away from Rech, Washington calls out to Garland as Garland starts to head down the hall and towards the ring.<br><br>
<font color="darkred"><b>Frank Washington</b>:</font> BADGER! Talk to me you son of a bitch! You have a lot to answer for after the stunt you pulled in our last match! You going to actually pull your weight this time or are you going to throw me in another handicap situation for your own twisted amusement?<br><br>
Garland continues to ignore Washington, the security escort accompanying him as Rech tries to hold Washington back. Furiously, Washington calls out to Garland again.<br><br>
<font color="darkred"><b>Frank Washington</b>:</font> Hey, you bastard! What's the deal!?<br><br>
With that, Garland stops in his tracks, Travis Rech backing off a bit as Garland turns to face Washington. The security team gets into place, looking to jump on Garland at the slightest sign of violence. Washington looks ready to fight, Garland standing still and keeping his glance on Frank. After a few moments, Washington lowers his guard. Garland remains stoic before finally speaking up.<br><br>
<font color="orange"><b>Robert Garland</b>:</font> What does it matter why I did what I did? Does that bother you? Good! As far as I'm concerned, I have my reasons and the more I leave you to panic over whatever I'm planning, the more enjoyment I'll get out of all of this in the end. Do I have your back out there? Maybe yes, maybe no. That's the only answer you'll get from me as your mind leaves you questioning your every move! No matter what though, just remember... I'll never forget this grudge I have against you. And, this whole tag team thing? I'm not enjoying how this is all making me feel either! Now, if you'll excuse me, there will be no more words between us. For the rest of the night, I'm not saying another damn thing about all of this! So... If you don't mind Washington... Get your ass out there and let those unanswered questions bother you! Let these questions fester into your psyche as you're stuck with me at your back and that vicious pack of dogs at your front. There's no way out of this Washington... You've brought this all upon yourself!<br><br>
Garland once again goes to leave, Washington calling out as both Rech and the security team follow.<br><br>
<font color="darkred"><b>Frank Washington</b>:</font> So this is just some kind of game to you? I'm sick of this tag team pairing just as much as you but if you don't want to play Danny Stevenson's game then just stay put and I'll handle this fight on my own.<br><br>
Frank takes a step towards Garland getting in his face as security stood ready to separate them in case a full out brawl broke out.<br><br>
<font color="darkred"><b>Frank Washington</b>:</font> Or you have another option; you and I put this bad blood to rest right now! I don't need the MSW front office to sanction a match and I doubt you could give a damn either. You never answered my challenge and I'm giving you chance to get the blood you so desperately crave. The ball's in your court.<br><br>
Garland keeps eye contact, but as promised he give Frank no response. Quietly, Garland just smiles at Washington as if amused, once again turning and heading away from Washington as Frank remains ready to face the challenges ahead and the main event is just around the corner.<br><br>
== Washington/Garland Vs Gentlemen's Club ==
== Washington/Garland Vs Gentlemen's Club ==
Coming Soon!<br><br>
<font color="magenta"><b>Barbara Braman</b>:</font> Making their way to the ring, from Venice Beach, California and Toronto, Ontario CA… At a combined weight of 437 lbs. and being accompanied by Daniel Bane and JR Ryan… Representing “The Gentlemen’s Club” <b>Roman Gold</b> and <b>T…J… Bryce!</b><br><br>
As the two make it down the ramp, TJ Bryce enters the ring as Gold hops up and onto the ring apron. TJ Bryce shows off to the booing crowd, pointing to his Rolex and yelling out “This is Money!,” Gold holding his arms out to the side and absorbing the boos from the fans as JR Ryan applauds him from outside the ring. Daniel Bane watches both men from ringside, Gold stepping in between the ropes and his music fading out…<br><br>
<i>Re-Education (Through Labor)</i> by Rise Against is next to play over the PA system, the audience’s booing switching over to loud cheering as Frank Washington steps out of the back from behind a wall of smoke. Washington has his arms outstretched while receiving a very positive reaction. Frank turns around slowly and acknowledges the fans with a determined look on his face.<br><br>
<font color="magenta"><b>Barbara Braman</b>:</font> And the opponents… Making his way to the ring first and weighing in at 233 lbs. From San Jose, California, he is <b>“The Revolutionary” Frank Washington!</b><br><br>
The crowd’s cheering only grows louder as Washington sprints down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope. Gold and Bryce clear the ring, Washington looking to start this fight early and before his “partner” can arrive. Bane sizes Washington up from the outside, Gold wearing a cocky smile as Bryce looks ready to jump back into the ring at a moment’s notice. With the opponent’s numbers in mind, Washington calms himself and removes his red coat. Washington poses for the fans who start to chant his name, before readying himself for the upcoming contest and his music dying down...<br><br>
<i>”Ephemeral”</i> by Insomnium is next to play as the audience switches back to booing and jeering and Robert Garland steps out of the back. Garland is accompanied by his manager, Travis Rech, Rech holding both of Garland’s legacy championships over his shoulders and smiling down at Washington. Frank looks annoyed, Garland wearing a serious face as he looks out at the audience before walking down the ramp.<br><br>
<font color="magenta"><b>Barbara Braman</b></font>: And, his tag team partner! Weighing in tonight at 226 lbs and being accompanied by Travis Rech… From New Orleans, Louisiana… <b>Robert “Badger” Garland!</b><br><br>
Garland and Rech reach the ring, Rech still smiling arrogantly at Washington who tries his best to keep watch over everyone at ringside. Garland looks stoic, Rech heading to ringside as Garland heads over to the steps. Garland steps up and onto the apron, removing his jacket and keeping his eyes on Washington.<br><br>
The crowd continues to boo and jeer , Garland pulling a similar move as the last Unstoppable as he remains on the apron while TJ Bryce steps in the ring and the match is set to start…<br><br>
<font color="blue"><b>Smith</b>:</font> Well, here we go folks! Welcome to your main event for the evening! I would say to be ready for the match of your life, but after what we’ve seen form the men involved tonight, I’d be happy if we could make it through this without anything nefarious happening! Frank’s already said he’s prepared for a three on one tonight, and Garland doesn’t look eager to help out at all. Although, you have to wonder why he chipped in last time and pulled Washington over Deacon Cash to advance against The Gentlemen’s Club in the first place. Could he be starting to believe Frank Washington has cleaned up his act? Or, is it simply because he wanted to continue to watch his partner get tossed around in this momentous tournament?<br><br>
<b>Bradford</b>: And what about The Gentlemen’s Club?! After Tyler Xero was put out from an injury, Roman Gold has taken the place of his underling and is looking to advance his super group with the help of MSW newcomer TJ Bryce. With the great equalizer of Daniel Bane at ringside, this match is pushed far in Gold and Bryce’s favor. Meanwhile, Washington will have to consistently watch his back out here as his enemy is both against him and in his own corner!<br><br>
<div align="center"><b><i>*DING DING DING*</i></b></div><br><br>
TJ Bryce and Frank Washington start the match, both men center ring while Frank takes a few steps back. Bryce waits patiently, Washington watching Garland who looks back with no expression on his face. Gold encourages Bryce, Washington turning back towards him - Before jumping up and knocking Garland off the apron! The crowd goes wild, Garland falling to the outside as Bryce grabs Frank from behind with a waistlock! Frank gets the go-behind, lifting Bryce up - Bryce falling back to his feet and hitting a few hard elbow shots to get Frank to release. Bryce hits the ropes, off the rebound... A Running Lariat being ducked under, Frank hitting the ropes but stopping short as Garland tries to grab his foot! Frank turns around, Garland yelling at him - Spinning Enziguri hitting Frank across the head! Washington falls on his back, Bryce turning him over and locking in a front headlock as Gold smiles arrogantly and Garland checks his mouth for blood before getting back on the apron.<br><br>
<font color="blue"><b>Smith</b>:</font> The numbers game is already a huge factor in this match. TJ Bryce now has the advantage thanks to that distraction from Robert Garland! Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sorry to say it but, this is disgusting!<br><br>
<b>Bradford</b>: Come on Alex, we all saw what happened last Unstoppable! How could you have expected this to go any other way? With Washington and Garland being forced to continue this volatile tag team, it's a surprise they made it this far in the tournament! Besides, this is all still a form of punishment for Frank Washington in Garland's eyes! Garland is the judge of justice here in MSW and right now Bryce is Frank's executioner!<br><br>
Both JR Ryan and Travis Rech cheer for TJ Bryce, Daniel Bane keeping his watchful eye on the match while Garland and Gold remain in their corners. Washington remains on the mat, TJ Bryce in control until Washington starts to fight to his feet. The audience claps for Washington who gets to a standing position... Hard right hand to TJ's gut! And another! And another! TJ is forced to let go, Washington kicking him in the gut to double him over - DDT sending Bryce to the mat! Cover by Frank!<br><br>
<div align="center"><b>One! ~<br><br>
<i>Kickout by TJ Bryce!</i></b></div><br><br>
Washington stays on his opponent, pulling him back up by his head, Bryce dropping down to his knees and grabbing Washington's legs, tripping them out from under him! Washington face plants the mat, Bryce climbing over him and heading to his corner - Frank grabbing his leg! Bryce hits a few hard kicks causing Washington to let go, Washington trying to get back to his feet quickly as the <b>tag is made to Roman Gold!</b><br><br>
Roman Gold enters between the ropes, Washington back to standing position as both men lock up. Gold forces Washington down to his knees, yelling for Washington to beg as Frank pushes back to his feet. With a forceful push, Washington breaks the tie up, Gold’s back hitting up against the ropes as Washington follows him… Irish Whip sending Gold across… Running chopblock to the front of Washington’s legs! Washington is taken down, Gold getting back up and stomping on Washington’s legs before moving to his back and finally coming around to his head. Gold lets fly a few more stomps before picking Washington up and sending him back down with a rough looking Scoop Slam! Cover by Gold!<br><br>
<div align="center"><b>One!<br><br>
<i>Kickout by Frank Washington!</i></b></div><br><br>
<font color="blue"><b>Smith</b>:</font> Well, Robert Garland is getting exactly what he wants! The Gentlemen’s Club is in full control!<br><br>
<b>Bradford</b>: Frank brought this all on himself with the way he used to treat his partners in the past. When you live the life of stabbing your friends in the back, it’s only a matter of time until it comes back to bite you in the ass!<br><br>
Showing constant teamwork, Roman Gold pulls Washington over to his corner and <b>tags Bryce back in.</b> TJ hops into the ring over the top rope, Gold telling Bryce to finish the job before stepping onto the apron. TJ Bryce keeps Washington cornered, hitting a few hard shots and elbows before pulling him to the center of the ring… Irish Whip sending Frank across… A Low Hesitation Dropkick catching Frank hard in the knee! Washington tumbles over, TJ Bryce hopping back to his feet and smiling out to the audience who boo loudly! Bryce points to his watch, signaling to everyone that it’s time to end this before he notices Robert Garland applauding him. TJ Bryce seems confused, but quickly acknowledges Garland and heads over to him. Gold looks on, Bryce extending his hand as Garland extends his own… TJ Bryce spitting in Garland’s face!<br><br>
<b>Bradford</b>: What a showing by TJ Bryce! He just outright disrespected the Hardcore Legend!<br><br>
<font color="blue"><b>Smith</b>:</font> As much as I’d love to see Garland get his, that was probably not the smartest move by TJ Bryce! Garland is livid!<br><br>
Sure enough, Robert Garland is stunned silent before his usual anger takes over and he looks to force his way into the ring! The referee holds him back, TJ Bryce pointing and laughing to himself as Roman Gold calls to ringside. Daniel Bane nods in approval, sliding in what looks like a bike chain. Bryce catches it as it slides over to him, heading over to Washington – Washington grabbing him by the waist and hitting a hard Spinebuster as he falls forward! The referee is still distracted by Garland, Washington kicking the bike chain out of the ring and watching and waiting for TJ Bryce to rise… <b>Garland tagging himself in</b> to a mixed reaction!<br><br>
<font color="blue"><b>Smith</b>:</font> No way!<br><br>
<b>Bradford</b>: I believe the stuff has finally hit the fan! Thanks to TJ’s actions, Robert Garland is now the legal man!<br><br>
Rech shouts for Garland to get revenge, Robert Garland starring Washington down as Washington stumbles, looks on in shock, and exits onto the apron. Garland’s sights now stay locked onto TJ Bryce who starts to get back to his feet, Garland removing his shirt and throwing it outside the ring before yelling loudly at Bryce and grabbing him as he rises… Hard lefts from Garland, the audience booing loudly as Garland gauges Bryce’s eyes with his thumbs! TJ Bryce yells out in pain, Garland letting go while the ref threatens to disqualify him. Garland follows up, lifting TJ Bryce and sending him to the mat with a stiff looking Suplex! Garland gets to his feet, Bryce downed as Garland rubs the heel of his boot over Bryce’s face! Garland looks berserked, Daniel Bane starting to get up onto the apron before Garland turns to him and yells for Bane to bring it on! The ref yells at Bane, Bane about to enter the ring when the <i>Fall From Grace</i> from Washington sends him to the floor! Garland catches TJ Bryce as he looks to tag out, pulling him back to the center of the ring and dropping an elbow onto his back! Washington is fighting off Bane on the outside, as Garland follows up with a few vicious stomps to TJ Bryce and Roman Gold gets distracted by Rech and JR Ryan also picking a fight!<br><br>
<b>Bradford</b>: And all hell has broken loose!<br><br>
<font color="blue"><b>Smith</b>:</font> Garland's looking to end this!<br><br>
Sure enough, Robert Garland is sizing up TJ Bryce who is starting to rise... <i>Brain Damage</i> connecting! Bryce is out on his feet as Garland hits the ropes... The <b>Global Lariat</b> sending him thunderously to the mat! Garland stops short of the pin, Frank now back on the apron. Garland turns to his nemesis, Washington looking ready for a fight as Garland walks over to him... Tag is made to Frank Washington! Garland stares Frank down before calling for Rech, Rech looking to follow as Garland leaves the ring and heads backstage. Washington is caught off guard, but steps in the ring - Roman Gold entering the ring and charging!... Washington side stepping, sending Gold to the outside and getting the cover on Bryce! Bane is now back up and heads over to Gold who orders him to break the pin, the crowd being in a frenzy as the ref counts!<br><br>
<div align="center"><b>One!<br><br>
<b><i>*DING DING DING*</i></b></div><br><br>
<font color="magenta"><b>Barbara</b>:</font> Here are your winners! <b>Robert "Badger" Garland</b> and <b>"The Revolutionary" Frank Washington!</b><br><br>
Washington quickly exits the ring and out through the crowd while Daniel Bane and Roman Gold are right behind him and giving chase!<br><br>
<b>Bradford</b>: I can't believe it! Robert Garland and Frank Washington almost worked as a team and advanced to the finals of the Tag Team Tournament to meet Johnny B. and Yugo Phailous at Back To Basics!<br><br>
<font color="blue"><b>Smith</b>:</font> Ladies and Gentlemen, we thank you for joining us here tonight and also for tuning in to that roller coaster of a main event! On behalf of all of use here at Missouri State Wrestling, good night and we'll see you all on the next edition of Unstoppable!<br><br>
With that, the cameras fade as it seems Washington has made his escape. Gold and Bane look furious, TJ Bryce finally recovering as the audience continues to cheer loudly and the show goes off the air.<br><br>

Latest revision as of 17:39, 25 January 2021

The Card

Date: Wednesday, June 18th

Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)

Promoter: Danny Stevenson

Authority: Danny Stevenson, Drew Stevenson, Giant

(Match Order/Card Subject to Change)

Dark Match 

Chad Vargas Vs LeBroc Harris

Chad didn't have the best of luck in the battle royal at US8 but he's sure to bounce back when the camera's are rolling. In the mean time he competes for the live audience against a man who did do considerably well, especially in his debut, LeBroc Harris. A man known very well by the Missouri fans. 

Dark Match

James Peterson Vs Braiden McCain

James Peterson looks to make his in-ring debut (non televised) here tonight to see how well he clicks with the audience; and against a man that just hasn't had much luck as of late but is looking to get back on that train that he had going for him in Florida.

Dark Match

Matt "The Magician" Michaels vs Giovanni De Falco

The Magician dazzled the MSW fans in his debut in the battle royal and opened a lot of eyes by lasting deep into the match. This week he gets to show the live crowd what he can do in singles competition.

Women of Tradition Singles Contest

Non Title

Artemis Kaiser Vs Shawna Martinez

Over twitter just about a week and a half ago, Artemis Kaiser, the sister of the Von Licht Family, said that she wanted Shawna because she wanted a chance to prove herself. Shawna and Tamara Rose had a heck of a match and now it's Artemis' turn. She couldn't quite get the gauntlet match that she wanted but we did her one better, a 1 on 1 non title against the champion.

Tag Team Championship Tournament Match Round 2

Apocalypse (Dante & Virgil) Vs Johnny B. & Yugo Phailous

The next round has started. Bonecrusher and Yugo, this odd duo surpassed another odd duo of Pornstar Ron & St. Tuck to move on to round 2, where-as The Apocalypse had a bit more challenge on their hands against the established Blackwells, but not even the Blackwells could withstand "Hail The Apocalypse" that brutal high-low finisher of theirs. And so now these two teams clash to see who makes it to the final round.

Singles Match

Steve Thunder Vs Jorge Santos

Steve Thunder had a great showing in the battle royal, unfortunately it didn't end up in his favor but that's not all bad because he got to show the MSW Fans just who the heck Steve Thunder is. So with that being said, Danny felt it to give him a one on one debut and he takes on Jorge Santos!

Singles Match

Daniel Bane w/ Roman Gold Vs Stefan Wallace w/ Deacon Cash

Daniel Bane... the monster of the Gentlemen's club eliminating three men in the battle royal with pure ease takes on the muscle of Southern Pride, Stefan Wallace. This is sure to be a clash of power, we'll see who gets the upper hand.

Singles Match

Scotty Addams Vs Leo Banks

Don't you just love social media? We do. But that's not exactly where this all stems from. Leo Banks is a rich kid with a whole lot of arrogance and he's definitely not afraid to flaunt it. He hasn't exactly been on the biggest winning streak lately but as long as he still has his money he's not worried about it. But against Scotty Addams, ring veteran and current ICWA Heavyweight Champion he might want to be. The two had an exchange of words over twitter and reportedly have even had some words backstage as well so Scotty does what any fighting champion does: he went to Danny Stevenson and requested a match and it was granted.

Women of Tradition Tag Team Contest

Catherine Williamson & Tamara Rose Vs Marie Porter & Kat

One month ago, Catherine Williamson made her return to MSW, but her in-ring debut as a competitor. She picked up an impressive victory but found herself in the cross-hairs of the first lady of MSW, Kat. But here is where things get interesting. Instead of scheduling a 1 on 1, Justin "Giant" wanted to make things interesting and make a tag team match out of it since we're in the theme of tag team wrestling right now. Catherine Williamson teams up with newcomer Tamara Rose who didn't have the best of luck at US8 but looks to bounce back. On the other side of the ring? The bubbly Marie Porter teams with nemesis Kat. How will this team fare? Tune in and find out.


Tag Team Championship Tournament Match Round 2

Gentlemen's Club (TJ Bryce & Roman Gold) Vs Frank Washington & Robert Garland

Frank Washington and Robert Garland, what a pair, huh? Well Garland did not tag in their last match, all refusal because he wanted to see Frank get damaged. Well it might have worked but he still showed some heart... or maybe it's the love of winning because he did place Frank over for the pin. How things will work out this show, time can only tell. But they take on the other half of the Gentlemen's club: TJ Bryce and Tyler Xero. Xero is an top prospect to be a future MSW Heavyweight Champion one day; but we have also learned that at a live event he suffered a minor injury and due to Bane already being booked, Roman Gold ha to take his place. And as for TJ Bryce; he's known all over the world with his company Bryce Enterprises being a big front runner in his career, not to mention he's just a dick. This is our main event, and it's going to be a hot one.

Pulling the reigns?

Dark Matches

LeBroc Harris Def. Chad Vargas
James Peterson Def. Braiden McCain

The new opening theme to Unstoppable, "Stardust" by Gemini Syndrome hits the speakers and the crowd is erupting as we go ringside with Bradford and Smith.

Bradford: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another amazing edition of Missouri State Wrestling presents: UNSTOPPABLE! It's a massive show we've got scheduled tonight and it's going to be high action the whole way through!

Smith: Absolutely, Bradford! We conclude the Semi-Finals of the tournament to see who goes onto Back to Basics to contend for the Tag Team Championships, Shawna Martinez and Bryce Manning are in non-title action, Steve Thunder makes his one on one debut, Marie Porter and Kat team up and Scotty Addams returns for the first time since Unstoppable #1 to take on Leo Banks! I don't know about you Bradford but I am super excited for tonight! And I hear Danny Stevenson has a huge announcement planned as well! Man I can barely stay in my seat!

Bradford: Calm down! Contain yourself Smith, we've got a show to call!

Smith: I'll try, Bradford, big things are on the way as we're just under a month away from our second Supershow, Back to Basics!

Opening up on Danny and Drew Stevenson, both dressed in suits, Danny looks at his nephew who is co-head of talent and reaches out patting him on the shoulder.

Danny: Drew, son, I wanted ta talk ta ya.

Drew: Sure, what’s going on?

Danny: Ya seem ta have a connection with tha people, with tha boys an’ girls in tha back and I see how much that they respect ya. I’d like fer ya ta take over more on the business side if you will, do more of tha talking, more of tha interaction.

Looking stunned, Drew nods.

Drew: Sure, if that’s what you want!

Danny: Ya have made all of us very proud and you are tha perfect spokesman for Missouri State Wrasslin’.

Drew: Thank you very much, I won’t let you down, you have my word on that!

Danny: I know ya won’t son!

Artemis Kaiser vs Shawna Martinez

Following the backstage moment between Danny and Drew, we cut out to ringside for the 

Barbara Braman: The following non-title match is scheduled for one fall!

...The light in the arena suddenly goes out, when the first notes of 'Handwritten' by the Gaslight Anthem hit. With the crowd jumping from their seats, there is a single red spot falling onto the top of the entrance ramp. Moments later the well build Amazon- like Shawna Martinez steps out wearing the MSW Women’s Championship around her waist. With the fans erupting in loud cheering she starts to walk down the ramp. Touching some hands, giving the crowd what they were looking for. The Italian Beauty removes the belt form her waist and poses for a few seconds in front of the ring, before finally entering.- taking a seat on the turnbuckle.

Barbara Braman: Introducing first, from New York City she is the MSW Women’s Champion… Shawna Martinez!

Smith: Welcome back to Unstoppable. Tonight we have a stacked card but one of the matches I think many fans are looking forward to tonight is this non-title match between Shawna Martinez and Artemis Kaiser.

Bradford: The Evil Empress already showed MSW what she’s made of when she concussed Helen Hirano and if he gets her way she’s going to become “Champion for Life” sooner or later. She has one hell of a future if her debut is any indication and I have a feeling Shawna Martinez is going to have her work cut out for her tonight.

Smith: Shawna Martinez is the champion for a reason though; she went through four other women to qualify for Best of the Best and then outlasted Kat and Marie Porter to become the champion. She’s the measuring stick and the Woman of Tradition to beat right now, just ask Tamara if you don’t believe in her.

Bradford: But an upset can happen at any time and tonight I smell an upset special.

She raises both her arms holding the MSW Women’s Championship up high before sliding off in a very graceful manner.

"She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak"

"I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks"

"I've been drawn into your magnet tar-pit trap"

"I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black"

The lights dim down, while the intro of Heart Shaped Box lightly plays. As the fourth line begins to play, Artemis comes out from the curtain, keeping her head down. Her hands are together, carrying something.&amp;nbsp;

"Hey! Wait!"

"I've got a new complaint"

She throws up whatever she is holding; a cloud of smoke seemingly comes out of her hands (it's a powder of sorts). When the music picks, she begins to make her way down to the ring, making gestures towards the crowd. As she makes her way to the ring, she circles it once watching her opponent, making fun of her as she circles. She hops onto the side of the ring and enters.

Barbara Braman: And her opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada… Artemis Kaiser!

She then gets onto one of the turnbuckles, stretching her arms out and roaring out. She then gets off the turnbuckle and gazes among the crowd. Artemis then calls for a microphone from ringside and snatches it from a member of the ring crew.

Artemis Kaiser: You know, let’s just cut to the chase. You say that your door is always open and all I have to do is knock? Why don’t you put your mouth where your money is? If you’re as good as you say you’ll put your belt on the line right here and right now!

Smith: Artemis is goading the Champion into a title match! I think she should wait her turn if you ask me.

Bradford: If you’re the champion you have an obligation to prove to the world why you’re the very best in your division. A fighting champion takes on all comers and you heard the champion yourself, all Artemis has to do is ask!

Shawna Martinez: You’re on!


Barbara Braman: This match is now for the MSW Women’s Championship!

Both women touch the belt before the referee holds the belt up for the crowd to see. Finally he calls for the bell after handing the belt off to the time keeper and neither person wastes any time going after the other. Shawna and Artemis exchange a series of punches and kicks as Shawna looks to go toe to toe with the challenger in her natural element. Artemis gets the upperhand with a flurry of kicks that catches the champion off guard and backs her up into a corner. Artemis shoots off a series of stiff chops to the chest of the champion as the crowd responds in kind.


The referee wastes no time calling for a quick break and begins his count.





Artemis quickly throws her hands up before the count of 5 but in the brief opening Shawna grabbed her by the back of her hair and slammed her into the turnbuckle pad! Shawna quickly returns the favor with a series of punches to the head and slaps to the chest.


The referee now seeing the tables reversed quickly went to enforce the 5 count on Shawna as well playing it very by the book for this impromptu title match.




Shawna obliges with the break as Artemis tries to shake the cobwebs out having been momentarily stunned by the roaring assault from the champion. Artemis goes to shoot a stiff roundhouse kick at Shawna going for a quick knockout blow but the champion had it scouted and counters with a bridging dragon suplex!




Smith: Artemis went for the same roundhouse kick that stunned Helen Hirano before hitting that devastating DMD package piledriver but couldn’t cash in on the combo twice. It’s going to take more than that to take the champion out.

Bradford: She’s the champion for a reason Smith but she’s far from being out of the woods!

The champion keeps the pressure on her challenger and controls the match for the next few moments keeping her grounded to limit the effectiveness of her kickboxing background and mixes her offense between an effective “ground and pound” and a splash of technical prowess. Shawna looking to put the match away with the il Impassable <Black Widow> scouts Artemis as she slowly rises to her feet after being on the mat a good portion of the last few moments. As she goes to try to lock in the hold Artemis manages to slip free and slip behind the champion and pushes her forward only to catch her with a Falcon Kick (yakuza kick) when she turns around!

Bradford: That’s it, this match is a wrap! Artemis Kaiser’s kicks are deadly and there’s no way Shawna Martinez is conscious after that!

Smith: The champion is certainly in a precarious situation, will she have enough energy to kick out?

As Shawna falls to the mat Artemis quickly seizes the opportunity smelling blood in the water and goes for the pin.




Bradford: New champion! New Champion!

Smith: Hold on a second!

Shawna managed to place her foot on the bottom rope before the referee counted to 3.

Artemis starts celebrating thinking she won the match, giving the champion precious moments to recover As she insists on having the ref raise her hand he kicks the bottom rope several times signaling she managed to force a ropebreak. Artemis was visually frustraited and was eager to put the match away as she went to pick Shawna up by her hair. Much to her bewilderment the champion latches on around the head and neck of the challenger and comes down with a devastating jawbreaker leaving both on the mat in pain.

Smith: Veteran ring presence from the champion showing why she’s at the top of this division! She managed to break a pin with her ring presence and then had the clarity to put her challenger on her back with that jawbreaker to buy a few more precious moments to recover.

Bradford: This is why The Women of Tradition are the best in the world. You’ll be hard pressed to find a better women’s division in the entire world and they could easily main event any show. We might as well have a Co-Main Event on our hands with this match! This is how much the MSW Women’s Championship means to them, they’re willing to put themselves through excruciating pain just to have a chance to call themselves champion.

Crowd: Lets Go Shawna! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap.* Lets Go Shawna! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap Lets Go Shawna! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap Lets Go Shawna! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap Lets Go Shawna! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap

The referee after checking on both competitors began the standard 10 count as neither seemed to be able to quite make it back up to their feet.





Shawna is the first to stir as she starts heading towards the ropes to pull herself up. Artemis slaps her hand against the mat as she begins to push herself up as well.




Artemis makes it back up to a knee while Shawna is also up to a knee as she holds onto the middle rope for leverage. Since neither were back up to their feet yet they still haven’t technically broken the 10 count as the referee keeps an eye on both.



The referee cautiously hesitates as each finally manages to return to a vertical base in case one or both of them fell back to the mat. They both take a few steps towards each other as the referee waives off the bell indicating they both broke the count. Artemis steps forward and shoots a stiff kick at Shawna’s midsection causing her to stagger. Shawna is quick to return the favor as she steps back and shoots back with a stiff right hook. Artemis responds in kind with a stiff knife edge chop as Shawna answers with an even stiffer knife edge chop! Artemis cries out in pain holding onto her chest from the impact before firing back with an even harder knife edge chop! Shawna responds with another chop, Artemis with another, they continue to exchange a series of knife edge chops to the other as the crowd erupts with applause.

Crowd: This is Awesome! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* This is Awesome! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* This is Awesome! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* This is Awesome! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* This is Awesome! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*

Shawna comes out the better in the exchange as she connects with more chops in rapid succession as the sequence goes further along. Seizing the opportunity she grabs a hold of Artemis as she staggers backwards and captures her in the National Anthem <Delayed Cradle Suplex>, maintaining her grip for the pin.




Smith: Somehow, some way Artemis found the strength to kick out! After all they’ve put each other through and the other refuses to stay down! This is incredible!

Bradford: Both women brought their A game tonight! But what more can Shawna Martinez do to put her away?

Shawna looks up in shock and holds up three fingers as the referee only holds up two back. Looking to put an explanation mark on this match she rises back to her feet and drags Artemis up with her. Shawna sets up for the Bella Mafia as she performs the double underhook clutch from behind Artemis but before she can lift her up all the way she manages to slip out of the arm hold and land beside her! In a fit of desperation Artemis responds with a second Falcon Kick on the champion! Wasting no time Artemis quickly goes to pick Shawna back up and positions her between her legs before lifting her up for the DMD (Package piledriver)! Artemis goes for the cover.




Barbara Braman: Here is your winner and the NEW MSW Women’s Champion, Artemis Kaiser!

Bradford: She did it, I told you she’d win! What an amazing match!

Smith: Both women fought their hearts out tonight and there’s no shame in losing a tightly contested match like this.

Artemis slowly rises to her feet as she slides out of the ring immediately after being handed the Women’s Championship as she begins her celebration.

The referee goes to check on Shawna who’s unresponsive after the DMD and throws his arms up in an “X” to indicate a serious injury. EMTs rush to the scene from the back to check on her as they very carefully place her neck in a brace and load her up on stretcher. Alex Smith and Alex Bradford get up from the commentary table due to the seriousness of the situation to check on her in a rare show of comradery in light of the extraordinary situation. After a few more moments MSW cuts to commercial break.

Shawna Martinez Update

As MSW returns from commercial break we cut to Smith and Bradford back at commentary each wearing a solemn expression on their faces.

Smith: Moments ago we saw Shawna Martinez carted out on a stretcher following her match with Artemis Kaiser. It’s a tragic ending to an otherwise amazing match.

The jumbotron plays a replay of the final moments of the match when Artemis connects with the DMD and EMTs rushing to the scene after the referee throws up the “X”.

Smith: We have no idea on the extent of her injury as she remained unresponsive to medical attention and was rushed to a local hospital in Columbus, Missouri for further treatment. We’ll keep you informed when information becomes available on her condition.

Bradford: Love them or hate them every single person in that locker room puts their body on the line for the fans night in and night out. Artemis earned her victory but nobody ever wants to see a match end this way. We send our best wishes and prayers out to Shawna Martinez during this difficult time and hope she makes a full recovery.

Smith: The show must go on however and we have a packed night of action still to come. I just hope this is the only serious injury of the night, even one is too many.

What Was That About?

Backstage SVD and Ian Windermear can be seen talking in the hallway. The two seems to be carrying on a lengthy conversation after SVD paid a visit to Ian Windermear earlier in the week seeking an alliance. Both can be seen smiling and laughing as they look to wrap up their conversation.

Ian Windermear: You got the right attitude Sal, you got that drive and determination and personally I can respect that. As long as you watch my back I’ll watch yours and it doesn’t matter who the tag team champions are after Back to Basics, they’re only keeping the belts warm for us.

SVD: Lets just hope Leo Banks pulls his own weight. I don’t know about you but I don’t have time to deal with people who aren’t willing to push all their chips to the center of the table.

Ian Windermear: Don’t worry about Leo, just as long as the two of us are on the same page we won’t have anything to worry about.

Leo Banks can be seen walking down the hallway towards the two as SVD smiles and looks to part ways with his new partner.

SVD: I’ll keep in touch; just remember what we talked about.

As SVD leaves Leo Banks with a rather perplexed look on his face looks at Ian.

Leo Banks: What the hell was that about?

Ian Windermear: Don’t worry about it Leo, you got a hell of a match to prepare for, you need to stay focused. Good look out there.

Ian pats Leo on the shoulder and walks off leaving Leo Banks to question what just happened as we cut to the office of Drew and Danny Stevenson.

Embarking on a new journey!

Opening up in the office backstage, we see Drew Stevenson sitting behind a beautifully crafted mahogany wooden desk with his hands clasped together and paperwork stacked neatly sitting in front of him.

Drew: I am proud to announce today that we have officially purchased the contract for the repertory theater in Kansas City, just right across the street from the Emerald Academy. There is where the new Unstoppable's will take place starting next week.

Separating his hands, he just stares into the camera looking incredibly professional.

Drew: Now I know many are curious as to why we are moving and let me tell you why, we want to ensure that travel times are the least of your worries. We want to ensure that everyone of you within these four walls have the opportunity to train at the Emerald Academy so that we can ensure that wrestling will always be at its finest. With this move we will be able to gather a bigger crowd, everyone of our athletes will be less sleep deprived, and more focused and ready to step into that ring not having traveled hours away just to get to your match. As you already know, we promote the absolute best in wrestling and with this move, we ensure that we can bring the best wrestling to you every single unstoppable just as we have been doing. The only difference now, is that you will see a much bigger fan base and you will get more tours into the Emerald Academy and into the lives of your favorite MSW wrestlers. We look forward to this move, we look forward to this new journey and we look forward to seeing all of you embark on the journey with us-have a wonderful night and please enjoy the rest of Unstoppable."

With that being said, the scene shifts over to our next match.

The Apocalypse Vs The Bonecrushing Phailous


As the bell sounds, the referee walks around as our match kicks off with Dante versus Johnny. Johnny being the brawler of the two immediately rushes in with some stiff punches to the face of Dante, after the third or fourth punch, Dante grabs Johnny by the throat and tosses him across the ring like a rag doll.

Smith: Would you look at that, Dante just threw Johnny off of him like he was nothing.

Bradford: I would definitely say that Johnny is going to have to change his plan of attack if he wants to get Dante down.

Smith: I definitely agree with you on that one Bradford, taking this big man down is going to be hard.

Having gotten back to his feet, Johnny reaches up and wipes his chin with his right hand. As both men embrace in a collar and elbow tie up, Johnny immediately knees Dante in the midsection doubling him over and as he is doubled over, Johnny bounces off the ropes and kicks Dante right in the temple dropping him hard. Letting out a scream, Johnny immediately drops down and hooks the leg looking for the big win here.



Kicking out with authority, Johnny rolls Dante over into the seated position and applies a sleeper hold. Having it locked on tight, Dante slowly begins fighting to his feet and as he does, he reaches up grabbing the back of Johnny's head as he falls to the seated position driving Johnny's chin into the top of his head. Clutching his jaw and stumbling around, Johny turns around into a huge gorilla press slam by the large Dante.

Smith: What a huge gorilla press slam by Dante!

Immediately dropping down to hook the leg, the referee is quick to make the count.




Right before the three count, Johnny presses his shoulder off the mat as Dante grabs him by the head and picks him up to his feet. With both men back to their feet, Dante shoves Johnny into the turnbuckle and backs up-as he charges forward looking for a huge avalanche splash, Johnny rolls out of the turnbuckle as Dante crashes in chest first and stumbles out as Johnny who hit the ropes comes in with a massive chop block which takes the big man down.

Smith: The big man is down, Johnny could definitely seize the opportunity here.

Immediately locking Dante into a half crab, the big man lets out a scream as he immediately crawls over to the ropes and grabs the bottom rope as the referee begins the standard five count for Johnny to release the hold.





Releasing the hold right before five, Johnny walks over and tags in his partner Yugo. As the big man Dante has managed to get to his feet, Yugo runs in and is met with a huge big boot right to the face which drops him with authority. Quickly darting over to his partner Virgil, he tags him in as Virgil rushes over to Yugo who has gotten to his feet and drop kicks him back down to the canvas. As Yugo gets back to his feet, he is met with another dropkick as Virgil lets out a scream and looks to have all of the momentum going for him right now. As Yugo has managed to get back to his feet again, Virgil runs in as Yugo catches him with a huge hip toss locked into an immediate arm bar combination.

Smith: What a great counter by Yugo, Virgil better get out of this one or it could be over.

Bradford: I highly doubt that he taps out!

Fighting to his feet, Virgil begins punching Yugo in the midsection which causes the hold to weaken and upon getting him to release the hold, he bounces off the ropes and returns with a dropkick right to the knee which drops him down to the canvas. Immediately pulling him to his feet, Virgil looks to hoist Yugo over his shoulder as he gets him there, Yugo begins wiggling free managing to get in behind Virgil and as he turns around, he kicks Virgil in the midsection and spends his body around grabbing Virgil by the back of the neck falling to the seated position hitting the shut eye time. Immediately hooking the leg, he looks for the big win here tonight.




Barbara Braman: Your winners of the match, JOHNNY BOOONECRUUUSHER and YUGO PHAAAILOUUUS!!!

Bryce Manning Vs Tommy Angel

As both men stand in the ring, Bryce Manning hands the referee the Missouri State Wrestling championship as Tommy Angel, the eccentric man in green stands there doing some karate poses. As the referee signals for the bell, Tommy Angel continues to do some karate poses as Bryce Manning looks unimpressed yet slightly amused at Tommy.

Bradford: Look at Bryce's face, he looks completely unimpressed!

Smith: I agree with you, he looks unimpressed but he also chuckled just a little bit which tells me he's also slightly amused.

Tommy, who finishes doing karate poses runs in at Bryce and looks for a Chuck Norris roundhouse kick which connects right at the chest of Bryce as Bryce purposely falls to the canvas and pretends to be unconscious. Looking completely stunned, Tommy quickly drops down making the cover.



Getting his shoulder up with ease and laughing about it, Bryce quickly throws Tommy off of him and gets up to his feet laughing at Tommy making complete fun of him. As Tommy looks rather irritated, he runs at Bryce again but is caught as Bryce wraps his arm around Tommy's shoulder and lifts him up driving him across the knee with a huge spine shanker.

Bradford: Well this one is over!

Walking over to the fallen Tommy, Bryce arrogantly places his foot on Tommy's chest as the referee drops down to make the account.




Barbara Braman: The winner of the match, Bryce Manning!

Being handed his title by the referee, Bryce slings it over his shoulder and exits the ring heading backstage looking completely unimpressed with his matchup tonight.

It's Not Over Yet

Hunched over in the corner, the cameras pick up on MSW Champion Bryce Manning after completely obliterating Tommy Angel. With a mic tucked under his chin, he gives Angel a sarcastic round of applause all as Angel intelligently rolls out of the ring and down onto the safety of the mats at ring-side. 


Crowd: YOU'RE AN ASS-HAT! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* YOU'RE AN ASS-HAT! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*

Bryce Manning: Is that the gratitude I get for being YOUR Missouri State Wrestling Champion?! Fighting off all competitors—like Tommy Angel!? He was a challenge, you guys don’t see that but Tommy Angel is the real deal! 


A fan from the front row shouted during a pause in Bryce’s words, all as Bryce—looking COMPLETELY irritated with the remark rolled out of the ring— 

Alex Bradford: Uh oh.. he did it now.. 

Getting in the fans face, Bryce swiped away the man’s cup of beer and sent it crashing into the barrier. 

Bryce Manning: .. Don’t ever insult Tommy Angel like that. 


Bryce Manning: Really? 



Reaching over the guard-rail, Bryce grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and flipped him over and allowed him to land HARD on the mat. As security tried to flock to the situation, Bryce cleaned out a few of them with a right hand— 


Rolling the man into the ring—Bryce followed as he stuck his hand out to the security. 

Bryce Manning: If you take one more step towards the ring, I’m going to break this kid’s back over my knee and you’re going to get sued for failure to do your jobs correctly. Park your asses right there. 

An eerie silence filled the arena as Bryce’s face went from comical to serious in a matter of seconds. With the man looking to get back to his feet, Bryce took a step forward and fired off a STIFF right leg that connected across the man’s ribs, causing him to once again hit the mat. Glaring down at the man, the crowd kept silent all as Manning looked up—and around at them. 

Bryce Manning: I want you people to understand this, and understand it well. In Missouri State Wrestling, there isn’t a bigger star than me. I am GOD, and all of you are just pawns in my game of life. I’m tired of being respected and put into the same category as that little punk Peyton Von Licht who hasn’t done a—pardon the pun—lick to earn a shot at ME. So he won a Battle Royale.. So did Luke Jackson, so why am I facing TWO of them and not just.. one? 
The man tried to move again, all as Bryce placed his foot on the low of the man’s back, putting more and more pressure as he finally stopped trying to get free. 

Bryce Manning: That’s why it’s called a NUMBER ONE CONTENDER.. there’s no plural there! But Danny Stevenson wants to stack the odds in my favor I say go ahead, do what you think will work because I promise you.. it’s going to blow up in your face like every other plan I’ve managed to sabotage. I don’t care if its Peyton Von Licht or if it’s Luke Jackson—I’m going to walk into that as the MSW Champion—and leave as the MSW Champion.. Not no one—not Tommy Angel—not Jorge Santos—not Christ Almighty himself can stop me from completely DESTROYING the last remaining soliders in Stevenson’s crusade against.. 

Rolling his shoulders, Bryce took a second to pause all as he wiped a bead of sweat away from reaching his eye and and smirked. 

Bryce Manning: .. The GOD of Missouri State Wrestling. Deal with it. 
Dropping the mic, Bryce worded something over towards security as they made a move, but he did too. Picking the kid up who was apparently shaken by fear—Bryce moved towards the ropes but before he could throw him out, he ducked beneath the man’s left arm and suddenly lifted him into the air— 


Alex Smith: NO! GOD, NO! NO! NO! 


Crowd: BOOOOOOOO! FUCK YOU MAN-NING! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* FUCK YOU MAN-NING! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*

Bryce CRIPPLED the ‘fan’ over his knee and once the impact had taken place, he rolled out of the ring and backed up to the barricade. With a THUNDERING round of boos and jeers fired off in his direction, Bryce held his arm high as he hopped over it and eventually was lost in a sea of fans.. all as the camera switched back to the ring where staff was attending to the fan. 

Alex Smith: Peyton.. Luke, it’s your chance to end this reign of terror. I know I’m not the only one sick and tired of Bryce doing what he wants.. it’’s a kid for Christ’s sakes.. a freakin’ kid! 

Alex Bradford: He shouldn’t have categorized Bryce with Von Licht and he SURE as hell shouldn’t have insulted Bryce’s good friend—Tommy Angel! It happens Smith, that’s why you watch your mouth! 

Alex Smith: You’re unbelievable, you know that?! One of our TICKET PURCHASING FANS was just ASSAULTED by our champion, how does that make us look as a company?! That makes us look like a bunch of stooges! Like we’re a backwater promotion! 

Alex Bradford: No.. in actuality, it makes us look like a promotion where the champion calls the shots and does what he wants—to who he wants when he’s disrespected! Whether you like it or not, there won’t be a changing of the guard anytime soon. Get to like it—and do as Bryce said.. DEAL WITH IT. 


The Bubbly Claw Experience

We open backstage with Marie Porter and Kat who are slated to be tag team partners against Tamara Rose and Catherine Williamson in just a bit.

Marie: Kitty! You ready for this big match?!

Kat: Look, for one I've told you to stop calling me that. Do it again and I'll have to hurt you.

Marie: Yeah, yeah. Come on, now. Let's get ready to kick some butt!

Kat: Look, Marie, Just because we've been training the past two weeks doesn't mean we're buddies. We have to do what we've gotta do to win.

Marie: Oh you! Haha we're totally besties, and you totally know it! You don't have to kid yourself, pal.

Marie puts her hand on Kat's shoulder, but Kat shrugs her shoulder to take Marie's hand off.

Katmarie zps5761e9d6.jpg

Marie: It's OK, Kat, you can just come to my party later! But uh, yeah we're definitely gonna win tonight. These girlies don't stand a chance against the Bubbly Claw Experience! Yeaaaa!

Kat: Of course we will, because there's no other choice. These wimps are leaving after tonight and I intend to send them packing a lot sooner than later.

Marie: Yeaaa! They're not gonna know what hit 'em!

Kat: Exactly. Now come on bubbles, we've got a match to win.

Marie: Heck yeah!

Steve Thunder Vs Jorge Santos

As the bell sounds, Steve Thunder and Jorge Santos begin circling around each other. Embracing in a collar and elbow tie up, Jorge gets the upper hand as he slaps Steve in a headlock and tosses him over his waist with a modified like hip toss with the headlock still applied tightly.

Smith: Well it looks like we are already kicking off our action with some good old-fashioned technical wrestling.

As the headlock remains applied, Steve manages to get to his feet as he grabs Jorge and hits a huge backdrop bridging into opinion.



Getting his shoulder up off of the canvas, Jorge releases the hold as both men get up and look at one another after a great display of technical wrestling. As the fans clap and show their appreciation for such wrestling, both men embrace in another collar and elbow tie up as Steve quickly hits a scoop slam taking Jorge down. Quickly running to the ropes, he comes back and does a somersault flip and then upon getting to his feet jumps up and with another somersault lands on Jorge with the rolling thunder.

Smith: The rolling thunder, great agility by Steve here.

Bradford: I'll give him credit, it's a good move and Jorge looks to be in trouble here.

Picking Jorge up to his feet, he Irish whips him to the ropes and bounces off the opposite ropes and as they meet, Steve hits Jorge with a huge clothesline which flattens him. Picking Jorge up to his feet again, Steve positions him under his right arm and looks out of the crowd-giving the crowd a smile, he then swings his body around and flattens Jorge face first into the canvas with the thunderous climax. Quickly dropping down and hooking the leg, the referee drops down to make the count.




Barbara Braman: The winner of the match, STEVE THUUUUUNDEER!!!

Beast On The Horizon

"This man is a monster.

This man is is a beast.

This man is your Worst. Nightmare. 

And soon all of Missouri will feel his wrath.

Beware Missouri; The Yemen Submission Magician, The All Mighty, Usef is coming."

Daniel Bane w/ Roman Gold Vs Stefan Wallace w/ Deacon Cash

As MSW returns from commercial Daniel Bane and Stefan Wallace are already inside the ring with Roman Gold and Deacon Cash in their respective corners. The bell rings as both men waste no time going after each other. Wallace throws a thundering series of punches at The Iconoclast only to get shoved and hit with a running big boot. Wallace crumbles to the mat as Bane grabs him by the throat to lift him back up. Wallace tries to get free only to get tossed roughly into the turnbuckle with a choketoss.

Smith: Daniel Bane is in complete control right now. The muscle of The Gentlemen’s Club is showing off that impressive strength of his as he tosses Stefan Wallace around like a ragdoll.

Bradford: This is exactly why Roman Gold signed the guy to be the power behind The Gentlemen’s Club; the man is an absolute monster! He’s built like a panzer tank and unfortunately for Stefan Wallace he appears to be on the wrong end of a blitzkrieg.

Stefan Wallace desperately tries to fight back from the corner but it’s no use as it only seems to anger Bane as he begins headbutting him repeatedly in the corner causing him to slump in the corner. Bane refuses to relent the assault as he continues pounding Wallace into the corner as the referee desperately tries to regain order in the match.






Bane stops and turns around sharply at the referee who backs off in fear raising his hands up in the air.

Bradford: You won’t like him when he’s angry. If I was the referee I’d get the hell out of dodge right now while the going’s good!

Bane yanks Wallace out of the corner and unceremoniously sets him up for the Seventh Seal as his opponent struggles to even stay on his feet. Bane lifts him up with high in the air and slams him down with that devastating powerbomb with authority placing his hand on the chest of his opponent for the pin.




Barbara Braman: Here is your winner Daniel Bane!

Bane breaks back, makes humble.

Bane however wasn’t finished as he picked Wallace up off the mat. Bane raises Wallace into a torture rack position and laughs. He tosses Wallace forward over his head and drops his back hard across Bane's knee for a vicious back breaker.

Smith: Enough is enough! You won the damn match already!

Bradford: The Gentlemen’s Club is sending a statement tonight. If you wish to stand in their way you’re going to end up just like Stefan Wallace and Davis Wiley, I hope Frank Washington and Robert Garland are watching this because they’re the next in line to face the Gentlemen’s Club tonight in the main event!

The bell rings repeatedly as several referees rush towards the ring in an attempt to restore order. Bane simply laughs as he exits the ring celebrating with Roman Gold as MSW cuts to the back.

Mercer and... a Date?

Backstage at the arena, we see the unusual image of Andrew Mercer (or Mercer Andrews to some people); standing in an empty locker-room, in front of a large mirror – spraying some cologne on and around his neckline.

MERCER: “I started a joke, that started the whole world crying...”

Cheerfully singing out loud, Mercer nods his head along to the tune as “I Started A Joke” by the Bee Gees plays out from a near by portable stereo system.

MERCER: “But I didn't see... That the joke, was on me.”

Continuing to prepare himself for some sort of engagement later in the evening, Mercer's attention is suddenly diverted to the locker-room door, as none other than his fellow Joker's Wild stable mate Scotty Addams steps into the room. A weird expression sported upon his face due to Mercer's strange actions.

Scotty: “What's got you so chipper?”

Copping an equally as weird look on his face as he turns around to come face to face with Scotty, Mercer smirks and even goes so far as to manically chuckle at the audacity of the question.

MERCER: “I have a date tonight.”

As weird as it may sound coming from a guy such as Mercer, especially considering the fact that he's actually already involved in some sort of strange “relationship” type situation; it was indeed true. That didn't prevent Scotty from being kind of freaked out by this whole ordeal, but unable to resist taking the “bait” so to speak, and inquiring about it.

Scotty: “A date? With who?”

MERCER: “...Lacey Von Licht.”

Whomp. Whomp. Scotty began to shake his head, noticing that Mercer was deadly serious about this. He even went so far as to slap his palm up against his own forehead.

Scotty: “Um... You know 'Lacey Von Licht' doesn't actually exist, right?”

Mercer's eye narrow, out of sheer frustration for Scotty's allegation, as he reaches over to the table close by and picks up a piece of paper.

MERCER: “Yeah, she does! She sent me a note, asking for a date. Look!”

Presenting the note to Scotty, Mercer's eyes wander from the piece of paper to Scotty's face; where as Scotty's face seems fixated on the note; as he instantly recognizes the writing on the paper to be that of another fellow Joker's Wild stablemate in “The Emerald” Drew Stevenson. Exposing this to be some sort of inside rib that Scotty wasn't aware of.

Scotty: “Oh, okay. Well, good for you. Enjoy yourself.”

Snickering to himself from under the safe confounds of his own breath, Scotty swiftly exits the locker-room, barely able to contain himself from bursting out with rampant laughter. 

MERCER: “I finally died, which started the whole world living...”

Blissfully unaware of the situation at hand, Mercer happily goes back to his preparation.

MERCER: “But if I'd only seen... That the joke, was on me...”

Shortly after this hilarious incident, our cameras fade out to commerical

Last Minute Words

Heading backstage, Robert Fields stands by with Scotty Addams who is just moments from his match with Leo Banks.

Robert Fields: Scotty, a few weeks ago we saw you and Leo Banks have an exchange over twitter which let to some words backstage and it brings us to this match that you're about to have in just a few moments with Leo Banks. What are your thoughts?

Scotty: Robert, my thoughts are quick and simple. Leo Banks thinks that all of his troubles can be saved by a little bit of money, but tonight I'm here to show him otherwise. I've been around this business a long time, Robert and I've encountered a lot of people like him and people like? They need to be taught a lesson, plan and simple. Banks, your money won't save you from this defeat.

Scotty walks off and we cut into a split screen with Leo on the other side as they walk to the ring.

We then cut to our Supercard Advertisement


Scotty Addams Vs Leo Banks

Both men had made their way to the ring and stood across from each other and the bell rang. THey each stood in their corners for a moment as Scotty was stretching, leaning forward in the corner ready to pounce out, but Leo Banks had pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket and was looking at it like he was in love. Scotty just gave him a stare, not sure what he was seeing. Leo Banks then pulls what looks to be a one hundred dollar bill from his wad and walks over to the referee who looks very... surprised to say the least.

Leo: "Take my money and disqualify him!" 

Referee Derek Lay: "Son, I don't know who think you're talking to but I'm an official. I should disqualify you for trying to bribe me!" 

Smith: I can't believe this, Bradford! Leo Banks is ACTUALLY trying to use his money to bribe his way out of this match!

Bradford: When you've got money you can buy your way out of anything! Come on now, Smith, get your head in the game!

Smith: But this is a licensed official! Banks started this mess so he should own up to it!

Bradford: He's rich, Smith! Come on now! Haven't you figured out that rich people can do whatever they want!?

Smith: This is a wrestling match! How the hell can you try and bribe your way out of a wrestling match!

Leo: "Don't you know who I am!?"


This caught Leo's attention and when he turns over to Scotty it was too late to do anything because Scotty was already in full charge and jumped, connecting Banks right in the chin with the Busaiku Knee Kick knocking him down and back. Banks starts to crawl backwards as Scotty walks towards him but Banks realizes he dropped his money and starts to quickly and desperately crawl towards it. He puts his hand on the cash but Scotty stomps on his hand and looks with a smile.

Crowd: FUCK 'EM UP SCOTTY, FUCK 'EM UP! *clap, clap* FUCK 'EM UP SCOTTY, FUCK 'EM UP! *clap, clap* 

Smith: Would you listen to the noise this crowd is making!? All in favor of Scotty, and a huge knee kick there, knocking Leo a bit senseless! And Leo is still focused on his money!

Bradford: Of course he's worried about his money! If I got kicked and dropped a giant wad of money I'd be a little worried about my money too.

Smith: Why is he even bringing his money to the ring!? What sense does that even make?!

Bradford: Think about it, Smith! He's the richest man in MSW! How could he just leave his money in the locker room with all of those thieves!?

Smith: Shows that you think highly of our roster.

Bradford: Of course I do! Ton's of great talent but they all want Leo's money too. He's doing the SMART thing, Smith!

Smith: The smart thing would to not bring your money to the ring, I would think. And Scotty's teaching him that lesson right now.


Scotty: Get over yourself, punk! You made your bed, now it's time to sleep in it! 

Smith: That doesn't sound good for Banks!

Scotty grabbed Banks' hair pulling his head back and standing him on his feet. Banks has a look of shock on his face and is shaking his head "NO!" Scotty elbows Banks in the face and spins him around and lifts him to his <Scotty's> shoulders in a reverse fireman's carry holding onto Leo's chin and leg and with a big smile walks to the middle of the ring and BAM! Scotty drops Banks right on his head in the middle of the ring with the Platinum Driver and makes a cover.

Ref & Crowd: ONE! TWO! THREE! 


The crowd exploded and "One Step To Fall" by Across the Rain blasts across the speakers and Scotty's hand is raised in victory.

Smith: Hopefully Leo Banks has learned a lesson after tonight to not mouth off of the wrong people.

Bradford: All he wanted was his money! How can Scotty be so cruel! Go on, get out of here! Go back to California! Bastard.

Barbara: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner... SCOOOTTTYYY ADDAAMMMMMSS!

The future... Is now!

Standing backstage with LeBroc Harris, he paces around the area as the camera pans on him getting closer.

Harris: I am LeBroc Harris and at Unstoppable 10 I will not be ignored! I KNOW Danny Stevenson is out to get me by not having me scheduled on the show but you cant get rid of me thaaat easily, eh-eh! The world is going to bare witness to the greatest technical wrestler on the planet. You see, the world always hears how Drew Stevenson is the best-no, no, no, I am the best and I am going to prove that at unstoppable 10!"

Looking incredibly determined, the camera dramatically pans in on his face.

Harris: I hope you're ready Missouri State Wrestling, because I am LeBroc Harris and I am your future Missouri State Wrestling champion!

We then cut out to ringside.

Marie Porter & Kat Vs Tamara Rose & Catherine Williamson

Following the LeBroc Harris vignette we returned to the ring where Tamara Rose and Catherine Williamson were already in the ring and "St. Anger" by Metallica started to play and Kat made her way out to center stage to where she paused, and "Love Lockdown" by Kanye West hit the speakers and the cheers were still keeping up. Marie and and Kat look at each other, almost like a death glare until they give each other a high five, look to the ring and run down the ramp.

Barbara: And now making their way to the ring, the team of Marie Porter and KAAATTTT!

The girls slid into the ring and the brawl started, Marie fighting Tamara, Kat fighting Catherine. Kat and Marie had an instant advantage and Catherine was knocked outside after a kick to the midsection and a knee lift by Kat. The referee had regained control and Kat went to the apron and Catherine made her way up to the apron. Marie had Tamara in the corner and had her stunned with a series of kicks to the midsection.

Smith: This match has a lot of hype behind it, Bradford! The fact that the past two weeks we've been seeing on twitter that Kat and Marie have put aside their differences and have spent time training at the Emerald Academy in Kansas City at the Emerald Academy, just down the street from the Kansas City Repitory Theatre where starting two weeks from now, on Thursday, July 3rd, MSW will have our new home! And we're seeing the teamwork by these two with that high five just to start. These two are on the same page and that's a danger for Tamara and Catherine, especially with this being their final matches in MSW!

Bradford: That's just it, Smith, it's their final matches and they're really looking to go out with a bang against arguably two of the top Women of Tradition in MSW right now! I had my doubts about Marie and Kat being able to be on the same page because of their history but I was defintely wrong. They've done everything they've needed to do to be on the same page and it's working to their advantage here tonight.

Following the kicks, Marie took Tamara out of the corner with a big hip toss and Tamara gets up holding her back just to be met with a big dropkick that knocks Tamara down. She rolls through backwards and finds herself in the corner and Marie tags out to Kat. Kat bounces off the bottom rope and jumps in over the top. Her and Marie both grab one of Tamara's hands and Irish whip her into the ropes. Tamara is coming back and they both hip toss Tamara, but instead of letting Tamara hit the mat, they catch her with their other hands, raise her up high above their heads and drop her strong on the mat and Marie exits the ring and Kat covers.

One... Two... Kick out!

Smith: And beautiful teamwork here by Marie and Kat! THe past two weeks they've been training at the Emerald Academy with Drew Stevenson, Scotty Addams and Frank Washington-- The Joker's Wild collectively, as well as TJ Codair AND arguably two women that are legends in their own right, Whisper and Kim Pain! They've been using every resource available to them and it's defintely showing in the teamwork, and I cannot express that enough!

Bradford: Color me impressed, Smith. Two women that nobody ever though would be able to work together are, and flawlessly!

The pin wasn't enough to keep Tamara down, though, and she was to her feet. She started reaching over towards Catherine who was wanting a tag in desperately but Kat run over, ran off of Tamara's back and with an eblow knocked Catherine off of the apron and then connected a low dropkick to Tamara's face and another two. Marie was calling for a tag and Kat dragged Tamara to their corner and made the tag. Marie came in and started to stomp around, her hands on her hips and nodding her head.

Smith: And a tag is made to Marie Porter! She's in and ready to wrestle!

Bradford: I'm very surprised at the teamwork here but it's working out well!


The crowd hot behind the alliance and Marie stood Tamara up into the corner and Kat walks out of the area on the apron, Marie brings her her arm back and lets out a big chop across Tamara's chest a couple of times and the crowd erupts for it. Marie then uses a headlock takedown and applies the headlock firmly to Tamara's head before Catherine has enough and breaks it up. This causes Kat to springboard to the top rope and come flying in with a big dropkick, knocking Catherine back. Kat gets back out to the apron and Marie tags out. Kat is in, Marie on the apron and Kat brings Tamara to her feet.

Smith: And anther fresh tag, and this unit is looking like they're going to continue the punishment!

Bradford: I don't think so, Smith! Tamara is coming back!

And that she was, fighting out of the right and hitting Kat with some right hands until Kat used a knee lift into Tamara's gut and gave a cut throat taunt yelling out. She hooks Tamara's head and lifts her up, Tamara's legs wrapping around Kat's body. Catherine came trying to run in again but got stopped by Marie and caught with a huge Marie Experience II (Stone Cold Stunner) knocking her clear out of the ring.

Smith: This isn't looking good for Tamara and Catherine! Marie Experience 2 takes Catherine out and... KAT-ASTROPHE (Cradle DDT) TO TAMARA! THIS COULD BE IT!

Bradford: Tamara got in a little over her head and is paying the price now! Kat was just too much but wait a minute... Kat's going for the tag?!

And sure enough Kat tags in Marie and she enters the ring. Marie locks the legs and bridges backwards, pulling back on Tamara's head locking in the Marie Experience I (EMMAlock) and Kat is on the mat right in Tamara's face, intimidating her to tap out before she has no other choice but to do so and the bell sounds.

Barbara: Here are your winners... KAAAT AND MARRRIIIE PORRRTEERR!

"Ladies, ladies, yeah, ladies, up here."

Big Announcement

A voice rang out and so Marie and Kat looked up to the screen at the top of the stage where Drew Stevenson was standing by.

Drew Stevenson: Ladies, as you are well aware, my uncle Danny Stevenson put me in charge tonight and what we saw earlier tonight was the crowning of a brand new MSW Women's champion. But with Back to Basics in just over one month on July 30th, we're going to need a contender to compete with Artemis Kaiser for that championship. And what the two of you just showed tonight as that you know how to get the job done whether it be against each other, or as a team and so I'm making this official right now. In two weeks time at Unstoppable Ten, we're going to see the rematch we've all been waiting for! Kat versus Marie Porter in a Number One Contendership match! The winner of this match will face Artemis Kaiser for her newly won Women's Championship at Back to Basics! Have a great night.


The screen faded out and we see Marie and Kat staring each other down in the middle of the ring.

Smith: Wow! Huge announcement from Drew Stevenson regarding the future of the Women's Championship! Things just keep getting better every week here in MSW, Bradford!

Bradford: That they do, Smith. These two tore it up the last time, and Marie won her way into the Triple Threat at Best of the Best by beating Kat so now with contendership up, this is the chance for both ladies to redeem themselves and get their shot at the championship! Folks, we've gotta take our last commerical break of the night, but when we come back it's time for our main event of the evening! Robert Garland and Frank Washington taking on The Gentlemen's Club in the Semi-Final round of the tag team tournament!

Banks... Meet Nightmare

Robert Fields: Ladies and gentlemen I’m here with Leo Banks following a tough loss to Scotty Addams earlier tonight. Leo what’s going through your mind after such a defeat?

Leo Banks: What are my thoughts? You think I’m upset about that Robert? Look, let Scotty Addams feel like he’s on top of the world right now, it doesn’t matter, I’m Rich! I’ll always be rich and I’ll always be better than Scotty Addams and the rest of these idiots in Missouri at life. Scotty Addams got lucky, I wasn’t ready for the match to start and I could hire someone to beat him if I really felt like it. I can buy anything I want and there’s nothing anybody can do about it!

The crowd roars into cheers as the camera pans over to The Windy City Nightmare himself Matt Ward as he stares down MSW’s resident rich kid.

Matt Ward: You want to put that to the test Richie Rich? Do you remember what I did to Luke Jackson? I put the kid through hell and back and I respect him so what do you think I’d do to someone I have no respect for? You better tell Jeeves to take you out for some ice cream because when you and I finally square off you’ll be sipping your meals through a straw!

Matt Ward grins as he walks off as a hint of fear could be seen in the face of Leo Banks.

Bad Blood Settled?

As the cameras catch up backstage, moments before the main event, Frank Washington is seen looking backstage for Robert Garland. He was already in his ring and entrance gear as he made his way towards Garland's locker room. When Washington reaches the door, he notices backstage security planted outside the room. Almost as if on cue the door opened before Frank could go any further as Travis Rech could be seen standing with an arrogant grin.

Frank Washington: My business isn't with you Rech, get out of my way.

Travis Rech: Not today flappy bird! Ya see, mah client ain't got time for anythin' you'd 'ave ta say right now. All's we 'ave ta say to ya is back off, an' don't press yer luck!

Travis Rech gets in Washington's face, Frank obviously not backing down as Rech holds his ground. To break the silence, Robert Garland heads out of the locker room. Turning his attention away from Rech, Washington calls out to Garland as Garland starts to head down the hall and towards the ring.

Frank Washington: BADGER! Talk to me you son of a bitch! You have a lot to answer for after the stunt you pulled in our last match! You going to actually pull your weight this time or are you going to throw me in another handicap situation for your own twisted amusement?

Garland continues to ignore Washington, the security escort accompanying him as Rech tries to hold Washington back. Furiously, Washington calls out to Garland again.

Frank Washington: Hey, you bastard! What's the deal!?

With that, Garland stops in his tracks, Travis Rech backing off a bit as Garland turns to face Washington. The security team gets into place, looking to jump on Garland at the slightest sign of violence. Washington looks ready to fight, Garland standing still and keeping his glance on Frank. After a few moments, Washington lowers his guard. Garland remains stoic before finally speaking up.

Robert Garland: What does it matter why I did what I did? Does that bother you? Good! As far as I'm concerned, I have my reasons and the more I leave you to panic over whatever I'm planning, the more enjoyment I'll get out of all of this in the end. Do I have your back out there? Maybe yes, maybe no. That's the only answer you'll get from me as your mind leaves you questioning your every move! No matter what though, just remember... I'll never forget this grudge I have against you. And, this whole tag team thing? I'm not enjoying how this is all making me feel either! Now, if you'll excuse me, there will be no more words between us. For the rest of the night, I'm not saying another damn thing about all of this! So... If you don't mind Washington... Get your ass out there and let those unanswered questions bother you! Let these questions fester into your psyche as you're stuck with me at your back and that vicious pack of dogs at your front. There's no way out of this Washington... You've brought this all upon yourself!

Garland once again goes to leave, Washington calling out as both Rech and the security team follow.

Frank Washington: So this is just some kind of game to you? I'm sick of this tag team pairing just as much as you but if you don't want to play Danny Stevenson's game then just stay put and I'll handle this fight on my own.

Frank takes a step towards Garland getting in his face as security stood ready to separate them in case a full out brawl broke out.

Frank Washington: Or you have another option; you and I put this bad blood to rest right now! I don't need the MSW front office to sanction a match and I doubt you could give a damn either. You never answered my challenge and I'm giving you chance to get the blood you so desperately crave. The ball's in your court.

Garland keeps eye contact, but as promised he give Frank no response. Quietly, Garland just smiles at Washington as if amused, once again turning and heading away from Washington as Frank remains ready to face the challenges ahead and the main event is just around the corner.

Washington/Garland Vs Gentlemen's Club

Barbara Braman: Making their way to the ring, from Venice Beach, California and Toronto, Ontario CA… At a combined weight of 437 lbs. and being accompanied by Daniel Bane and JR Ryan… Representing “The Gentlemen’s Club” Roman Gold and T…J… Bryce!

As the two make it down the ramp, TJ Bryce enters the ring as Gold hops up and onto the ring apron. TJ Bryce shows off to the booing crowd, pointing to his Rolex and yelling out “This is Money!,” Gold holding his arms out to the side and absorbing the boos from the fans as JR Ryan applauds him from outside the ring. Daniel Bane watches both men from ringside, Gold stepping in between the ropes and his music fading out…

Re-Education (Through Labor) by Rise Against is next to play over the PA system, the audience’s booing switching over to loud cheering as Frank Washington steps out of the back from behind a wall of smoke. Washington has his arms outstretched while receiving a very positive reaction. Frank turns around slowly and acknowledges the fans with a determined look on his face.

Barbara Braman: And the opponents… Making his way to the ring first and weighing in at 233 lbs. From San Jose, California, he is “The Revolutionary” Frank Washington!

The crowd’s cheering only grows louder as Washington sprints down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope. Gold and Bryce clear the ring, Washington looking to start this fight early and before his “partner” can arrive. Bane sizes Washington up from the outside, Gold wearing a cocky smile as Bryce looks ready to jump back into the ring at a moment’s notice. With the opponent’s numbers in mind, Washington calms himself and removes his red coat. Washington poses for the fans who start to chant his name, before readying himself for the upcoming contest and his music dying down...

”Ephemeral” by Insomnium is next to play as the audience switches back to booing and jeering and Robert Garland steps out of the back. Garland is accompanied by his manager, Travis Rech, Rech holding both of Garland’s legacy championships over his shoulders and smiling down at Washington. Frank looks annoyed, Garland wearing a serious face as he looks out at the audience before walking down the ramp.

Barbara Braman: And, his tag team partner! Weighing in tonight at 226 lbs and being accompanied by Travis Rech… From New Orleans, Louisiana… Robert “Badger” Garland!

Garland and Rech reach the ring, Rech still smiling arrogantly at Washington who tries his best to keep watch over everyone at ringside. Garland looks stoic, Rech heading to ringside as Garland heads over to the steps. Garland steps up and onto the apron, removing his jacket and keeping his eyes on Washington.

The crowd continues to boo and jeer , Garland pulling a similar move as the last Unstoppable as he remains on the apron while TJ Bryce steps in the ring and the match is set to start…

Smith: Well, here we go folks! Welcome to your main event for the evening! I would say to be ready for the match of your life, but after what we’ve seen form the men involved tonight, I’d be happy if we could make it through this without anything nefarious happening! Frank’s already said he’s prepared for a three on one tonight, and Garland doesn’t look eager to help out at all. Although, you have to wonder why he chipped in last time and pulled Washington over Deacon Cash to advance against The Gentlemen’s Club in the first place. Could he be starting to believe Frank Washington has cleaned up his act? Or, is it simply because he wanted to continue to watch his partner get tossed around in this momentous tournament?

Bradford: And what about The Gentlemen’s Club?! After Tyler Xero was put out from an injury, Roman Gold has taken the place of his underling and is looking to advance his super group with the help of MSW newcomer TJ Bryce. With the great equalizer of Daniel Bane at ringside, this match is pushed far in Gold and Bryce’s favor. Meanwhile, Washington will have to consistently watch his back out here as his enemy is both against him and in his own corner!


TJ Bryce and Frank Washington start the match, both men center ring while Frank takes a few steps back. Bryce waits patiently, Washington watching Garland who looks back with no expression on his face. Gold encourages Bryce, Washington turning back towards him - Before jumping up and knocking Garland off the apron! The crowd goes wild, Garland falling to the outside as Bryce grabs Frank from behind with a waistlock! Frank gets the go-behind, lifting Bryce up - Bryce falling back to his feet and hitting a few hard elbow shots to get Frank to release. Bryce hits the ropes, off the rebound... A Running Lariat being ducked under, Frank hitting the ropes but stopping short as Garland tries to grab his foot! Frank turns around, Garland yelling at him - Spinning Enziguri hitting Frank across the head! Washington falls on his back, Bryce turning him over and locking in a front headlock as Gold smiles arrogantly and Garland checks his mouth for blood before getting back on the apron.

Smith: The numbers game is already a huge factor in this match. TJ Bryce now has the advantage thanks to that distraction from Robert Garland! Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm sorry to say it but, this is disgusting!

Bradford: Come on Alex, we all saw what happened last Unstoppable! How could you have expected this to go any other way? With Washington and Garland being forced to continue this volatile tag team, it's a surprise they made it this far in the tournament! Besides, this is all still a form of punishment for Frank Washington in Garland's eyes! Garland is the judge of justice here in MSW and right now Bryce is Frank's executioner!

Both JR Ryan and Travis Rech cheer for TJ Bryce, Daniel Bane keeping his watchful eye on the match while Garland and Gold remain in their corners. Washington remains on the mat, TJ Bryce in control until Washington starts to fight to his feet. The audience claps for Washington who gets to a standing position... Hard right hand to TJ's gut! And another! And another! TJ is forced to let go, Washington kicking him in the gut to double him over - DDT sending Bryce to the mat! Cover by Frank!

One! ~

Kickout by TJ Bryce!

Washington stays on his opponent, pulling him back up by his head, Bryce dropping down to his knees and grabbing Washington's legs, tripping them out from under him! Washington face plants the mat, Bryce climbing over him and heading to his corner - Frank grabbing his leg! Bryce hits a few hard kicks causing Washington to let go, Washington trying to get back to his feet quickly as the tag is made to Roman Gold!

Roman Gold enters between the ropes, Washington back to standing position as both men lock up. Gold forces Washington down to his knees, yelling for Washington to beg as Frank pushes back to his feet. With a forceful push, Washington breaks the tie up, Gold’s back hitting up against the ropes as Washington follows him… Irish Whip sending Gold across… Running chopblock to the front of Washington’s legs! Washington is taken down, Gold getting back up and stomping on Washington’s legs before moving to his back and finally coming around to his head. Gold lets fly a few more stomps before picking Washington up and sending him back down with a rough looking Scoop Slam! Cover by Gold!



Kickout by Frank Washington!

Smith: Well, Robert Garland is getting exactly what he wants! The Gentlemen’s Club is in full control!

Bradford: Frank brought this all on himself with the way he used to treat his partners in the past. When you live the life of stabbing your friends in the back, it’s only a matter of time until it comes back to bite you in the ass!

Showing constant teamwork, Roman Gold pulls Washington over to his corner and tags Bryce back in. TJ hops into the ring over the top rope, Gold telling Bryce to finish the job before stepping onto the apron. TJ Bryce keeps Washington cornered, hitting a few hard shots and elbows before pulling him to the center of the ring… Irish Whip sending Frank across… A Low Hesitation Dropkick catching Frank hard in the knee! Washington tumbles over, TJ Bryce hopping back to his feet and smiling out to the audience who boo loudly! Bryce points to his watch, signaling to everyone that it’s time to end this before he notices Robert Garland applauding him. TJ Bryce seems confused, but quickly acknowledges Garland and heads over to him. Gold looks on, Bryce extending his hand as Garland extends his own… TJ Bryce spitting in Garland’s face!

Bradford: What a showing by TJ Bryce! He just outright disrespected the Hardcore Legend!

Smith: As much as I’d love to see Garland get his, that was probably not the smartest move by TJ Bryce! Garland is livid!

Sure enough, Robert Garland is stunned silent before his usual anger takes over and he looks to force his way into the ring! The referee holds him back, TJ Bryce pointing and laughing to himself as Roman Gold calls to ringside. Daniel Bane nods in approval, sliding in what looks like a bike chain. Bryce catches it as it slides over to him, heading over to Washington – Washington grabbing him by the waist and hitting a hard Spinebuster as he falls forward! The referee is still distracted by Garland, Washington kicking the bike chain out of the ring and watching and waiting for TJ Bryce to rise… Garland tagging himself in to a mixed reaction!

Smith: No way!

Bradford: I believe the stuff has finally hit the fan! Thanks to TJ’s actions, Robert Garland is now the legal man!

Rech shouts for Garland to get revenge, Robert Garland starring Washington down as Washington stumbles, looks on in shock, and exits onto the apron. Garland’s sights now stay locked onto TJ Bryce who starts to get back to his feet, Garland removing his shirt and throwing it outside the ring before yelling loudly at Bryce and grabbing him as he rises… Hard lefts from Garland, the audience booing loudly as Garland gauges Bryce’s eyes with his thumbs! TJ Bryce yells out in pain, Garland letting go while the ref threatens to disqualify him. Garland follows up, lifting TJ Bryce and sending him to the mat with a stiff looking Suplex! Garland gets to his feet, Bryce downed as Garland rubs the heel of his boot over Bryce’s face! Garland looks berserked, Daniel Bane starting to get up onto the apron before Garland turns to him and yells for Bane to bring it on! The ref yells at Bane, Bane about to enter the ring when the Fall From Grace from Washington sends him to the floor! Garland catches TJ Bryce as he looks to tag out, pulling him back to the center of the ring and dropping an elbow onto his back! Washington is fighting off Bane on the outside, as Garland follows up with a few vicious stomps to TJ Bryce and Roman Gold gets distracted by Rech and JR Ryan also picking a fight!

Bradford: And all hell has broken loose!

Smith: Garland's looking to end this!

Sure enough, Robert Garland is sizing up TJ Bryce who is starting to rise... Brain Damage connecting! Bryce is out on his feet as Garland hits the ropes... The Global Lariat sending him thunderously to the mat! Garland stops short of the pin, Frank now back on the apron. Garland turns to his nemesis, Washington looking ready for a fight as Garland walks over to him... Tag is made to Frank Washington! Garland stares Frank down before calling for Rech, Rech looking to follow as Garland leaves the ring and heads backstage. Washington is caught off guard, but steps in the ring - Roman Gold entering the ring and charging!... Washington side stepping, sending Gold to the outside and getting the cover on Bryce! Bane is now back up and heads over to Gold who orders him to break the pin, the crowd being in a frenzy as the ref counts!





Barbara: Here are your winners! Robert "Badger" Garland and "The Revolutionary" Frank Washington!

Washington quickly exits the ring and out through the crowd while Daniel Bane and Roman Gold are right behind him and giving chase!

Bradford: I can't believe it! Robert Garland and Frank Washington almost worked as a team and advanced to the finals of the Tag Team Tournament to meet Johnny B. and Yugo Phailous at Back To Basics!

Smith: Ladies and Gentlemen, we thank you for joining us here tonight and also for tuning in to that roller coaster of a main event! On behalf of all of use here at Missouri State Wrestling, good night and we'll see you all on the next edition of Unstoppable!

With that, the cameras fade as it seems Washington has made his escape. Gold and Bane look furious, TJ Bryce finally recovering as the audience continues to cheer loudly and the show goes off the air.